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    Utiliser "summit meeting" dans une phrase

    summit meeting exemples de phrases

    summit meeting

    1. The summit meeting at the airport had been anything but warm

    2. The president of the US at that time was Gideon Gripp-Thorn and he was officiating at the summit meeting

    3. Hilton and convened an emergency Summit meeting as they had only 24 hours left at their disposal

    4. “As decide by us all at the Katurkia summit meeting new steps shall be taken to enforce peace all over the world without the discrimination of Muslims and Non Muslims

    5. In view of fast changing circumstances a summit meeting of all heads of states in the world was convened so that all countries should peruse a unanimous line of actions that is acceptable for all nations of world so that peace of world would be guaranteed

    6. “What the hell is this? A summit meeting?”

    7. World leaders strutting around, having their big ‘summit meetings’: the sum of importance they get from being on top of a pyramid of apes, the entire idea of power as a pyramidal mountain: what is so fucking powerful about a mountain? Mountains don’t have any power: they just sit there and do nothing

    8. During the war the Allied leaders held summit meetings to decide on strategy and to start planning for after the war

    9. In 1955 the joint Russian leaders Nikolai Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev travelled to Geneva for a summit meeting with US President Eisenhower and the British and French prime ministers

    10. Wartime summit meetings in which he took part included ones with Churchill and Stalin at Teheran in 1943 and Yalta in February 1945

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