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    Utiliser "stratify" dans une phrase

    stratify exemples de phrases




    1. The society of that ship is much more regulated and stratified than any of those ‘bully group’ things you talked about in history here

    2. This place could not be altered by Blue Lite according to the experts and so far it served as the state of things, stratified and strictly regimented, guards have been employed to keep the layers in order at all hours around the deserts only watering hole

    3. Thus would have come into being plunams stratified by their relative strengths

    4. Here houses are built on layers of history, memories of vice and disease, slovenliness and enterprise, fire and flood, all stratified carelessly under the living, bustling crust

    5. The outer surface consists of stratified layers of dead, “keratinized” cells that

    6. Access privileges typically are stratified on a need-to-know basis and by level in the organization

    7. The most obvious thing about this process is that cultures do not flow together but remain stratified

    8. The legacy of the unexperienced-undigested past can be seen all around the globe: whether it is the legacy of second-class citizenship and lack of self-esteem due to the history of slavery that still haunts African-Americans, or the legacy of racism which still permeates white American society, or the legacy of a stratified caste society that still grips India, or the legacy of elder worship in countless cultures that makes any kind of cultural change painfully slow and difficult

    9. So, the dynamic of increased population also created the dynamic of a hierarchically stratified society, which in turn created leaders and the led, which created power and authority, which in turn created the system by which this power was enforced as a enforced norm called Law… which those who were ruled; hated, resisted, rebelled against, avoided, disobeyed, ignored, sabotaged, as irresponsibly as possible

    10. What if all forms of payment were based upon the honour system? What if people only paid what they thought was fair? What if no financial transaction was allowed to be kept secret? What if all financial arrangements were a matter of public record? Then all human society would be stratified along degrees of generosity and cheapness

    11. They will want to know how each subject was selected—random, stratified, or cluster sampling? They will want to know the nature of the controls (and the reasoning underlying your choice of a passive or active control procedure) and of the experimental design

    12. How was each of the individual sources compensated for? In particular, was the sample simple or stratified?

    13. Coastal weeds are usually found stratified with green forms growing in surface waters, red in shallow water and brown a little deeper

    14. But, on the other hand, the coal is distinctly stratified, and the number of strata increases as the coal proceeds from the surface of the earth; of course, therefore, the farther you proceed from the outer extremity of the coal, the thicker the body of it will be found; and from the inclination of the coal, the farther you are from its outer extremity the deeper it must be under the surface of the earth

    15. As far, however, as I could learn by inquiry, and an examination of the heaps of rubbish, the following substances, in the order in which they stand, have been found in Heth's pits:—mould, clay, gravel, fuller's earth, sandstone, (at first extremely coarse and friable, but becoming more compact and hard, and having an appearance somewhat stratified as they descended,) gray and bluish clay slate, hard bluish sandstone, shale, or, as they term it, shiver, white micaceous sandstone, extremely hard; blue slate and shale intermixed, black slate, and then the coal

    16. On these beds rests a series of very peculiar stratified conglomerate rocks

    17. These are the most common rocks, and excepting the second, are usually stratified

    1. The juice is slowly heated up until the point where it stratifies

    1. gases in steam tend to stratify or collect in certain areas of a steam sterilization chamber or its

    2. A clinician might stratify the population into subgroups based on such factors as age, sex, race, and the severity of the condition and restrict subsequent comparisons to individuals who belong to the same subgroup

    3. An agronomist would want to stratify on the basis of soil composition and environment

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