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    Utiliser "streetcar" dans une phrase

    streetcar exemples de phrases


    1. He caught up with Tahlmute at Waterfront Place where they caught a streetcar for the south docks

    2. It was a such a crowded streetcar that they had to take opposite sides

    3. "So, you have plans for the evening?" Tahlmute asked as they hiked toward the main avenue and the streetcar line

    4. doostEr immediately sent Estwig home with the kedas, he and Tahlmute could catch a streetcar

    5. The streetcar ran right above the docks where the shore had docks, and on a wide street just inland of the beach apartments where the shore had beaches

    6. Alan thought there should be a central aisle in the streetcar with rows of seats facing forward

    7. Streetcar lines converge here from all over the northwest corner of the city and others converge from all over the central area

    8. "Lets see if we can hire a gondolier on the waterfront," Vyinga said, "I'd rather that ride than the streetcar

    9. This was a pleasant surprise, and once again, it couldn’t have happened without the Yingolian crystals because without them it is highly unlikely that she and her contact would ever correspond, Tahlmute’s current home is nearly an hour distant on needleboat and streetcar

    10. In one case he took a ceiling out to expose fourteen floors of a tiny little abandoned atrium above what was now a crossroads between commercial and streetcar

    11. Going down a hundred and eighty floors and back up thirty six wasn't appealing and there was no direct streetcar route so the bridge would be cheaper as well as faster

    12. "Catch a streetcar to south Rankor from just below this court

    13. It was too bad she hadn't had a chance to get word to Alan that they were here tonight, he could have come out and brought some of the neighbors, it was less than an hour on foot, and that could be shortened with a streetcar or two

    14. After a little while Khume Lvateiya meets a streetcar tunnel

    15. They rode that to the southern end of the Eastern Slope, then walked down Gense Spiral and reached a streetcar that ran out of the mountain thru the Eastern Breech and out onto a route where streetcar, cargo and foot traffic converged into a great avenue that leapt out of the mountain on a fanciful crystal bridge thirty five stories above the inner branch of the Imoneea river

    16. There's a bottle shop where we get off this streetcar

    17. Then they rode a streetcar east on that outdoor street a couple more miles, made pleasant by the first round of yaag in that bottle

    18. There were fields of thick ribbonleaves where streetcar kedas grazed instead of the thongga herds in the real wilds

    19. That was just one ramble she went on while telling him about castle life while the streetcar rumbled back up the Southeast Khume

    20. Klowa and Luray parted where a small streetcar tunnel crossed Betakka, she to go up toward the castle, he to go down in search of Ylippa or Tuggots

    21. They took a quick streetcar to a delicious repast in a tower overlooking East Harbor from the northern rim of the Fastness

    22. By the time Klowa hiked up and down all the stairs between the three streetcar rides it took to get back all the way across downtown to the office on the edge of the South Fastness, it was late in the after lunch

    23. "That's very good," she said as she began walking briskly toward the stairway that lead to the nearest streetcar tunnel

    24. They pounded into the streetcar tunnel

    25. He took a couple seconds for a swift kiss which she didn't really return and then she was racing off to jump the streetcar

    26. Ossloa lived in a clan house quite a ways up on one of the Yornakite Pinnacles, another two hour walk with no streetcar change and a long climb up one of the toilsome drops in that huge industrial chimney

    27. At the bottom of the stairs they went thru to the khume and down a couple blocks and three floors to a streetcar tunnel

    28. We followed you down to the streetcar tunnel

    29. It would take a little longer than sitting in streetcar after streetcar, but it would be a much more pleasant trip, so Desa didn't argue

    30. After school, we hopped a streetcar to the waterfront and,

    31. Zabiewski offered to have his driver return them to the Polonia, but Elizabeth declined, saying she enjoyed riding the streetcar and taking in the sights

    32. Instead of boarding a streetcar at the nearest stop, Colling and Elizabeth walked along, his arm around her waist, to all appearances two young Americans without a care in the world, enjoying the warm Spring day

    33. When he saw the streetcar with their number at a stop ahead of them, he led her to the line of people waiting to board

    34. They stepped down from the streetcar on the far side of the rondo near the Polonia and walked the circular sidewalk to the hotel

    35. If he paid workers with printed money or streetcar tickets, it was for control

    36. I took the streetcar from the Lehe station to Omi’s place

    37. I met Peter in the streetcar

    38. It was in Speckenbüttel, the posh suburb upwind of Bremerhaven and only two streetcar stops away from the American Officers’ Club

    39. During the forty-minute streetcar ride I still had hopes that the night club would be packed and the guard dogs would turn us away, but when we reached the place it was just beginning to fill up

    40. In we filed, I was squashed against the end wall, and yet the people came and came and came until we were packed like streetcar passengers

    41. Instead I had to safeguard it as my cast iron reserve which was only to be touched under extreme pressure such as perhaps having to cross the entire city of Toronto when a single streetcar fare could get me there

    42. I had enough cash now to take the streetcar to anywhere in the city

    43. Once I gave up my seat to a lady in a crowded streetcar, but she was annoyed rather than pleased and chided me for trying to make a pass at her

    44. A streetcar came to a screeching halt inches from my face

    45. From there, driving in the streetcar lanes, would take

    46. “It was so real, I thought I truly was on a streetcar

    47. “Boxer, that streetcar driver on the F line?”

    48. THE INSIDE OF the streetcar was crawling with crime techs in bunny suits and booties, shooting pictures, capturing prints, trying not to fall over one another or step in potential evidence

    49. “What happened inside that streetcar?” I said to the professor

    50. All these things, streetcar transfers to Chessman Park, to Live Oak Mortuary, to North Chicago, to Zion City, giveaway handbills on hairdos at that new chromium shop on Central

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