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    Utiliser "stairway" dans une phrase

    stairway exemples de phrases


    1. When they reached the bottom of the stairway a

    2. Plato called it the only Stairway to Heaven

    3. The stairway to the second floor was of light ash wood, as was all the wood in the house, the moldings, the window trim, and the doors

    4. There was a long throw rug down the center leading to the top of the stairway

    5. They could hear a great scuffle going on just down the stairway and outside the main doorway

    6. They took a wide stairway up a flight where the old woman was greeted by three younger women who were puzzling over a decorated board with some piles of nested chips on it

    7. The first bull and its keepers approached the stairway

    8. The excited little girl took him by the hand and lead him into the back, beyond the room where they formed up and up a stairway into a wing of pretty, airy rooms with sumptuous beds

    9. As he thought about that, he heard footsteps coming up from below on the stairway behind him

    10. The homes were between street and canal here, there was no walkway along the side of the canal along here, just a stubby dock where the needleboats and u-paddles stopped and a stairway between two homes that lead up to the street

    11. ” She was working her way thru the ridge-fronds of the roof, then down the edge and stepped onto a balcony rail and disappeared down the stairway

    12. The elevator was still hand-cranked so they climbed a circular stairway inside one of the tree-pillars

    13. junction they turned left where a stone stairway lead

    14. He lead her to an outdoor stairway that lead down between the back walls of a couple fine homes and came out on a roof court very close to his place

    15. From the end she could look up a strap-up stairway, barely visible in the sparse candle light, and see there were seven levels to the planks that had been put up in here

    16. The stairway was wide to the floor above that held the dining and cooking areas

    17. It does have a back stairway that actually connects to his home, but its front door was four floors above the business street in this neighborhood

    18. He got into a stairway and was amazed by the uniformity

    19. The path went out to a rugged outcropping and down a stairway almost two hundred feet to a little valley where a fertile pond sat

    20. By the time they had walked out of the alley his shop was on and then a block along this industrial level street to a stairway, he was asked if he would ever consider a career repairing such machinery

    21. ” With that he turned and began to ascend the stairway

    22. He continued to wander aimlessly until he came to a public house that had a stairway to the rooms just inside the door and out of sight

    23. He walked boldly into that portal, but when he was out of the lantern light he jumped back into the stairway, almost falling onto a woman he would have been delighted to be on top of

    24. He backed up two steps into the stairway

    25. He could see a door in the foundation under this house that the stairway must lead to

    26. He came inside, taking awhile to catch sight of her up the stairway

    27. Allcock again for the charming company upon his arrival which so increased his spirits, and went up the broad stairway to the first floor and his rooms

    28. The wall ended at the other path, at this point a stairway leading down with a few twists and turns between two of the town’s great houses to one of the little circumferential streets behind the pond circle

    29. They climbed the stairway into the front cabin, where Mr Huang pulled up a section of carpet attached with Velcro to a trap door

    30. This shortcut was a stairway that ran up thru some old abandoned factories just up off the Hyadrain floor that were in a deep cleft in Rankor's bedrock just beyond the base of Thebudia's elevators

    31. From there another old stairway went up thru more abandoned space and then up into the back of the warehouse space under the Rikannon

    32. He was still on the first stairway when his torch went sputter, sputter, pop and profound and utter darkness took hold

    33. Would his lighter give enough light to let him see the stair? According to the charts, this abandoned stairway went up twenty three floors before it became unsafe

    34. It seemed that there were far too many rooms deep back here before you got to the stairway he was looking for

    35. Back to where the stairway was, where it should have been, where it wasn't

    36. If he could find that stairway, could he find the door he knew at the bottom? Where did that stairway go below? Down into solid rock? Or would the flight snap off and hurtle down thirty feet into an abandoned cesspool? First he had to find the stairway

    37. He thought the stairway opened into this room

    38. He tried to be very thorough in the whole local area, but he could not find a stairway

    39. He stumbled across another short stairway, this one held him and he got thru into a room where he felt two niches in the wall with a sleek machine and racks of cards

    40. He followed the hand-carved stairway upwards, ending his journey at what was once a pair of heavy wooden doors

    41. He had had the entire stairway smeared with glue

    42. There was a table and desk tucked in an alcove under a stairway just around the corner from that back hallway's door to the stacks

    43. An ornate stairway with angular lanterns at its base led up the few steps to the door

    44. She ascended a stairway of white marble and at last reached her destination, the Chamber of Knowing

    45. The wolf helmed soldiers began corralling the children toward the door, marching them up the stairway of stacked circular stones

    46. Alec descended the stairway with Tetloan in tow

    47. "That's very good," she said as she began walking briskly toward the stairway that lead to the nearest streetcar tunnel

    48. As he had expected, once within, Brice saw that the interior of the curtain wall not only had a walkway lining its top, but a stone stairway leading to a midlevel causeway which was likewise lined with crossbowmen and arrow slits

    49. At last the path ended at a wooden stairway carved from the tree itself

    50. Alan planked one in with a door on the end near Xalabba's back stairway

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    Synonymes pour "stairway"

    staircase stairway