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    Utiliser "sophistical" dans une phrase

    sophistical exemples de phrases


    1. Those arguments were partly solid and partly sophistical

    2. But they were sophistical, in supposing, that either to preserve or to augment the quantity of those metals required more the attention of government, than to preserve or to augment the quantity of any other useful

    3. They were sophistical, too, perhaps, in asserting that the high price of exchange necessarily increased what they called the

    4. Such are the logical deductions from his sophistical premises

    5. Years ago, and before God had brought me to receive Scripture teaching as I now receive it, I was often sorely pressed in argument by these men of brains around me (especially those known as Brahmists) in relation to the Christian doctrine of unending suffering; in vindication of which dogma I was necessitated to resort to a species of argument which I felt to be as sophistical to my own mind as it was evidently unsatisfactory to my questioners

    6. Upon this question, which presents itself in every point of view too clear to admit of a single doubt; equally unsusceptible of sophistical perversion or misrepresentation; a question which involves a political truism, and which is undenied; a debate has grown out of it, embracing the whole foreign relations of this country

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    Synonymes pour "sophistical"

    sophistic sophistical