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    Utiliser "stopped up" dans une phrase

    stopped up exemples de phrases

    stopped up

    1. the city shut them out, and stopped up the gates with stones

    2. stopped upon the hilltop

    3. 47 Then they of the city shut them out and stopped up the gates with stones

    4. “My teacher, Theorus, felt that Galle was an overinflated bag of wind with his airhole stopped up too tight

    5. the stairs and then stopped upon seeing a door in front of me

    6. Adam watched horrified as the supership stopped upside down in mid air

    7. She stopped upon the arrival of the customer and smiled a warm, friendly smile

    8. Don’t worry, no tenant is ever going to call you in the middle of the night when their toilet is stopped up

    9. I believe he slipped into his room when he was showering, hit him over the head or something like that, and then slipped a noose around his neck and stopped up the tub until it filled with water

    10. Ears stopped up with their owners’ fingers won’t hear a thing down here on old terra firma, either

    11. Ears stopped up with their owners' fingers won't hear a thing down here on old terra firma, either

    12. When he finished sneezing, his nose was stopped up and his headache was renewed

    13. "Yeah, it was awesome! Me and Connor built this epic castle with his Lego and we had a battle with our robots, then we watched a dvd with popcorn and everything, and me and Connor went to bed and had torches under the duvet so we could read comics, and we stopped up really late

    14. It's the old martin house, but I've stopped up the door and made the roof open, so it will hold all sorts of things, and save our valuable time

    15. They had repaired it completely, and stopped up with vast masses of stone the hole Dantes had partly filled in

    16. For a moment Dantes was speechless; then he remembered that these caves might have been filled up by some accident, or even stopped up, for the sake of greater security, by Cardinal Spada

    17. So then we went away and went to the rubbage-pile in the back yard, where they keep the old boots, and rags, and pieces of bottles, and wore-out tin things, and all such truck, and scratched around and found an old tin washpan, and stopped up the holes as well as we could, to bake the pie in, and took it down cellar and stole it full of flour and started for breakfast, and found a couple of shingle-nails that Tom said would be handy for a prisoner to scrabble his name and sorrows on the dungeon walls with, and dropped one of them in Aunt Sally's apron-pocket which was hanging on a chair, and t'other we stuck in the band of Uncle Silas's hat, which was on the bureau, because we heard the children say their pa and ma was going to the runaway nigger's house this morning, and then went to breakfast, and Tom dropped the pewter spoon in Uncle Silas's coat-pocket, and Aunt Sally wasn't come yet, so we had to wait a little while

    18. After that, the man stopped up the hole that Scabious had come out of

    19. The roof was mended, a kitchen maid was found—a crony of the village elder’s—hens were bought, the cows began giving milk, the garden hedge was stopped up with stakes, the carpenter made a mangle, hooks were put in the cupboards, and they ceased to burst open spontaneously, and an ironing-board covered with army cloth was placed across from the arm of a chair to the chest of drawers, and there was a smell of flatirons in the

    20. third arch of the Pont de Jena, the new stone with which, the two years previously, the mining aperture made by Blucher to blow up the bridge had been stopped up, was still recognizable on account of its whiteness

    21. Four whitewashed walls, a door opposite the altar, two small arched windows; over the door a large wooden crucifix, below the crucifix a square air-hole stopped up with a bundle of hay; on the ground, in one corner, an old window-frame with the glass all broken to pieces—such is the chapel

    22. No proof, no case, and they throw you out on your butt so fast you're stopped up for weeks!"

    23. With the stones which remained they stopped up the outlet

    24. Quite recently, at Villette, when it became necessary to pass the collecting sewer under the SaintMartin canal without interrupting navigation or emptying the canal, a fissure appeared in the basin of the canal, water suddenly became abundant in the subterranean tunnel, which was beyond the power of the pumping engines; it was necessary to send a diver to explore the fissure which had been made in the narrow entrance of the grand basin, and it was not without great difficulty that it was stopped up

    25. He played in the Tuileries garden with his little shovel and his little chair, and in order that the inspectors might not grumble, I stopped up the holes that he made in the earth with his shovel, with my cane

    26. Still, the drums did tilt churches and plummet forth mobs of boys curious and eager for any change mild or wild, so, as the church bells stopped up their silver and iron rain, pew-stiffened crowds became relaxed parade crowds as the carnival, a promotion of brass, a flush of velvet, all lion-pacing, mammoth-shuffling, flag-fluttered by

    27. The roof was mended, a kitchen maid was found—a crony of the village elder's—hens were bought, the cows began giving milk, the garden hedge was stopped up with stakes, the carpenter made a mangle, hooks were put in the cupboards, and they ceased to burst open spontaneously, and an ironing-board covered with army cloth was placed across from the arm of a chair to the chest of drawers, and there was a smell of flatirons in the maids' room

    28. I stopped upon the threshold

    29. Here we came to the mouth of a cave which had been stopped up by a stone wall

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