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    Utiliser "streaked" dans une phrase

    streaked exemples de phrases


    1. The sky is streaked a beautiful deep red colour across the horizon, the clouds tinted pink and red as they reflect the sun

    2. wiped at his tear streaked cheeks

    3. Kara stared at the sky in front of her, the blue of daytime now streaked pink and scarlet and orange … it was second nature to her to conceal that part of her life … but … but if she couldn’t do that, she’d have to face up to what she had lost …

    4. Her own face was streaked with strange colours but she was calm

    5. streaked windows forced their liver spotted hands to desperate

    6. She was plainly dressed but hearty with quite a bit of shine in her hair, which was mostly black but streaked with grey

    7. lightly streaked with grey and an untamed shock of black hair frosted

    8. Her face is streaked with saliva and drying vomit

    9. Maziel wiped his tear streaked face with her hand,

    10. It is as though an artist has painted gloriously surreal blue as far as the eye can see, then taken a brush, loaded it with most brilliant reds and pinks on his palette and streaked it across the lot

    11. Drawing a deep breath, he slowly raised his head to look into her frightened black eyes, streaked with her own tears

    12. She could see his cheeks were streaked

    13. " He pleaded with her, pulling her very close to his body, tears streaked from her eyes, instantly blurring all that surrounded her

    14. inspect the strangers, their cheeks streaked with sweat

    15. ever been, her breasts were full and round, and those parts of her skin that weren’t streaked with grime glowed with a healthy shine

    16. Dark hair streaked with grays whipped about, and his skin was very soon kissed by the moisture of the sea breeze

    17. ” I had never seen a more beautiful sight than my love standing there with her long back hair being blown by the wind and her Madonna’s face streaked by tears

    18. When I opened my back door, she streaked right in and she hasn’t budged since

    19. He couldn’t drag his eyes away from hers, examining the light grey swirls, flecks of blue and splashes of white that streaked out from her pupils

    20. Tears streaked down her face and fear made her features drawn

    21. Occasional clumps of cat grass, streaked up from the silvery grey sand

    22. It was still black out, but dawn wasn’t too far off; she could see streaked glimmers of grey on the horizon

    23. somewhat streaked with the removed grime and dirt

    24. The San Juan River ran streaked with blood, for the dead and wounded fell from its slippery bank into the water repeatedly

    25. Vasant smelt the pungent scent of his own fear as the cat streaked towards him

    26. The sky was streaked with red

    27. Long shadows streaked across the stone walkways

    28. The guard escorted Joseph from the courtyard, as Ruby ran to find her Mother; perhaps she could talk some sense into her Father? Ruby streaked away, running as fast as she could

    29. Yellow and black blurs streaked across the sky

    30. An open claw streaked towards his arm

    31. as one might wish, the streaked sky hardly poised against a question

    32. Everybody’s faces were red and streaked with tears of laughter and many still fought to breathe

    33. Christina stands next to my bed, her cheeks streaked with mascara-tinted tears

    34. Then lightning streaked a path down to the sea, and deafening thunder tumbled after it

    35. When Maggie looked down the earth was a dusky colour, streaked with the glowing silver of rivers, lakes, and the seas themselves

    36. The elderly woman was staring out the window, her face still red and streaked with tears

    37. His cloak was torn and his face streaked with ashes as a sign of mourning

    38. streaked down the volcano’s flanks and consumed all that lay in its path

    39. His brown streaked hair glistened under the glow of the moon, sparkling in it vivacity as the creature leapt and tore into my brothers

    40. as it streaked across the sky

    41. Her own tears streaked down her cheeks and I couldn’t bring myself to care, she walked past me paused a little and then darted outside

    42. 10 And it came to pass at the time that the cattle conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, note, the rams which leaped on the cattle were ring streaked, speckled, and grisled

    43. 12 And he said, Lift up now your eyes, and see, all the rams which leap on the cattle are ring streaked, speckled, and grisled: for I have seen all that Laban does to you

    44. “Ah, but I don’t intend to run,” whispered Ahelos, and now Simon could see the glitter of the knife streaked with its black globules of blood as it came ever closer

    45. The tall one, dirt streaked and clothes torn, raised his head as if to survey what had befallen him

    46. A moment later new destructive energies streaked skyward from the dome, cast by those within it, further straining the alliance Shields

    47. Sol, in his first gleaming glance across the water of the new lake, struck Moshe’s newly opened eye with a brilliance more than equal to the bright messenger that had streaked across the sky the night before

    48. The tall one, dirt streaked and clothes torn, raised his head as if to survey what had befallen

    49. suddenly, it streaked over the top of the tower of fire and across the heavens, quickly

    50. brilliance more than equal to the bright messenger that had streaked across the sky the night

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