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    Utiliser "suggestible" dans une phrase

    suggestible exemples de phrases


    1. I'm concerned everyone is suggestible to some degree

    2. In his current state of satiation, I imagined he would be more suggestible, his mind too clouded for convincing dishonesty

    3. Self-hypnosis is a highly suggestible state wherein the mortal can

    4. is the most susceptible and suggestible to hypnotism

    5. They'd already discovered that the old man was very suggestible

    6. patient is highly suggestible to any idea and is completely with

    7. You have to bear in mind that subjects under hypnosis are very suggestible

    8. Its members become very suggestible, and are apt to take action or modify their beliefs when presented with a strong image of something they desire or fear

    9. With members of the crowd at their most suggestible, willing to accept both hopeful and fearful images at face value, every new bit of information has an exaggerated impact on the crowd and on the market price

    10. The crowd’s suggestible state guarantees that such price movements are highly likely to snowball as members of the crowd successively take flight

    11. He didn’t resist, and he slipped deeply into a suggestible state

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