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    Utiliser "supercharged" dans une phrase

    supercharged exemples de phrases


    1. The spiritual building blocks and supercharged images housed in my subconscious were on display and glowing with phosphorus luminosity

    2. This awakening was stimulated further with a supercharged free market system

    3. have supercharged the economy, creating $4 trillion in net wealth

    4. He also had a Bentley that he picked up new at the factory in London twenty or twenty-five years ago, a supercharged 1936 Cord “and a few others

    5. Supercharged, he headed off to work at coke speed

    6. The air was supercharged with tension that was like the pause before the bursting of a storm

    7. After just four seconds they let go of each other, hands still crackling with the supercharged honoi

    8. incoherence – supercharged weapon of mass hysterical country bumpkin negative

    9. When completely intimate, the electricity of a lover's touch upon one's naked soul is a universe of magnitude more intense than a twelve inch, supercharged vibrator in the ass

    10. the earth and He can take our lives just as easily, in a supercharged inferno

    11. A supercharged, tightly packed twenty

    12. They spoke in hushed tones at the back of the room while the supercharged instructor—a cross between Bob Bountiful and some fraternity pledge who had just stepped out of a Harvard graduate class in business administration—droned on adnauseam about the “thing” not being the “thing

    13. She was supercharged

    14. The giant supercharged particle beam sped out over the galaxies at an incredible rate fueled by the power of a failed star

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    Synonymes pour "supercharged"

    charged supercharged