Utiliser "straightforward" dans une phrase
straightforward exemples de phrases
1. But getting them to accept the dates I want them to take is nowhere near so straightforward
2. Not as easy as it sounds, but a hell of a lot more straightforward than the route you’ve chosen
3. The song was Good and Smith, even though he heard none of the individual songs sung by the flora and fauna of this long forgotten refrain at the edge of all things, found contentment in the straightforward knowledge that the song continued, a fulfilment sufficient for Him to think the work of creation a noble thing
4. ‘He seemed a pretty straightforward sort of guy
5. I’ve known her for several years, and she’s a straightforward, non-hysterical woman; some people would say that she was cold and unemotional but that may just be in comparison with the temperamental musician she’s married to – after all someone would have to be the down-to-earth sane one in that partnership! Try as I do, I cannot imagine her screaming at me or making a scene … a consoling thought to some extent, but it still doesn’t explain why she wants to see me
6. She had to make some assumptions about how a fourth order condensate detector could be modified to detect fifth order, but she hoped it was a straightforward extrapolation
7. He appeared straightforward, a decent sort of man
8. The plans were straightforward enough: Main Hall, Dining and Kitchens, Upstairs Sleeping quarters for children, a few Office areas for the local administration of the charges, a Chapel, gardens with playgrounds
9. straightforward manner that you don’t have time to spare because of
10. You need to be more straightforward in your approach
11. Be straightforward and honest when they’re afraid – some things are scary but not hurtful, while other situations could be damaging
12. So say the proponents of chaos theory, who use 'the butterfly effect' to describe how simple and apparently straightforward processes can combine and set in motion a chain of events with far-reaching and unpredictable consequences
13. ‘The commencement rhythms seem fairly straightforward surprisingly, though of course that could be a trap
14. “Her symptoms were weird, but pretty straightforward
15. “Sorry Baby,” Tom had said in his very straightforward,
16. He had expected a straightforward win
17. Let me make it clear that Ed Rose is a straightforward, honest developer who warned his sales force about phony stories
18. ‘Would that it be so straightforward
19. The ever straightforward cerebral Josh who
20. Roulette was straightforward like blackjack, but more colorful and exciting, plus you could play on your feet and players were less serious
21. Her problem with him had at first appeared to be a straightforward case of abuse at the hands of a boyfriend
22. The Arch-minister’s tone was polite, level, and straightforward
23. Perhaps he was a messenger from God Himself; though it might have been presumptuous or even blasphemous to think that God would seek to aid him in such straightforward ways that completely and blatantly proved his Divine existence
24. “Yes, Gary,” I said, “Charles has been telling the family about some ideas in economics and politics, and though I’m not an economist, they seem pretty straightforward and sensible
25. “Kurzweil's projections flow from straightforward extensions of work already underway
26. “Axioms 1 and 5 seem pretty straightforward, but the rest seem really questionable to me,” I said
27. In fact I have often found the exact opposite where women are concerned in that they can be fiercely independent, very straightforward and often quite mercenary
28. What I was given was straightforward and crystal clear
29. After the click the rest is very straightforward
30. The training is straightforward, since I created this methodology as a pre-established program that always uses the same tools in the same order
31. My mind becomes straightforward and simple; a lot of unnecessary complications are gone
32. “To answer your second question about how to be in the service the Higher Forces, that’s a very straightforward answer
33. “I have heard many reports from a variety of perspectives, and have gotten a sense for what is straightforward and what requires more investigation
34. The tone is different too—not as familiar, more straightforward
35. “No, she wouldn’t be, would she? Natalie was always very straightforward
36. encamped on the banks of the big river, so their rescue was straightforward
37. Further, he was a very honest, straightforward ruler, much beloved by his people
38. Coming to an understanding of karma is the basis for a very straightforward development of the wisdom to know whether our actions will lead to happiness and freedom, or to further suffering
39. goals, and intentions in a straightforward manner
40. The easy to follow, simple straightforward approach is not only
41. “He always seemed straightforward to me, with no hidden agenda
42. In most conventional capital adjustment cases, it is a relatively straightforward matter to ensure that the change to the options
43. The walk is not as straightforward as I hoped
44. “Alex, it’s not that straightforward
45. Because they are straightforward to
46. Even if it is a straightforward act it will
47. those distractions, it is more often than not straightforward enough to eliminate them
48. He could see that Laura was the first name, but the other seemed to consist of most of the rest of the alphabet and was clearly unpronounceable, though he supposed it was straightforward to a Finn
49. straightforward to the point of rudeness at times, but there’s a refreshing honesty of purpose
50. straightforward, summation of the specific things that happened to