Utiliser "strafe" dans une phrase
strafe exemples de phrases
1. I was shocked and in that time as I my hand poised in midair Smith took off back to our trenches red, white and blue lights shot into the air and machine guns and rifles began to strafe the position where we lay
2. But just before they went over the top the German artillery put a strafe down on our trench and we had to take shelter once more in the bunker entrance
3. “I will wait for the artillery strafe to pass by and then I will make a dash for it because whatever happens I must try to get back to the shell hole
4. I thanked them and then waited for the artillery strafe to pass over the top of us as it did I slipped over the lip of the crater the last thing I heard was Mickey and Fred wishing me good luck and god speed
5. I could hear shells exploding again as the strafe started up again and then I could see Fred form the crater shooing me on my way so I lifted my hand towards him in salute
6. I grabbed Sam said farewell to Bert and then pushing him up we slipped over the lip of the crater we had to press on before the evening strafe began and the illumination flares lit up the evening
7. The Biffs would strafe the trenches with their front guns going in, but they had to conserve ammo for the targets
8. The big challenge, was that it made the most sense to strafe a trench lengthwise
9. Other anti-personnel weapons are the CBUs, the nape, and the 20 mike-mike strafe
10. As he was about to resume his brief about being able to strafe from any angle, but warning against target fixation and flying into the ground, he saw a lieutenant colonel from Wing HQ enter and whisper something in the DO's ear
11. Pilots called the card "Music to Strafe By
12. What the hell was the matter with Bannister, Darlington said to himself as he positioned for a strafe run
13. This was the closest Court had ever been to the enemy, and as he positioned himself according to Travers's orders for strafe, he kept seeing the running figures over and over again
14. Sling�shot Delta had been directing Court's strafe pattern in concert with his gunships, but they had to stop as the visibility in the LZ fell to nearly zero
15. I'm writing a paper, you see, on the use of Sopwith Camels to strafe enemy lines
16. She stared up at the antique plane, which was now banking around for another strafe
17. Helicopters fly overhead and strafe the ground with anti-mine fire before the hunters walk over it
18. Ingrid then split further her own flight into two pairs, sending one pair to strafe the decks of the nearest troopship while she headed with a wingman towards the next troopship, whose decks were covered with Japanese soldiers ready to board the landing barges positioned alongside the hull sides of the ship
19. As she was climbing into her cockpit, one of her AC-142G heavy gunships tasked with the final defensive mission of the airfield and port overflew her at medium altitude, heading west to go strafe and slow down the enemy trying to rush inside the now empty defensive perimeter
20. We will only need to keep strong outposts and roadblocks in Wau and Lae to keep them bottled up in Salamaua, where my planes can strafe and bomb them at will, without the need to risk thousands of our soldiers in a ground attack
21. Looking down next, she saw the twenty P-47 THUNDERBOLT fighter-bombers continuing to strafe and rocket the remnants of the long column of German armored vehicles and trucks stuck on a road near Châlons
22. Both craft coasted as thrust was reduced and the Avengers maneuvered to strafe a
23. I grinned and fired my thrusters, putting my fighter into an instantaneous vertical dive, with the intention of slipping under the sphere to strafe its shield
24. The clear blue arctic sky around the Disrupter was a chaotic cloud, packed with thousands upon thousands of enemy fighters locked in fierce aerial combat with an even greater number of Interceptor and WASP drones, all swarming and diving to strafe the transparent deflector shield that surrounded the skin of the spinning Disrupter in their midst
25. I managed to strafe him with a barrage of plasma bolts, but his shields held and his ship remained undamaged
26. Hours passed, the strafe became particularly heavy, and we began to fear our old pal had been hit
27. When the strafe had finished, we found our gun resting on one wheel, with sights and shield smashed by a direct hit
28. One day, when the strafe began, I grabbed two story magazines just before we went to the trench, and, arrived there, handed one to my Cockney pal
29. "Jimmy," although obviously proud of his captive, was, as usual, "fed up" with the war, the strafe, and everything else
30. We were taking a much-needed bath and change in the Brewery vats at Poperinghe, when Jerry started a mad five minutes' "strafe" with, as it seemed, the old Brewery as a target
31. Blimey, what a strafe!" I lifted my mask and drank deeply
32. A heavy strafe was on, and the road was heavily shelled at intervals from Beavry onwards
1. Once the elevator door opened the two quickly strafed towards the door on the left, which belonged to Apartment 6
2. You didn’t want to be lingering through a lazy, low-level turn directly above a trench that you had only recently strafed
3. They could sit on their butts and wait to be bombed and strafed
4. Air Force B-57 bomber and two F-4C fighter planes bombed and strafed the cutter in a one hour contest of futile signals, radio calls and evasive actions
5. It looked as if a column of hastily retreating vehicles had been strafed by aircraft - and we were going in the wrong direction
6. Automatic fire strafed the old wooden boat with deafening and terrifying finality
