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    Utiliser "staggering" dans une phrase

    staggering exemples de phrases


    1. I’m going to show you a staggering number that should wake you up

    2. "Isn't it staggering when you think that one sermon on the day of Pentecost produced 3000 people? And we had some cities yesterday where 3000 sermons were preached and nobody was saved… And it doesn't even faze us

    3. The amount of data to be transferred was staggering, it would have to move billions of times faster than the state changes Thom studied, faster than the signals on the network from Alan’s world

    4. Blogging is HUGE! Since about ten years ago, blogging has developed into a form of communication that is staggering

    5. ‘It’s a bit staggering, isn’t it?’ he said turning into the Wells road

    6. Staggering to his feet, he got out of his wet clothes and hung them on some nearby bushes

    7. up the stairs before returning as quickly as they could, staggering

    8. While staggering thru the outer garden she stepped on a kalic, squashing it to uselessness and not helping her foot any on it’s tough stem

    9. " The tall stranger proclaimed, before staggering his way back into the house

    10. Back then one of our favorite places was Arby's which basically it just opened around 1965 or ‘66 and had the best roast beef sandwiches when I look back to what the prices were in those days you know it's staggering compared to what you pay today

    11. Considering the value of any one of their lives, the time-table was staggering

    12. He left via the front door, which he left open, and walked out, staggering slightly under the weight of the full rucksack

    13. When that failed he awkwardly moved backward, almost staggering

    14. Torches burned, as did the fire pit, but it was scarcely enough light to illuminate the form of a man staggering toward the middle of their camp

    15. “Finally, when I lost my sight entirely, it was a staggering thing to bear

    16. The information we are giving with each breath is staggering

    17. Well, with PLR you can have an almost limitless supply of good and interesting stuff to send to your list, and the time you’ll save is staggering

    18. At the end of all of this, they’ll each be staggering around whining and wondering how they could have missed the signs, how they could have lost control of their own little worlds

    19. Not only is there staggering evidence of design in this passage, but it seems that even the names were designed and somehow inspired to be given at the time of their births

    20. We arrived as dawn was beginning to break and the amount of men and supplies that had been stored here and in the surrounding countryside since we left was staggering

    21. And once again the sad news that the ignorance of all too many Americans about their own country is indeed staggering

    22. As I listened to these songs in memory"s eye, I could see those staggering columns of the First World War, bending on soggy packs on many a weary march, from dawn to dusk to drizzling rain, to slogging ankle through mire of shell-pocked roads, to form grimly for the attack, blue-lipped, covered with sludge and mud, chilled by the wind and rain, driving home to their objective, and for many, to the judgment seat of God

    23. The speed of progress was truly staggering

    24. Raven snapped into action, rolling away from the advancing foot and staggering to his feet to face his opponent

    25. It consisted of huge warehouses and we were soon staggering under the weight of a stack of different uniforms which, it must be said, were of good quality

    26. Staggering backwards, he managed to fend off Gonzalez, recovering from the punch

    27. Staggering his way out into the balmy air, he watched as an owl, out searching for food, swooped low over a nearby tussock, reminding him that he hadn't eaten

    28. She drew in another staggering breath

    29. His tortured cries echoed through the undergrowth as he regained his feet, staggering about, struggling with the unseen darkness threatening his mind

    30. Staggering his way along the ridge, breathing heavily at every step, he headed towards the hollow and the tree stump

    31. Humming the signature tune to ER, I staggering over to the kitchen sink, picked up the chicken and deftly sliced around one leg with a sharp knife

    32. By now I was so drunk that I was staggering around the kitchen, clutching a half-burnt, one legged chicken, making clucking noises between fits of the giggles

    33. The US loss in Vietnam, due to both Johnson and Nixon's staggering incompetence and ideological blindness, was one of the most visible and traumatic failures of any presidents in US history

    34. The companies collectively settled the historic suit for a staggering $200 Billion amortized over a twenty five (25) year period

    35. The number of deaths that his moral high road represented was still staggering, but whenever he spoke of it, I felt myself sliding into his way of thinking, like a rock caught in the orbit of the sun

    36. Staggering to his feet, Conal followed Piers towards the gate, trying to ignore the crackles, pops and hisses issuing from the burning bodies behind him

    37. A half a dozen black troops, in their colourful kepi or fez hats, the bright uniforms, staggering along, clutching, tearing at their throats

    38. That plane must have been staggering all over the sky

    39. A man moved in the shadows but his staggering steps showed the effects of too much ale

    40. Her bonds had been severed and she was standing, staggering, facing the man who stood rock still

    41. With the distance shortening encouragingly, he now forced himself into a staggering gait ruled by the conflict between eager anticipation and leaden exhaustion

    42. Several of the others stood and began staggering towards the camps

    43. Roland got up on his legs, staggering

    44. Mostly, we found it extraordinary that the staggering transformation that will see humanity moving into the next evolutionary step is based on self-leadership

    45. His utter heartbreak was staggering

    46. The effect was staggering, but they were no cowards and, stepping over their fallen comrades, continued at us

    47. While I could see that our casualties were mounting, theirs were staggering

    48. interest paid by a staggering £107,676 which will now go

    49. Gonzalo then led his infantry in furious counterattack that left the enemy staggering back

    50. The pounds per square inch (psi) reach a staggering 900 million psi outside the ship, and it continues to multiply

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    Synonymes pour "staggering"

    astonishing astounding staggering stupefying vibrating bumpy rough shaking jarring