Utiliser "take the field" dans une phrase
take the field exemples de phrases
take the field
1. When a nation of mere husbandmen, therefore, goes to war, the whole people cannot take the field together
2. All the men of the military age, however, may take the field, and in small nations of this kind, have frequently done so
3. In a more advanced state of society, two different causes contribute to render it altogether impossible that they who take the field should maintain themselves at their own expense
4. In the little agrarian states of ancient Greece, a fourth or a fifth part of the whole body of the people considered the themselves as soldiers, and would sometimes, it is said, take the field
5. By spring, an additional Harchongese army, three-quarters of a million strong, would be ready to take the field
6. “I’ll wager my lord of Butterwell does not take the field either
7. Though the profession of arms was not closed to women in Nuevaropa, it was considered beneath a noblewoman’s station to take the field except in dire necessity
8. When intrigue in his father’s court had forced Jaume to take the field against the ferocious miquelet bandits at the ridiculously young age of nineteen, he had been forced to confront, once and for all, the fact that he would one day die
9. The question before the House, if he correctly understood it, was not, what were the best materials of which to make an army; whether men for the war, for five years, or for twelve months; but the question was, what is the kind of force, and for what length of time can you raise an army to take the field at the earliest period? I hesitate not a moment, Mr
10. Let us see how that will answer the purpose: You send out your warrants to commence the enlistment of the proposed troops at this time; how long a time, is it contemplated, will be necessary for their enlistment? My opinion is, that you will not have them half full in four months; it is then time to take the field, and they are then raw troops