7. Many of the landing barges had by now been seriously strafed before they could approach the shore and some of them were even sinking, while the decks of most of the troopships were strewn with horribly mutilated bodies
8. Five out of nine of our troopships have been sunk, while the four remaining ones have been repeatedly strafed by American fighters
9. The American night attack had been short, but it had succeeded in sinking nine of the precious troop transports, while nearly all the other troopships had been copiously strafed with heavy machinegun fire by the American P-40 fighters, killing or wounding a staggering number of Japanese soldiers that had been waiting on the decks to load up in barges and travel ashore to reinforce the beachheads
10. More ominous for Yamamoto was the fact that, this time, the destroyers holding his outer picket line were attacked as well, being copiously strafed by P-40s and ending up being severely damaged
11. The JOC and the TACG didn’t know about that enemy armored column until it was spotted by the two pilots who strafed it
12. His loader was inserting a fresh belt when two more BEARCATs strafed the Vietminh
13. Instead of a few buildings hit by bombs and a number of vehicles burning after being strafed, the whole base could have been turned into rubbles if both Soviet attack forces could have freely bombed it
14. A second YF-83A also strafed the other group of soldiers with a salvo of 76mm rockets, making the rifle fire against the plane stop abruptly
15. The same ally that knowingly strafed and torpedoed one of our ships, the U
16. With the destroyer USS IRWIN now visible on the horizon, with a column of black smoke rising from the ship, Ingrid pointed her plane at one of the Migs, which just had strafed the ship with its 23mm and 37mm cannons
17. The ground shuddered beneath him and the helicopter strafed the ground
18. Four more times the Japanese strafed them, sending Louie into the water to kick and punch at the sharks until the bomber had passed
19. Louie replied that a Japanese plane had strafed them
20. * As Halloran parachuted over Tokyo, the Zero that had shot him down sped toward him, and Halloran was certain that he was going to be strafed, as so many falling airmen were
21. A chill strafed up Rykus’s spine, making the hair on the back of his neck rise
22. Faults in the line seemed to prevent him from finishing his message, which consisted of giving the map square (Q 20) being "strafed
1. The retaliation rained down on us for quite some time and it gave me the shakes because these counter strafes could be nerve shredding to say the least
2. They gape up at him and he strafes them with machine gun fire
1. So I told him about the German strafing and the counter attacks he was staging of the fact that no troops came to relieve us and the untenable position we found ourselves in
2. It was preferable to bombing and strafing ground troops
3. That first trench strafing, way back when, the first time I flew as pilot instead of observer
4. And he liked bombing and strafing things as well, especially when his pay-cheque was late
5. Aristides—he’s the one who liked strafing hospitals, even civilian hospitals, the one who bombed that sick children’s home, the home for terminally-ill kids
6. Washington (Reuter) A Congressional source who prefers to remain anonymous today released the name of Major Ted Frederick as the pilot said to be responsible for the strafing of the cargo ship Turkestan in a North Vietnamese harbor
7. had already started to run, half bent, strafing toward the
8. An Afro-European helicopter pilot, Saul, is one of the defending forces strafing the beach below
9. Saul has completely lost his reason, or has he finally come to his senses? He can only feel the injustice of the situation, and he no longer cares for his own safety as he attacks and downs another helicopter that is strafing the civilians from the opposite direction
10. The German fighters then dived on Townsend’s position, strafing it with cannon fire and not giving him any time to grieve Doug and Patricia
11. One more Bf-109 was shot down and another one damaged in the ensuing strafing pass
12. With her position situated near the headquarters building, she soon had two ZERO fighters speeding directly towards her, apparently intent on strafing the building behind her
13. The two ZEROs, flying side by side, opened fire well before she did, strafing the headquarters building and turning it into a sieve
14. We started our attacks with frontal passes against the bombers, followed by high speed strafing passes
15. Apart from losing badly the gunnery duel, they lost a further four fighters and allowed us to speed past them and catch the bombers for a last strafing pass against their unprotected bellies
16. My planes can be over Mauban in fifteen minutes and start strafing the Japanese landing barges and troopships at once, before the enemy has time to land any sizeable force
17. Ignore them for the moment and concentrate your first strafing passes on the landing barges and the troopships: consider them the top priority targets for the moment
18. Half of the enemy troopships were now in big trouble, not counting the strafing damage caused already by the first wave of P-40s
19. The dots turned out to be over a dozen P-40 fighters that became busy strafing the landing barges that had been using the cover of the night to ferry men, heavy equipment and supplies from the troopships and supply ships to the beaches already occupied by Japanese troops
