Utiliser "statement" dans une phrase
statement exemples de phrases
1. Re-word the statement in a positive way and you’ll begin to create a new habit of being optimistic
2. when Jesus made a bold statement when He said He will
3. ‘What!’ he exclaimed almost against his will, his calm front shattered by my statement
4. Inspector Ditton, who is in charge of the enquiry, has issued a statement that the police are now exploring other avenues in their search for the murderer
5. ’ I said, making a statement rather than asking a question
6. We possess a great deal of knowledge, mental power, and capacities, which have never been drawn forth from the realm of the subconscious into objective usefulness; anyone who has watched the effect of Meditation upon the beginner will substantiate this statement
7. When I was young, the criteria for getting a job tended to be linked to how good you looked in a mini skirt … okay, that is a sweeping statement, but I clearly remember one job where it was definitely the reason I got the job
8. I have made my statement and backed it with the ultimate
9. But such a bald statement, though true,
10. As Cat pondered on that last statement, the noise of twenty-four hour bustle
11. She watches John as he and Russ finish giving their statement to a POLICE
12. I dump the statement on the work surface and debate whether I shall have a nightcap or not
13. ’ I said, gratified by the startled indrawing of breath at the other end of the phone which this statement causes
14. She looked beyond Ava to the surf while she thought of how little sense that statement made
15. ’ I answered firmly, but she looks across at me as though assessing how true my statement might be
16. When the statement “by His stripes we are healed” gets
17. be too much of a creative statement”
18. statement: “My friends! I do not know if I will be here for the next lec-
19. Anyway, I took her down to the police station in my car and sat with her while she made her statement
20. ’ Jeremy said, making a statement rather than asking a question
21. A financial statement each month is important so the members may see where
22. " I believe we see the truth of this statement in our everyday life
23. selected by the elders in carrying out any obligation of the church, that obligation growing out of that for which there is approved example, necessary inference or a direct statement
24. " His statement echoes the thought I've had since that day it happened
25. Bahkmar wondered why he dared make that statement, but compared to what he'd already revealed, this was small
26. statement to Titus, “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the Ch
27. The girl's last statement was enough of a clue to make the final connection in the boy's mind
28. That one simple, blithely delivered statement rocked me back on my heels
29. In this statement, we find that the darkness is being compared to the Spirit, and the depths are being compared to the waters
30. Is the description being given to draw us to understanding the first statement by antonyms? This can’t be
31. The second statement doesn’t bring that kind of detail
32. This statement is made by Paul, who suffered lashes at the hands of the Jews 5 times, 3 times he was beaten with rods, once pelted with stones, shipwrecked 3 times, spent a day and a night in the open sea, had been constantly on the move, had been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from his fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles, in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger in the sea, in danger from false believers, had gone without sleep, had known hunger and thirst – often going without food, and has been cold and naked
33. The story of Abram offering his son shows a profound statement of God
34. The statement being made was that God is for the Jews, and the Gentiles have no part in it
35. In the statement that is being made by setting up shop on the Court of the Gentiles, they are essentially also rejecting Jesus Himself
36. The problem is that when we create the if-then statement about God and the altar, then we are once again going against the very statement God has been making all along
37. Now, I would like to make the statement that spiritual authority was never intended to be one man or a team of pastors
38. I believe that this rejection of having a multitude of elders that have been distinguished and anointed by the Holy Spirit to lead and to edify is in fact a statement of our condition
39. Just as it was a statement of the hardness of Israel’s hearts, so too it is a statement of our own rejection of God
40. ” If that God, and that King, can reign over that stiff-necked people, a people whose last national statement towards God was, "We have no king but Caesar" (John 19:15), then what do you think will be the disposition of other nations? If God can possess Israel, a people who, in all their unbelief and opposition to Him, have blasphemed His name in the nations, then He will have all the nations
41. Is that a statement of human depravity, or does he really mean that this whole world is infected? I know the obvious context is speaking of mankind
42. In Ephesians 1:10, Paul makes the statement that it is not simply that humanity is to be brought under the one Head, Jesus Christ, but that the whole of creation is to be brought under that one Head
43. Though this statement is true that He does seek to save mankind, His goal was to restore all things
44. Paul makes the statement that in Christ’s death upon the cross, He became curse
45. There is another statement made in Jesus taking up the curse
46. This is the statement of how He was crowned: with a crown of thorns
47. But what kind of humility did Moses exude that would allow him to make that statement, and yet at the same time he is telling the truth? When we have come to a place where we can make that kind of a statement about ourselves, and not have a hint of pride in the statement, then we have reached ultimate humility
48. This verse, even though it is controversial, is a true statement
49. What do you mean Jake? What enhancement? I was curious about this statement
50. Jesus saying that the Kingdom is within you (or in our midst) is making the statement to the Pharisees that He is the Messiah, and the Kingdom of God is established when He sits upon the throne of David in Zion