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    Utiliser "substitute for" dans une phrase

    substitute for exemples de phrases

    substitute for

    1. She snapped herself out of this, took her eyes from Sol in the sky and paid some attention to the substitute for coffee we have here

    2. Sugar is no substitute for honey as, chemically, it is of an entirely different nature

    3. In a few weeks he came to love her dearly for herself, not as a substitute for Desa

    4. In column two, list what you would substitute for the items in column

    5. Teachers have said there is no substitute for the power of spiritual patience when it comes to realizing our own identity from within

    6. We thirst for and seek out sense pleasures, in the mistaken belief that they will give us happiness, or as a substitute for the happiness that is out of reach for us

    7. substitute for cultivating a relationship with the Holy

    8. They are not going to stop unless they get stopped, until the electorate wakes up and recognizes that political rhetoric is no substitute for competence (with thanks to Thomas Sowell)

    9. Had it exactly right in saying that there is no substitute for victory

    10. Do not use margarine as a substitute for the butter; the water content is too high

    11. Calley's remorse did seem genuine, but was hardly a substitute for justice

    12. The tablets the doctor prescribed as substitute for the injections offered no relief

    13. There’s no substitute for cubic inches,” I told Bill

    14. Men got more hours in the air, and there is no substitute for hours of experience

    15. Amonas then made some broth of what he had found to be an adequate substitute for uwe, and sipped appreciatively

    16. “Yes, you might be right, in the same sense that a car is just a faster substitute for walking, a helpful machine

    17. You might as well have asked how? For I Am has given some an opportunity to acquire a Vision for the benefit of all! But most have been mistreated because of their zeal to share that which they have ‘seen’! And Man’s imaginings have been a poor substitute for the Reality that is all around him

    18. In the first part of our work, we released your codependency and then we trained a behavior as a substitute for the codependency

    19. “Yes,” she agreed, and suggested what I could substitute for the veil and bouquet usual at a first wedding - good ideas, which I used

    20. And I hope there'll be a celestial substitute for pies and doughnuts--something that has to be MADE

    21. in Him Who provides the one and only acceptable substitute for the payment of our sin, Jesus

    22. Tom Bethell a senior editor at The American Spectator, perceives that liberals are convinced that renewables such as wind and solar can form a viable substitute for oil and coal within a few years

    23. Nuts are the best substitute for flesh meat

    24. newspapers and paper bags to substitute for the missing toilet paper

    25. They can share the same need for false myths to substitute for a reality they cannot bear

    26. The tyranny liberals would substitute for the liberty they have betrayed must be drummed to the same graveyard of history where lie its Twentieth Century predecessors

    27. Can this process reflect reality? Is it not a necessary simplification of reality, a poor substitute for what is really unfolding in the body? My fine sir, you and I know the answer: once a drug hits the general public and the community starts experiencing numerous undocumented side effects, then you get a clearer picture of reality than the 'reality' presented in the drug's preclinical–clinical research trials

    28. In this sense, life is a substitute for the sacraments; or more clearly, nothing one does is other than sacramental

    29. No one has yet found a substitute for a regularity in meals, in sleep, and in rest, and in work

    30. Alternative: A great substitute for this sweetener is to use Stevia

    31. Sugar alcohols are a common substitute for sugars

    32. there was no substitute for the real thing

    33. “Anyone who says that gratuitous sex is no substitute for gratuitous violence obviously hasn't had enough gratuitous sex

    34. ‘I sense magic in the air, but there is no substitute for a bit of steel,’ she murmured almost to herself

    35. patients with multiple health issues there is no substitute for medical judgment

    36. However, they should be used with treatment rather than a substitute for it as most of these products will not cure bedwetting themselves: Tip #51: Choose the right Moisture Detector Alarms

    37. The warm and safe haven of a building and a social group is a pale substitute for the adventure of following God wherever he leads you: those who are led by the Spirit shall be called the Sons of God

    38. Throughout human history art has been used as a substitute for words

    39. This one is a good substitute for a hex, when your fear or anger tempts you in that direction:

    40. Before we begin – a disclaimer - all content provided within this appendix is for general information only, and it should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional


    42. They're good sources of protein and can be a healthy substitute for meat,

    43. 12 Jesus desired to substitute for the idea of the kingdom, king, and subjects, the concept of the heavenly family, the heavenly Father, and the liberated sons of God engaged in joyful and voluntary service for their fellow men and in the sublime and intelligent worship of God the Father

    44. Paul's institutionalized church became a virtual substitute for the kingdom of heaven which Jesus had proclaimed

    45. They serve most often as a substitute for interpersonal

    46. The substitute for Miss K, who had come with a chance of possibly staying on for the rest of the year, would be lucky to last the day

    47. However, many experienced bird owners believe there is no substitute for the one-on-one training time you spend with your bird

    48. 20 The idealization and attempted service of truth, beauty, and goodness is not a substitute for genuine religious experience -- spiritual reality

    49. Lonnie McCall dreamed of pretty women and muscle cars all 155 through high school and a sheriff‘s salary just didn‘t cut it, nor the county cruiser a substitute for a corvette

    50. Meaning: This is a euphemism, an inoffensive expression used to substitute for terms or words that might offend

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