20. Having dropped all their bombs, the dive bombers had left as quickly as they had come, letting P-40 fighters continue the mayhem by strafing repeatedly the troopships and the landing barges visible, slaughtering thousands of soldiers packed on the decks and in the barges
21. That had greatly reduced the rate at which soldiers from the 18th and 56th Infantry Divisions, at least those that had survived the bombings and the strafing, could be transferred ashore
22. Then, as the ZEROs dove towards the sea to intercept them, the P-40s performed one strafing pass each on the troopships before fleeing inland at high speed
23. Our first air attack will be in two waves: first, most of the P-38 fighters of Captain James will execute strafing passes against the Japanese ships, both to take out as many of their anti-aircraft guns as possible and to keep the Japanese attention at low level
24. Once the original assaulting line was utterly destroyed, the four bombers turned towards the enemy truck columns approaching on the main road, strafing them as well
25. ‘’Blue Two, this is Foxtrot Six! Our planes have completely stopped the enemy tanks and infantry and are now strafing more enemy troops to the North
26. Their leader performed personally the last strafing pass behind the line of low hills
27. The wingman of the destroyed enemy jet, probably maddened by the loss of his comrade, came back at full speed at the waiting P-38, either ignoring or not seeing the two P-38s now conducting their second strafing pass against the communist infantry
28. The two P-38s doing the ground strafing were climbing out of their second attack passes as the ground air control officer shouted again in his handset
29. Major Batson and me confronted these jets, while Captains Slade and DeMoe concentrated on strafing the enemy ground troops, since our main mission was to support our ground troops
30. When the attack did start, Japanese Zero fighter planes made low level strafing sweeps, shooting up aircraft as well as ground installations
31. Even those planes, while excellent for strafing missions, have a limited bomb-carrying capacity and are beset by a chronic lack of spare parts and a weak logistical support system
32. The wavering then turned into a mass retreat when the first BEARCAT repeated its ground-hugging strafing run, this time zooming by from left to right
33. This time, two of them attacked simultaneously, with one strafing the Vietminh troops near the outpost’s wire perimeter while the other shot up the jungle area where the heavy machine guns were hiding
34. The Wildcats and Hellcats came in low over the hills, strafing the battleship with machine-gun fire as the Barracudas began their bombing dives
35. Using their nose-mounted 75mm guns and batteries of heavy machineguns, the American medium bombers made two strafing passes each against the anchored destroyers, light cruisers and transport ships, joined in this by two of the AC-142Gs that were done devastating their assigned airfields and still had some ammunition left
36. With my squadrons guided individually along multiple paths by an electronic reconnaissance EC-142E, my fighter-bombers went in first, strafing the Japanese ships to soften them up, followed by my medium bombers and by a single Navy torpedo plane squadron
37. of the dandelions like he was strafing a bunch of unfriendlies with his SAW
38. Supported by an EC-142E that gave warnings whenever Luftwaffe fighters tried to intervene to bring relief to the German Army column, the strafing American fighter-bombers and medium bombers were in turn protected by fighters flying high cover
39. Those two jets, either armed with very strict orders to defend the German Army columns at all cost or being piloted by particularly stubborn pilots, went on at full speed towards the P-47s still strafing Germans on the ground
40. That officer dropped down, dead, just as sixteen P-47s lined up for strafing passes against the antiaircraft guns defending the West bank entrances of the bridges
41. By now, all the German antiaircraft guns in view of the bridge had been silenced by repeated strafing passes by the P-47s still flying around like angry hornets
42. Four AH-4 VIPER attack helicopters had preceded her helicopter by a few seconds, strafing the Germans visible outside the palace
43. Nightfall nodded, and they made the final dash to the base of the banyan, flailing their staffs at the strafing hawks and leaping to catch and swing up into the tree’s lower branches
44. Does Chuck Colson therefore care to make a claim as to why children of law-abiding parents are less worthy of Christmas cheer than those with mommy or daddy in the state pen where they belong? Taken to its logical conclusion, maybe economically challenged parents ought to consider going out and committing a crime so their progeny might have a shot at a descent Christmas, or at least the possibility to avoid strafing by these hit-and-run direct mail artists
45. Instead, the jets would make strafing runs
46. The other benefit of the strafing was the information it gave the men
47. The strafing had confirmed what they’d heard about the Japanese
48. That the sharks had taken shots at him when he had gone overboard, and when the raft had been mostly submerged after the strafing, had seemed fair enough
49. I watched as she launched her Sentinel into a power leap while simultaneously unloading both of its wrist cannons at a line of Glaive Fighters as they zoomed overhead, strafing the ground on either side of her drone with laser fire
50. Several of them were ground troops screaming for more air support, as the giant five-Glaive mech thing began to wade through their comparatively Lilliputian ranks, strafing them with plasma bolts from the photon cannons that bristled on each of its armored limbs