Utiliser "substitution" dans une phrase
substitution exemples de phrases
1. The substitution of paper in the room of gold and silver money, replaces a very expensive instrument of commerce with one much less costly, and sometimes equally convenient
2. When, therefore, by the substitution of paper, the gold and silver necessary for circulation is reduced to, perhaps, a fifth part of the former quantity, if the value of only the greater part of the other four-fifths be added to the funds which are destined for the maintenance of industry, it must make a very considerable addition to the quantity of that industry, and, consequently, to the value of the annual produce of land and labour
3. Similarly the word ‘coincidence’ or ‘chance’ is a poor substitution for fate or life’s plan
4. Absolutely disgusting, politically correct substitution for the word „sex" in all too many official documents circulating around America
5. Their ‘deaths’ awaited only the arrival of unclaimed bodies that the substitution of data could be made
6. If you are able to make a substitution, it is certain to be discovered in short order
7. In 644 he was chosen caliph by a board of six electors supposedly named by the second caliph, Omar (Umar), before his death…His (Othman’s) substitution in important state positions of his own favorites and kinsmen for the officials appointed by his predecessors left a rejected group with considerable power and prestige plotting against him
8. Our great purpose is complete substitution of the current monetary system for the new Computational Monetary System that generates income and it creates universal unique coin with support in computation without being physical coin and utilization as fundamental Usuarist Principles
9. the substitution of the current socioeconomic
10. He was our substitution; He took upon Himself our
11. My mind is working like a factory in overcapacity, revising thousands and thousands of behaviors according to the new condition where I’m the leader of my mind and body in substitution for my parents
12. Though I have recently entertained disquieting doubts of traveling to Spain for no other reason than the substitution of the peseta by the “euro”, I hope to do it, God willing, next summer, for, in reality, love for my land is infinitely stronger than my aversion to the “euro”
13. So far as your senses will be able to detect, the substitution should be instantaneous, which should also make any contrasts you perceive between the two pieces’ reflectivity as apparent as possible
14. Based on a modern interpretation (and a simple substitution of terms) the Akashic records would be said to be written on this spacetime manifold
15. And when they had accomplished this program of substitution, in order to maintain consistency and to provide for the recognition of the Master's teaching regarding the fact of the kingdom, they proceeded to set the kingdom off into the future
16. But, in a different kind of disconnection, their success involves mastery of the physical rather than substitution of the symbolic
17. Neither did this substitution of the fact of the resurrection of Jesus for the saving gospel truth of sonship with God in any way interfere with the rapid spread of their teachings; on the contrary, this overshadowing of Jesus' message by the new teachings about his person and resurrection seemed greatly to facilitate the preaching of the good news
18. It was the first time that Nigromanta had had a steady man, a bone crusher from head to toe, as she herself said, dying with laughter, and she had even begun to get romantic illusions when Aureliano confided in her about his repressed passion for Amaran-ta Úrsula, which he had not been able to cure with the substitution but which was twisting him inside all the more as experience broadened the horizons of love
19. Substitution of Collateral Clause
20. The substitution of collateral clause allows you to sell the underlying real estate without
21. Between office and home he was inaccessible in the helicopter and neither of them could fly one properly, so pilot substitution was not a possibility either
22. They had left their first love and did like Aaron had done, and that was make an idol for substitution, their so called place of worship
23. In our optimization model, there was a perfect substitution of debt for equity; as we
24. “Another late substitution,” the Ringmaster advised the black box
25. whim, dedicate yourself to ineffective substitution of all things great and useful
26. substitution of the whole king shaboodle , bursting into a fine unknown territory where
27. Substitution marks out the beauty from the beast in equal measure each to their own
28. I believe that "Jesus and the resurrection" means,�Jesus and the redemption He effected by His death and rising from the grave, His atoning blood, His cross, His substitution, His mediation, His triumphant entrance into heaven, and the consequent full and complete salvation of all sinners who believe in Him
29. The whole ordinance was intended to keep the Church in perpetual recollection of Christ's death and substitution for us, and His atonement for our sins
30. The tenth day is the day of sacrifice where Abraham choose Ishmael (not Isaac) as a divine substitution of a ram, then Hagar and Ishmael burial place where Mohammad himself is said to have slept on the night of his journey from Mecca to Jerusalem
31. One of the methods for solving any such recurrence relation is called substitution method
32. Note: For a low-carb, wheat-free substitution, you can use nori sheets or cabbage leaves instead of crackers
33. In the human control region, the estimates of the rate of substitution were found to range between 2
34. The substitution is likely to occur in the principalclause of a future condition
35. substitution of a "troche" for an"iambic," or vice-versa, is in dispute
36. Spanish poets have often tried to write verses in classical meterswith the substitution of stress for
37. With every new substitution of the Colombo powder for heroin, the pain would climax but as the week wore on the body seemed to accept the substitute and the pain diminished marginally but noticeably until the time of the new combination of slightly more powder and less heroin would come and the cycle repeated again
38. The extreme pain of the reduction of the heroin and its substitution by the powder, especially in its last stages, was over
39. substitution for the truth
40. ―The uniform substitution of ‗sheol‘ for ‗the grave,‘ ‗the pit,‘ and ‗hell,‘ in places where these terms have been
41. “The uniform substitution of ‘sheol’ for ‘the grave,’ ‘the pit,’ and ‘hel ,’ in places where these terms
42. Both reincarnation and the immoral soul from birth are a poor substitution for
43. “The uniform substitution of ‘sheol’ for ‘the grave,’ ‘the pit,’ and ‘hell,’ in places where these
44. Wherever there is life there is variety, and the substitution of the machine-made for the hand-made article has impoverished the world to a greater extent than we are probably yet aware of
45. Both reincarnation and the immoral soul from birth are a poor substitution for the truth
46. * Could it have been difficult to perceive the meaning of this significant action? or was it possible for a serious and thinking mind to avoid recognizing and deeply feeling principles such as these?—that sin is an offence against the blessed God; that the essential righteousness of JEHOVAH renders it necessary that sin should be punished; —that death, in all its tremendous meaning and extent, is the proper punishment of sin;—that the sinner is totally unable, by any power or resources of his own, to escape the punishment due to his offences; yet that God is full of mercy, and graciously willing to pardon the guilty offender;—that the way of pardon is through the substitution an([ sufferings of a peculiar victim;—and that, on the part of the suitor for pardoning mercy, there must be such a proprietorship in the victim as to create a beneficiary interest; and such a moral disposition as
47. This supposed substitution of Christ for sinners is not necessary
48. If it be asserted that it was the presence of the Godhead within which dispensed with the infliction of endless pains, through the substitution of an Infinite Majesty for the infinitely extended misery of a finite being, we reply, that this is an 'afterthought of theology’ which finds no place in the authoritative record
49. (2) Again, there are those who, casting about for some explanation of the Atonement, have looked upon Christ in His sufferings chiefly in His character as a Man, a sinless representative man, but as a person outside the Godhead;—and then His death has been made to appear as the execution of the judgment due to sinners, by substitution of an innocent sufferer, a man who had 'done nothing amiss
50. nothing of and that was just set up as a substitution by God because He failed to set up the kingdom that the prophets did know of