Utiliser "steepness" dans une phrase
steepness exemples de phrases
1. Up it flew arcing gently over, rapidly losing energy because of the steepness of the trajectory
2. the cliff to the top, essentially creating a ladder of vegetation that disappeared above me, where the steepness of the wall tapered off
3. But, its steepness and great height,
4. Look at STEEPNESS of temperature Gradient
5. While Stainless Steel, with a greater steepness has a
6. It was still climbing, but the Mustang drove upwards with the slightest adjustment of the pressure on the gas and Fred didn't remember that its speed had ever slackened because of the steepness of an upgrade
7. reasons than to slow down when on intermediate steepness; a racer
8. dealt with in context, according to the slope steepness, the snow
9. ally by somewhere on intermediate steepness; otherwise, we'd all
10. steepness or because their students need the compassion
11. ramp, and there comes a steepness when the next carved turn you
12. The slope steepness is the most abused of the three variables,
13. Then, steepness alone isn't the
14. than necessary: but the one or two measly degrees in steepness will
15. planting when they get to intermediate steepness
16. These are real pleasant safe parallel turns, and the steepness
17. turns, not quite carved because of the steepness, are big and fast in
18. snow, and it helps if you have some steepness to work with
19. not, and deep snow that's just the right steepness is about the only
20. were skidded, not carved, because of the steepness, and then we
21. steepness, but they pretty much admit in their literature that it
22. won't have much bounce to it, because of the moderate steepness
23. Okay, back up on advanced steepness, it's wise to realize we're
24. If all we have on the advanced steepness is moguls, it's high
25. advanced steepness, these turns need to be skidded in my book, for
26. ---again, the easy task for new steepness with difficult snow
27. picture it being done on the same steepness as the pole angle:
28. and this includes not only the steepness,
29. them on a steepness they are comfortable with so we
30. slow speeds on a flat slope--but, if the steepness still
31. No Hill Too Fast, as it wrongly implies the steepness of
32. steepness they have to work with, as well as their
33. But Jeff and Paul had grossly underestimated the steepness of the trail
34. Who would dream of accounting for their existence, their general plan, or their special adaptation to climate, position, slope, steepness, or prospect, by the theory that the first cottages at the top were created by stones shot down from the decaying rocks at the pinnacle; and that all the myriads of houses below grew out of the earliest chalets; and that from infinite numbers of stone-avalanches, supplying material, the fittest forms of habitation survived, and adapted themselves to the nooks, or crevices, or platforms, or slopes, of the ice or granite inclinations? Yet this would be a probable result from such a cause, in comparison with the development and growth of the vast system of life, including the flora and fauna of all levels, out of the dead elements of atheistic physiology
35. The burst with which the carriage started out of the village and up the rise beyond, was soon checked by the steepness of the hill
36. {105} I looked, then, after Christian, to see him go up the hill, where I perceived he fell from running to going, and from going to clambering upon his hands and his knees, because of the steepness of the place
37. And as he’d been demonstrating for the last two hours, neither her weight, nor the altitude, nor the snow, nor the steepness of the slopes made any difference to him
38. Depending on the steepness of the curve, different trades can become more or less favorable as you buy and sell relatively cheap or relatively expensive options
39. The width of the spread depends on the steepness of the skew
40. The aspect of the skews which changes over time and changing market conditions is the steepness of the skew, or the slope
41. Most often, the steepness of the skew increases at times of higher volatility, and decreases at times of lower volatility
42. As always, O’Neil looked to the market for confirmation of his views, and he saw that something stronger was clearly going on under the surface as evidenced by the steepness of the trend as the market came up off the bottom with tremendous power and strength
43. On the way up, however, given the sharpness and steepness of the rally, some leading stocks would exhibit a great deal of volatility as they ran up sharply, pulled back sharply for a few days, and then turned and charged to new price highs
44. The steepness of the market’s decline caused O’Neil to begin seeing some similarities to the bear market of 1962, which finally culminated in a climactic low during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962
45. • Yield curve steepness is often used as a proxy for the reward for bearing interest rate risk
46. Survey-based bond risk premia have given a better picture of the market’s required reward for interest rate risk than has curve steepness; survey-based premia have trended up and down together with the inflation level
47. The steepness of the probability-weighting function at very low and very high (but not quite extreme) probabilities is complicated by one more feature
48. Many studies document countercyclical ex ante Sharpe ratios based on valuation ratios or yield curve steepness and then assume that such predictability reflects investors’ rational risk assessments and preferences
49. Yield curve steepness is a noisy measure of either part
50. It may be a poor BRP proxy because mean-reverting rate expectations dominate curve steepness when short-term rates are exceptionally high or low