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    Utiliser "symptomatic" dans une phrase

    symptomatic exemples de phrases


    1. Such ―denials‖ are symptomatic of a politically correct society utterly determined to refute the past by sweeping ―offensive‖ expressions under the carpet and making believe they never existed rather than acknowledging that such indiscretions…

    2. We subliminally access thousands of symptomatic experiences to reach and destroy the behavior of codependency that we want to correct

    3. Luca asks my mind to recover all the symptomatic events created by codependency in the last seven years and use it to identify that behavior

    4. rather than symptomatic behavior, the tech-

    5. Nuke was also frustrated by his inability to do anything about it other than to offer some symptomatic relief through channeling

    6. symptomatic actions), to concentrate solely on the meaning of verbal

    7. If you have symptomatic spondylolisthesis you probably

    8. The inset window closed to complete the forest view but the presidents vital signs were being interpreted as symptomatic of stress, and the PA asked, ‘I’m sorry

    9. Sometimes the cock’s crow would find them piling and unpiling coins, taking a bit away from here to put there, to that this bunch would be enough to keep Fernanda happy and that would be for Amaranta Úrsula’s shoes, and that other one for Santa Sofía de la Piedad, who had not had a new dress since the time of all the noise, and this to order the coffin if Úrsula died, and this for the coffee which was going up a cent a pound in price every three months, and this for the sugar which sweetened less every day, and this for the lumber which was still wet from the rains, and this other one for the paper and the colored ink to make tickets with, and what was left over to pay off the winner of the April calf whose hide they had miraculously saved when it came down with a symptomatic carbuncle just when all of the numbers in the raffle had already been sold

    10. The newspaper attacked Churchill’s war time cabinet by stating: "the incident is symptomatic of a general feeling that something is wrong with Britain’s war effort; the tired and incompetent people occupying high office should be removed"

    11. become symptomatic? What is it worth to avoid the pain of cancer, heart disease, depression,

    12. It’s symptomatic of a larger economic trend that has been progressing for the last three decades

    13. marshmallow, are often helpful for symptomatic relief of coughs and irritated throats

    14. symptomatic measures such as diuretics and elevation of the bed usually suffice

    15. In addition, the form and function of symptomatic negative

    16. And the medical establishment goes on treating all kinds of symptomatic ailments rather than try to get at the root of any patient’s problems

    17. I had to speak to the press about this, trying to explain both what was happening to my mother and that our extreme course of action was not as uncommon as the press believed—the world of addiction and mental illness is filled with people who are so symptomatic and unable to care for themselves that family needs to intervene

    18. I was so busy wondering whether it was symptomatic that I had just discussed my new physio support bandage with Samir at the mini-mart that I tuned out Daphne wishing she’d come back from work an hour earlier that particular day, then found she had dissolved, quietly, into tears

    19. The levity of some of the younger women in and about Trantridge was marked, and was perhaps symptomatic of the choice spirit who ruled The Slopes in that vicinity

    20. “So we wouldn’t expect any of them to be symptomatic yet

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    Synonymes pour "symptomatic"

    diagnostic symptomatic