Utiliser "spokesman" dans une phrase
spokesman exemples de phrases
1. He functions as some kind of spokesman for their ethnic group or something like that
2. One particular heavily pregnant woman was asking some very awkward questions which the spokesman for the company had trouble fielding
3. A spokesman for the Danvers House Foundation said how much they appreciate Mr Blake's continuing support
4. He was not on duty at the Kassikan, he was not on Kassikan property, but in a sense he was a spokesman for the Kassikan in this wasn’t he? “I know of no way to get farther back than when that boatman from North Shore Canal noticed she wasn’t getting off,” Kulai said and that was solid truth
5. He took a seat in the front row, his eyes on the spokesman
6. Zarko recognised the man as the one who had acted as spokesman for the ‘seven wise owls’
7. When his movie career died, he was a spokesman for General Electric
8. a spokesman informed us earlier today
9. BT are denying the possibility that anyone could hack into their highly sensitive Listener satellite, a spokesman stating that the safeguards built into the network would make this impossible
10. Company spokesman Guy LaDush said the refinery will be out of operation, ‘for at least three months,’ and this fire happened only three months after a major fire put a unit at the Nanticoke refinery out of service for an estimated six months
11. It was Black who emerged as the ‘political’ leader and spokesman
12. A police spokesman speculated that the death of the Nicaraguan embassy employee represented the killing of a murderer within the notorious Tweety-Bird gang – and, through it all, Gordon Edward was portrayed as virtually a national hero
13. He was the foremost spokesman of the dangers of global warming
14. spokesman for the new Union of Canadian Correctional
15. Finlay, a spokesman for the Correctional Service of Canada
16. spokesman for the Public Prosecution Service of Canada
17. ―If they are not intending to damage the coal industry, then they have made an enormous miscalculation,‖ said Luke Popovich an NMA spokesman
18. asked about this at the time, a Burton spokesman said he was not
19. military forces to the breaking point, another spokesman said
20. porter,” said Giuliani spokesman
21. spokesman for progressive education
22. A spokesman said: “We are aware of these reports and are in contact with the Spanish
23. projects that we fund,‘ said a spokesman for the European Commission
24. A spokesman for the charity said it was scandalous that Spain, which holds the
25. As the chancellor of NC State University said in 1978, my father “emerged as one of the nation’s most articulate spokesman on the important role of private support for public higher education
26. Nothing was ever heard of him after that, until this old man came walking in out of the same desert sixty-some years later claiming to be the spokesman for this god that he claimed your forefathers knew of
27. came walking in out of the same desert sixty-some years later claiming to be the spokesman
28. “They were granted access to every part of the ship to which they requested access with one exception: there was a library to which the crew could not find the keys, and they did not go into that library,” according to a Pentagon spokesman
29. A spokesman for the Catholic
30. Is he the spokesman for the ‘liberals?’ He totally disregarded the several personalities and guests on the channel who by their pronouncements and perspectives are clearly less than conservative
31. Behind a waist-high barrier of money coffers, Swann motioned the newly-chosen spokesman near
32. He's been chosen ealdor—mob spokesman, but I figured the promotion would do him good
33. Jerry Strickland, the attorney general spokesman, wrote in an email Monday that the attorney general‘s office ―is fully committed to thoroughly investigating the 1985 murders…That investigation continues
34. “But your ma……” the spokesman began but was interrupted by pharaoh
35. " Company spokesman Adam Rothberg says the death of the publisher's slush pile accelerated after the terror attacks of 9/11 by fear of anthrax in the mail room
36. There was a hesitant pause at the surroundings as the official spokesman for the team of investigators came from the house
37. " The spokesman bit on his words as he told how the husband was forced to watch in his helplessness as the thugs ripped the clothes from his wife’s body and had her thighs forcefully spread
38. The spokesman dismissed the jumbled questions of the media and returned to the interior of the house
39. So the elders went to see Jesus and their spokesman said: "Teacher, we earnestly request you to go over to Capernaum and save the favorite servant of the Roman centurion, who is worthy of your notice because he loves our nation and even built us the very synagogue wherein you have so many times spoken
40. Said their spokesman to Peter and Andrew: "Fishermen of Galilee, depart from us and take your prophet with you
41. While Andrew continued as the director-general of the apostolic corps, his brother, Simon Peter, was becoming, increasingly and by common consent, the spokesman for the twelve
42. They had questions but he deferred to the FBI spokesman and left the room
43. As they came near, the spokesman said: "Master, this woman was taken in adultery -- in the very act
44. After some preliminary questioning, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin (about fifty members being present) directed Josiah to tell them what had happened to him
45. Said the spokesman of the court: "Is this your son? and do we understand aright that he was born blind? If this is true, how is it that he can now see?" And then Josiah's father, seconded by his mother, answered: "We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind, but how it is that he has come to see, or who it was that opened his eyes, we know not
46. 2 Tuesday morning, when Jesus arrived in the temple court and began to teach, he had uttered but few words when a group of the younger students from the academies, who had been rehearsed for this purpose, came forward and by their spokesman addressed Jesus: "Master, we know you are a righteous teacher, and we know that you proclaim the ways of truth, and that you serve only God, for you fear no man, and that you are no respecter of persons
47. Their spokesman, drawing near to him, said: "Master, Moses said that if a married man should die, leaving no children, his brother should take the wife and raise up seed for the deceased brother
48. 2 Then came forward one of the groups of the Pharisees to ask harassing questions, and the spokesman, signaling to Jesus, said: "Master, I am a lawyer, and I would like to ask you which, in your opinion, is the greatest commandment?" Jesus answered: "There is but one commandment, and that one is the greatest of all, and that commandment is: `Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength
49. 1 About noontime, as Philip was purchasing supplies for the new camp which was that day being established near Gethsemane, he was accosted by a delegation of strangers, a group of believing Greeks from Alexandria, Athens, and Rome, whose spokesman said to the apostle: "You have been pointed out to us by those who know you; so we come to you, Sir, with the request to see Jesus, your Master
50. This spokesman for Judas went on to explain that Judas recognized it would be best for the peace of Israel if Jesus should be taken into custody, and that, as evidence of his sorrow in having participated in such a movement of error and as proof of his sincerity in now returning to the teachings of Moses, he had come to offer himself to the Sanhedrin as one who could so arrange with the captain holding the orders for Jesus' arrest that he could be taken into custody quietly, thus avoiding any danger of stirring up the multitudes or the necessity of postponing his arrest until after the Passover