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    Utiliser "soundlessly" dans une phrase

    soundlessly exemples de phrases


    1. So she sat on the ground, barely noticing that the animals previously surrounding her had soundlessly vanished back into the hazy woods

    2. It got larger and brighter till it could be seen that it was a glowing, soundlessly moving, white disc

    3. Above that disc there was now a second craft, also waiting soundlessly

    4. “Joseph!” Where was the understanding Joseph I had always known? Where was the love with which he usually surrounded me? Soundlessly, I lifted both hands trying to touch him

    5. of the torch and the darkness, his robe billowing out behind him as he soundlessly walked over the

    6. oaken doors of his lounge swung soundlessly open, revealing the one man he had often trusted with

    7. to his study swung open soundlessly once again, oiled to perfection by household servants who

    8. soundlessly on the floor behind him

    9. As usual, Sicarius whispered soundlessly over the earth, like a spirit

    10. As the sounds grew nearer the tiny creature scurried from its hiding place between the joints of the old field drain, running soundlessly over the rough surface away from the threat

    11. Hives looked around in bemusement, his mouth working soundlessly and it was some time before he was able to speak

    12. The man struggled, pulling at Payne’s forearm, mouth opening and closing soundlessly as he gulped for air

    13. As fast and soundlessly as possible, he stepped onto the deck and padded towards the man

    14. They had ridden as soundlessly as possible after nightfall, and they did not light a fire in the camp

    15. She snarled soundlessly

    16. - Let the Light be with me, she whispered soundlessly

    17. She closed her eyes at the sensation, answered him soundlessly

    18. Ebira made faces to Enilia who laughed soundlessly

    19. They worked fast and soundlessly through the fourteen tents belonging to Laino and his men, and in less than twenty minutes, they had smeared everything in the sticky pulp

    20. She caught her brother’s beautiful eyes, reached out for him in her heart and soundlessly asked for help

    21. She cried soundlessly as he had done it before, while she fought an uneven battle with her feelings

    22. Still she had her eyes closed; still they both sat soundlessly in the darkness and waited

    23. They reached past the square where it had all started; moved soundlessly sneaking onwards in the shadows of the city closer and closer to the place Elior in her heart pulled them to

    24. Soundlessly they sneaked on forwards, closer to the sound of guards and dogs, further on straight towards that which threatened them

    25. At first his words had no power as she soundlessly repeated them without grasping the meaning of them, but then they grew in her and she heard them repeated everywhere around her

    26. I explained that I needed a few jagun that could cross the river soundlessly on a suspended rope, neutralize any of the enemy on the other side, and hold the shore until we could throw a bridge across the river

    27. But she stayed on her knees, holding Jerome’s hands, and cried soundlessly

    28. mist of fear and drop soundlessly off the porch and onto the ground

    29. You watch the massive paws move soundlessly into the house

    30. Seeing no guardian, Jai and Ceder tried to row under the archway, but the boat bumped soundlessly into solid air

    31. “Ceder, get behind me,” Jai mouthed soundlessly

    32. He was standing, watching how the young kid, no more than fifteen, was crying soundlessly,

    33. He opened the door and soundlessly walked in

    34. Anything I managed to focus on quickly lost its shape and burrowed its way soundlessly back into the surrounding obscurity

    35. And as Shevatas looked, the blood drained from his dark features; his marrow turned to ice, and the skin of his back crawled and wrinkled with horror, while his lips worked soundlessly

    36. Soundlessly as a shadow he drew her behind the nearest hut, beneath the straggling palms

    37. later the elevator doors opened soundlessly and Phil stepped out onto the plush

    38. The ship soundlessly landed, and as before, was hidden from view by the surrounding hills and rock formations

    39. Someone else got hold of the monster and it dissolved soundlessly into thin air

    40. My orgasm was swelling up slowly, it was a catharsis as I soundlessly recited a charm:

    41. Large bat-like bugs flew over their heads soundlessly, and tiny bugs darted in the air across their faces

    42. Laura was still soundlessly asleep

    43. One breath and their faces contorted in agony, they fell writhing soundlessly for a few seconds, then lay still

    44. The guard slipped slowly and soundlessly to the floor

    45. She walked up the three steps and soundlessly made her way to the back of the Captain’s chair, in which he was sitting

    46. And then he thought, Soundlessly they will become a pile of glittering dust to be trampled and scattered under the boots of the charging revolutionaries

    47. At his lightest touch, the gate swung soundlessly open on roller bearings

    48. Evie’s lips moved soundlessly again and he recognised the words they formed

    49. ’ He said soundlessly to ears he wasn’t sure would even be there

    50. Jack whistled soundlessly between his teeth, his expression becoming grim, for if whatever was going on, needed Nicholas Stone’s expertise, it had to be pretty damn bad

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    Synonymes pour "soundlessly"

    noiselessly soundlessly