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    1. That stereotype came in with the Victorian era, many centuries later

    2. The violent stereotype was projected onto Black males, when actually virtually all the violence being done was by white racists, including the new epidemic of rapes of Black women and girls

    3. Contrary to stereotype, most people on welfare are white, were once middle class, only use welfare for a short time, and are helped by it

    4. There have been sensational claims about Castro dumping criminals and mentally ill among he refugees, most notably in the stereotype filled film Scarface

    5. Debunking the “natural warrior” stereotype as well as the assumption that Natives join the military as a refuge against extreme poverty and as assimilation, the reasons for enlistment are connected to the relative strengths of tribal warrior traditions within communities

    6. The Meaning of His Life in Native Memory and White Stereotype

    7. Call me sheltered, but I hadn't heard the stereotype about black men and their

    8. She homeschools her four oldest, freelances in graphic design and virtual assisting, acts as the Coordinator of her local MOPS group, teaches preschoolers at church, and has blogged her heart out for the past five years at Suburban Stereotype

    9. Pops did hire professionals to critique his newspapers but did not have an overall editorial director because he felt that would tend to stereotype them

    10. Hamish did not fit the stocky stereotype of a Scotsman, he was of medium height, fair complexioned and athletic

    11. as exclusively other-regarding can become the stereotype of "our primary role in life is to help

    12. This flies in the face of the “leader as exploiter” stereotype, but that

    13. Thanks to the ubiquitous and still current stereotype of limp wrists and wimpish effeminacy, I was the last man in camp anyone would think was queer

    14. Ivan pointed them out and the stereotype sheriff,

    15. It is the United States!!! So as a nation you do not want to stereotype our whole nation as being overweight

    16. seeing a stereotype or a caricature rather than the real person and those

    17. Immediately the phrase "You can't rape the willing" came to mind, reminding him of the typical stereotype that men could not be truly raped

    18. As they continued Lezura said, “Joey, please do not stereotype a race by their appearance

    19. the stereotype white cotton two piece suit that was the

    20. His appearances aptly corresponded to the stereotype long associated with men of the cloth of his age—thin white hair that lost its shine years ago, tough skin given to showing wrinkles and pockmarks that had been deprived of any sunlight, still clean shaven, and a slightly stooped posture due to rheumatism and the ordinary aging process

    21. simpleton even though he was quite brilliant with respect to his detection abilities in areas such a forensics, and his dress code—a plain cotton dress shirt buttoned to the top that was one size too large, khaki slacks that were rumpled and patched at the knees, and a dirty handkerchief sticking from his back pocket—further reiterated his stereotype

    22. It is a widely spread stereotype, that one should “memorize words”

    23. You yourself, Tatiana, are guilty of perpetuating a stereotype in regards to this segment of population by calling them kooks, or suggesting their need for something larger is generating their fantasy

    24. Since the Iotians as gangsters was really a surreal snapshot, a stereotype of a specific American phenomena, it seemed reasonable to explore Capitalism versus Communism, a theme that appears now and then in Star Trek

    25. * We are in no way reinforcing the stereotype that albinos strangle domestic livestock

    26. *We are in no way reiniforcing the stereotype that Methodists do not live on corners

    27. And on top of that I was approached as a woman, engaged with for my feminine qualities, much more than in the Netherlands, and therefore forced to respond in relation to that stereotype

    28. “Please don’t give in to the stereotype that everything will be hot and spicy

    29. People have such a stereotype of our life

    30. The following list shows consequences in stereotype performance and attitudes:

    31. Hunter gritted his teeth against the whole irritating stereotype of the situation

    32. Byron assigned him his stereotype and was willing to take bets that he liked young eastern boys

    33. As we reduce the other to a negative stereotype, we are chunking down into toxicity

    34. More importantly, it’s time we thought of Muslims in general to be people like everyone else, not only in terms of Muslim individuals we may encounter but as regards Muslims as a collectivity; yes, their community has its own problems, some of which are peculiar to their community or visibly so, which is also true for several other communities (say racism being associated with the Caucasians when the apartheid regime governed South Africa or there were racist laws in the United States of America), but not only is it inappropriate to consciously or subconsciously stereotype them, but also to exclusively view them as the only community with religious fanatics or one that needs to be feared

