Utiliser "tallow" dans une phrase
tallow exemples de phrases
1. The Tallow seeds had been harvested by Belle and the girls early during the construction weeks, and now could be rendered for candles and soaps
2. In some provinces of Spain, I have been assured, the sheep is frequently killed merely for the sake of the fleece and the tallow
3. If this sometimes happens even in Spain, it happens almost constantly in Chili, at Buenos Ayres, and in many other parts of Spanish America, where the horned cattle are almost constantly killed merely for the sake of the hide and the tallow
4. The fat eunuch bent at the middle, as if bowing to his killer, and crumpled like tallow, his pudgy hands clutching vainly at his spilling entrails
5. A small fire crackled in a stone fireplace in the far wall, adding its flickering light to the illumination cast by four tallow candles high on the walls
6. It would take real cunning to get into Wat's yard and make off with his tallow
7. But the Quest for the Tallow presented real challenges
8. It was plausible but had no relevance to the Quest for the Tallow
9. The Draper boys wrapped straw round the spokes of the wheels and coated them with tallow
10. He applied the cord to the tallow and the flames spread
11. I used to have to boil these canvas sails in big, black cauldrons, mix in tar, tallow and oak 75
12. The stink of old dampness was stronger than out in the corridor and the underlying scent of shoe polish, tallow and other smells teased my nostrils
13. They do not have much tallow in that region so these candlefish do provide most of their nighttime light
14. odour and tallow candles
15. Good hello, with a clump of Tallow in my cup
16. A little lower down, however, one was refreshed by a current of icy air that smelt of tallow, leather, and oil
17. We got an old tin lantern, and a butcher-knife without any handle, and a bran-new Barlow knife worth two bits in any store, and a lot of tallow candles, and a tin candlestick, and a gourd, and a tin cup, and a ratty old bedquilt off the bed, and a reticule with needles and pins and beeswax and buttons and thread and all such truck in it, and a hatchet and some nails, and a fishline as thick as my little finger with some monstrous hooks on it, and a roll of buckskin, and a leather dog-collar, and a horseshoe, and some vials of medicine that didn't have no label on them; and just as we was leaving I found a tolerable good curry-comb, and Jim he found a ratty old fiddle-bow, and a wooden leg
18. The place was dimly lit by tallow lamps and the candles
19. The spot of tallow had given the man a new pose
20. She who was formerly so careful, so dainty, now passed whole days without dressing, wore grey cotton stockings, and burnt tallow candles
21. He also carried divers Supplies for the Castle of the Trading Company, such as Muskets, brass Kettles, English Carpets, Lead Bars, Firkins of Tallow, Powder, et cetera
22. Coral and Iron Bars were heap’d on Deck, Firkins of Tallow, e’en the Basons that Whitehead had brought for Trading
23. The kidney is never fully removed from its tallow membrane, which is instead allowed to slowly melt over the kidney as a kind of selfbasting roast
24. By-and-by, one group after another came straggling back to the mouth of the cave, panting, hilarious, smeared from head to foot with tallow drippings, daubed with clay, and entirely delighted with the success of the day
25. A solitary tallow candle burned in the
26. On a banister post stood a tallow candle which guttered in the draft
27. In the farthest corner, on a bench beside a bed on which something was lying, stood a tallow candle with a long, thick, and smoldering wick
28. When the flame of the sulphur splinters kindled by the tinder burned up, first blue and then red, Shcherbinin lit the tallow candle, from the candlestick of which the cockroaches that had been gnawing it were running away, and looked at the messenger
29. The women, huge ill-shaped tallow things, death-melted
30. In that room, which was lighted by a tallow candle standing on the chimney-piece, there were three men, one standing erect, another kneeling, and one lying at full length, on the floor in his shirt
31. He seized the candle in his fist, and set it on the chimney-piece with so violent a bang that the wick came near being extinguished, and the tallow bespattered the wall
32. They held to the Witch Door, smelling the odor of warm tallow
33. Using spirits of resin, they cleaned metal objects of the hornface tallow in which they’d been packed to preserve them from damp
34. He smelled the hot tallow in his nostrils and instinctively he grabbed at a candle and walked with it around and about the house, pretending to straighten the crape
35. In the longer term, improve water-repellent qualities by rubbing animal fat or the tallow from suet into your clothing
36. With axe and shovel you explore this mine, and follow the marrowy store, yellow as beef tallow, or as if you had struck on a vein of gold, deep into the earth
37. When not more profitably employed, the sperm whale hunters sometimes capture the Hyena whale, to keep up the supply of cheap oil for domestic employment—as some frugal housekeepers, in the absence of company, and quite alone by themselves, burn unsavory tallow instead of odorous wax
38. "There's a pretty fellow, now," he banteringly laughed, standing in the ship's bows, "there's a jackal for ye! I well know that these Crappoes of Frenchmen are but poor devils in the fishery; sometimes lowering their boats for breakers, mistaking them for Sperm Whale spouts; yes, and sometimes sailing from their port with their hold full of boxes of tallow candles, and cases of snuffers, foreseeing that all the oil they will get won't be enough to dip the Captain's wick into; aye, we all know these things; but look ye, here's a Crappo that is content with our leavings, the drugged whale there, I mean; aye, and is content too with scraping the dry bones of that other precious fish he has there
39. We had also several hams, which had been found in large quantities, a good supply of salt fish, some sacks of flour, two large barrels of tallow, which we had taken for butter, and some beer
40. The palace, as the peasant called it, was lighted by two tallow candles
41. It was lighted by two tallow candles, and the walls were hung with gold paper
42. They went into that room and lighted a tallow candle
43. “On the table, as in the other room, burned a tallow candle-end in an iron candlestick; and on the bed there whined a baby of scarcely three weeks old
44. On one side burned a crooked tallow candle, which a recumbent soldier was holding to illuminate the book which another one was spelling out slowly
45. A solitary tallow candle burned in the anteroom
46. When the flame of the sulphur splinters kindled by the tinder burned up, first blue and then red, Shcherbínin lit the tallow candle, from the candlestick of which the cockroaches that had been gnawing it were running away, and looked at the messenger
47. Remembering that there was a tavern he knew close by, he ran to it without a moment’s delay, settled himself at a little table lighted up by a tallow candle, and, taking no notice of anything, regardless of the waiter who came to ask for his orders, broke the seal and began reading the following letter, which completely astounded him —
48. The tall wheels and cylinders, with their straps and bolts, looked like weird creatures of the night in the dim light of my tallow candle
49. By the light of a flaring tallow candle, she found Lord Blantyre’s man repacking his master’s valise
1. George and Harry were transplanting a few of the Tallows and installing 'locally obtained' shrubs, ones they'd relocated from around the lake that is, into the bedding areas Belle and the twins had prepared