    35. [105] Here, it must be mentioned that Hindu rightists, except only a handful in Punjab, never stereotype Sikhs in a negative fashion (in spite of there having been anti-national elements and terrorists among them who specifically targeted Hindus) as they do with Muslims and Christians, which is, of course, good

    36. What is it to be a grafted tree or a mechanized assembly? Who are the parents of this strange hybrid we are becoming? We know our mother, who else but life, Eartheart the essence of it, and we stereotype the emotionally dead father as mechanized rationality

    37. When Money comes before life, tell me which is being sacrificed to whom? When an illusion supersedes compassion, who then is the primitive priest savagely ripping out beating hearts to offer to a golden idol? These incidental inconveniences and trivial tragedies, how often do you sanction them, while proclaiming yourself a humanitarian as you publicly guilt tithe to the cause that bears your foundation's name? Do you know the uninvited poor whose heads you anonymously airlift drop Morganics experimental foods and Whoremart blood-woven garments upon? Are you only giving to a stereotype and only giving the basic necessities of life? Because isn't that all a stereotype needs, just enough to stay alive? How do you know what to give them, if you do not know them? When we ask those in want to share their needs, we are asking them to trust us with their greatest intimacy, their deepest vulnerability

    38. Women, similar to men, find love making with the same partner and the same situation boring and stereotype

    39. Jason was almost a jumble of every high school stereotype put into one body

    40. “Not all of them are gossips like the stereotype would suggest

    41. Yet contrary to the stereotype Hollywood would like you to believe she seemed to be very kind and intelligent

    42. disrespectful and arrogant but you're doing wonders to dispel that stereotype

    43. He’s a stereotype ‘bigman’, tall, dark with pronounced potbelly

    44. A stereotype case would be, for example, a woman who is afraid of going near

    45. This social stereotype of the total madness of laughter still exists in the film industry: the stereotype of the mad scientist; the mad ruler gone totally insane, the vision of Nero, playing his fiddle as Rome burned around him; uncaring of the horror going on all around him; totally dissociated from reality

    46. It would also prove that the stereotype of Jews being a race of greedy money-grubbers…was once actually true

    47. Though his own demeanor escaped the clichés one expects of car salesmen, most of the men he worked with fit the stereotype perfectly

    48. Calling them lazy; as a racial stereotype

    49. That many cannot be easily identified is overlooked and the stereotype for some is extended to all - a not uncommon phenomenon

    50. " In fact, many business people themselves buy into this erroneous stereotype

    1. In coming to a new area, I did not wish to be stereotyped and to have a set of expectations imposed on me

    2. The behavior of its members is stereotyped

    3. One thing is certain: They had not all been put through the same rigid and stereotyped educational curriculum

    4. A full moon is stereotyped to bring out the worst in people while a Blood Moon is thought to bring out

    5. Direct teaching was greater with sons, and children had expectations of greater punitiveness and stereotyped behavior

    6. as androgyny was fatally defined as a combination of traditionally stereotyped

    7. circumstances should an elephant in a zoo perform stereotyped

    8. “Ri-di-cu-lous,” said Lezura, “and of course it is! Every alien is stereotyped as having a one tracked mind set on being smugglers, merchants or warriors

    9. 33 His overseas departure came just two years after Bowen had stereotyped African Americans as stupid and their spiritual leaders as intellectually weak

    10. Nancy’s impression was that, after initially acting according to a stereotyped view of her, Farah was starting to gauge her true side

    11. So many others had always wanted a portion of the proceeds to compensate them for arranging the union of buyers and sellers that perhaps he had unjustly stereotyped this fellow as well

    12. There he adopted a stereotyped dignified posture and prepared to depart with his charge

    13. "Within each person are the qualities of the opposite sex, at least the ones that are stereotyped to belong to the opposite sex

    14. By going public with a sensitive issue, he had angered local Muslims who felt they were being stereotyped as potential terrorists, and confirmed the worst fears of Hindus who were already feeling they were under siege

    15. Exclusion is manifested by a stereotyped, predictable attitude which is steadfastly maintained as long as possible in the face of any threatening situation

    16. Furthermore, creative act belongs to the creator’s mental content which separates him from the stereotyped and the conventional thinking to be an exceptional among individuals

    17. ” And then, what he stereotyped to be illegal, laborers who had been unable to find remunerative work for the day

    18. : the stereotyped manner of beginning a story

    19. It is possible to say that the time intervals between these motivation “models” are not completely written in your scenarios and resemble a certain stereotyped Program of behavior (common to and typical of the overwhelming majority of “people”) which you follow individually and which can have a very weak influence over the total result of this time interval

    20. and more stereotyped and artificial

    21. I had not seen them for some years and the conversation with both, while dancing, was stereotyped

    22. Elite human awareness exists on a more abstract, inhuman, desensitized level of stereotyped class-distinction; than the class-distinction awareness of poor people have of themselves and those in power and those who are rich, and those who have privileged knowledge, and those who have status

    23. we will not be stereotyped nor will the employer preconceive what we can or cannot

    24. develop a static, stereotyped image of who you are and what you can do

    25. Perhaps it may be said that just at the very time when it became of more importance than ever that the church should take care what was to be taught as Christianity among all the nations of the world, the work of evangelizing was commenced, as it had been in several similar preceding ages of activity in Christendom, in a spirit of unquestioning submission to the forms of thought stereotyped by previous generations

    26. Couples no longer want to go with stereotyped weddings and prefer the non-traditional to the traditional

    27. Stereotyped as the phrase was, Madame Karenina obviously believed it and was delighted by it

    28. The material apparatus of perfected civilization which obliterates the individuality of old towns under the stereotyped conveniences of modern life had not intruded as yet; but over the worn-out antiquity of Sulaco, so characteristic with its stuccoed houses and barred windows, with the great yellowy-white walls of abandoned convents behind the rows of sombre green cypresses, that fact—very modern in its spirit—the San Tome mine had already thrown its subtle influence

    29. The phrase, "In my delicate position as the only consular agent then in the port, everything, sir, everything was a just cause for anxiety," had its place in the more or less stereotyped relation of the "historical events" which for the next few years was at the service of distinguished strangers visiting Sulaco

    30. The SEC paper trail provides the investor with a stereotyped format

    31. The disadvantage of the stereotyped format, of course, is that following a form frequently results in inadequate descriptions of reality and inadequate weighting of what is important

    32. In addition, the investor who uses stereotyped documents becomes a very practiced reader and can obtain vast quantities of information merely by skimming, because he knows what to look for and where to look for it

    33. Magos L (1969) Persistence of the effect of amphetamine on stereotyped activity in rats

    34. Its pleadings will not bear to be stereotyped

    35. When the obviously absurd character of their refusal to work was pointed out to them, one every time heard in reply the stereotyped phrase, 'If I want to, I shall work, and if I do not want to, why should I compel myself?'"

    36. I have already heard much of you in Petersburg and wanted to get to know you,” said she to Natásha with her stereotyped and lovely smile

    37. Her dramatic fervor is such an exceedingly stereotyped affair that you can watch it in a detached mood

    38. From whatever point of the political or moral compass these broad and eloquent men set out, they are sure to end with a stereotyped spasm on the stereotyped topic—the infernal Chinese

    1. Older people who have more negative stereotypes about aging have greater hearing loss over time than people with more positive views on aging

    2. Reagan also created one of the most vicious stereotypes, the myth of the “welfare queen,” that Blacks on welfare cheated and lived well at government expense

    3. did pander to racists with his notorious Willie Horton campaign ads, promoting stereotypes of Blacks as dangerous criminals

    4. Clinton also was not a racist, but did pander to the same stereotypes that Reagan used when discussing welfare

    5. “Maybe it’s the whole killing people thing that’s caused all the irrational stereotypes

    6. What about the populace? If the media were some kind of a mirror on society, did the populace see, did they know that the reflections were distorted parodies of themselves? Did they accept the stereotypes as reality?

    7. ” The author has included what she captions, “A Glossary of Banned Words, Usages, Stereotypes, and Topics” taken from various language cleansing sources

    8. I'm on your side there is a huge wall of stereotypes to climb over for young men who choose cosmology as a course of study, but it is one of the most extravagant fields

    9. Now that you’ve heard them all, let's go through the stereotypes and see what’s true

    10. problems which this approach is that it supports stereotypes much more than innovations, and

    11. behavioral stereotypes associated with physical attractiveness in young children

    12. Even if they had known one or a thousand for that matter, they likely had stereotypes that wouldn"t budge

    13. “Johnny, I"m not like that! I don"t have any stereotypes of black cats or black humans, c"mon why would you say such a thing?”

    14. However, regarding the other stereotypes, as you can see none of them hold any merit

    15. stereotypes are often based on how we learned to view the world when we

    16. Rather than stereotypes, they offer family

    17. ” It was, like most stereotypes, quite inaccurate; the beverage enjoyed a strong following among its niche in all demographics in the area

    18. we try to use that idea to lend support to the stereotypes and prejudices

    19. His parents embody all of the bad stereotypes of the British

    20. She doesn’t fit the stereotypes for serial killers who often portray themselves as obsessive, aggressive, hostile or insane

    21. Inacio opened his office door and nearly shit himself at the sight of two waiting FBI stereotypes; his involvement in the movement factored into his selection, but was never mentioned

    22. lines but this is how stereotypes keep on

    23. Domestic abuse defends itself in stereotypes words

    24. ” a million avengers stood at a hundred thousand intersections facing ten thousand accused with a thousand weapons aimed at a hundred stereotypes judged guilty of ten mortal crimes with a single intent, vengeance, and a zeroed out sentence – death

    25. It was the first lecture I received on cultural stereotypes, but definitely not the last

    26. You’re one of only a few men that doesn’t fall into the stereotypes that I’m used to dealing with

    27. nation of a link between social y stipulated stereotypes and individual’s

    28. destroy habitual role stereotypes in consciousness of the initiated indi-

    29. In most cases these are stereotypes of movement, formed mis-

    30. a limited number of stereotypes, using it with all people around

    31. Bobby had been brought up to believe that everyone should be treated according to his actions and his character, not according to stereotypes

    32. Instead they are appeals to emotion, to stereotypes, to dreams or fears

    33. Representativeness is the phenomenon by which people rely too much on stereotypes instead of cold probability analysis

    1. Lastly, such attempts at stereotyping common attitudes merely serve to advance faulty notions of vulnerability and incompetence

    2. One is its bigotry, its open hatred and stereotyping of all people from one region of the country

    3. Racial stereotyping may be seen in the same series

    4. Stereotyping ethnic groups is common on television as it was in the

    5. Parents are the worst at stereotyping each other, and yet all

    6. defines themselves as lawyer or student are they not also stereotyping themselves and

    7. Luria (1974) found gender stereotyping to exist within the first twenty-four hours after birth

    8. I believe that mobilizing separately from whites will “enable”* white Christians to continue negatively stereotyping Christian African Americans

    9. “You’re stereotyping, Alex

    10. "reasoning") may be simulated in test situations in which emotional participation is minimal, that rational factors alone by an accurate aping or stereotyping can produce in vitro, so to speak, what they

    11. —, invention of stereotyping, xvii, 161

    12. Stereotyping, invention of, xvii, 161

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