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    Utiliser "tandem" dans une phrase

    tandem exemples de phrases


    1. ” They sighted along their mother's arm and they began the steady push and pull on the tandem oars, always keeping the craft headed for the two boulders

    2. Brynjolf wondered to himself what could possibly have happened, to have such unexplained disappearances in tandem

    3. Two wheeled out the bed with the lady in it, the other pushed the life support stand in tandem with the bed

    4. The other one was north of the river and looked as though it had been hastily thrown up to stop our advance in tandem with the other one

    5. These recent discoveries on aging in tandem with the

    6. In tandem, the girls both said, “She wants RED hair! She wants RED hair!” and it was done

    7. far again as you’ve already travelled, but this time in tandem

    8. ) Taste always works in tandem with the sense of smell for a

    9. It would appear that the two could run in tandem without either one really interfering with the other - as a matter of fact, Film Production activities gave good cover while investigating

    10. But one fate-filled day, while both were riding a motorcycle in tandem, a truck hit them square, and both were killed simultaneously

    11. But in tandem with the credit card debt of this country it has put us in a bind that will take many years to get out of

    12. Working suspended, in tandem, they transfused Zeke where he was

    13. � Everybody soon could hear the sound of the tandem rotors as the heavy helicopter made its approach

    14. An engine startup unit then rolled to besides the prototype and technicians proceeded in starting one by one the two huge turbofan engines, coordinating their actions with the two crewmembers inside the tandem cockpit

    15. In fact, when used in tandem with

    16. ” In a short while both cars were clear of the road and parked in tandem on the footpath

    17. Even that didn’t limit games since each station could play in tandem with any other station

    18. Once they were in tandem, he created a holographic parachute which erupted right from the clothes on her back

    19. The sound becomes overwhelming as the alien vehicles pass in tandem with the power of a flying freight train

    20. The modern house probably has 50,000 MIPS available, if you connected all the chips in tandem

    21. Once the gate is functional, I intend to send a Losira agent there to install a Losira computer system and tie it in tandem to the Yonada computer system, well, what’s left of it after it was stripped, and then have her download a copy of herself into that system

    22. In less than a minute the teleporting tandem cover the

    23. A Wimpy? Here? In the middle of a field in nowheresville! It couldn’t be! Mark had been born and raised above Richmond’s finest example of this English version of the classic American diner and with a primal cry, he rode the tandem through the door

    24. Once inside, Geza led us to the lift which, being of the service variety easily fitted the three of us and the tandem

    25. During bouts of feasting and tandem tussling, we told Geza of our adventure and he told us of his: actually Yugoslavian, even though only nineteen he had deserted from the army as he had no belief in, and no desire to take part in, the criminally stupid war that had proved such a thorn in the bollocks of our trip

    26. Having locked the tandem to something solid round the back and put our panniers in the room, we set off to find whatever food was available in town and to have a nose around

    27. Everyone turned out to wave us off and having waved the tandem off, we realised maybe we should be the ones riding it, pulled the inmates off and made our excuses and escape

    28. After standing holding the tandem for a good hour, the platform had filled up with a couple of trucks and cars and we were off at the speed of a deceased greyhound

    29. With a sigh, Mark agreed, admitting that he didn’t really think that riding the tandem underwater would have quite worked anyway

    30. Before even reaching the outskirts proper, the tandem was stuck in the most traffic-rich, traffic jam any International cyclists had ever had the displeasure of coming out in a nasty rash in

    31. Nevertheless, such a road had to be ridden hard and rough, rough and hard, man* and machine tested to the limit! As we flew down and round a particularly sweeping corner, the tandem obliged by reaching the limit on a scattering of gravel, thoughtfully provided by one of the overladen lorries that lumbered up and down

    32. Having followed up failure to secure our visa in Istanbul with a double dose of illness, and now on top of it all, a wipe out, in which it seemed on first wince we had inflicted serious damage on the tandem and ourselves, we could have chosen to utter such phrases as “Just our luck!” or “Why do these things always happen to us” or “Jesus, I think I’ve split me kneecap!” but not us! Instead, Mark chose to utter a strange high-pitched sound not unlike an asthmatic albino strangling a cow

    33. A straggle of dunces held the tandem, while a kindergarten of ragged urchins* fought over who was going to operate the village pump, which obviously supplied the entire population with water and gave them somewhere to wash clothes or mildly haemorrhaging tourists

    34. Sadly, after only half-an-hour of incomprehensible chitchat, Murat had to go and sell more of the ‘tea’ we were drinking, or there wouldn’t have been any for us to drink tomorrow apparently, whilst Mark and I pottered out in to the sunshine minus tandem and luggage to ‘do’ Zonguldak

    35. Like ourselves, on inspection, the tandem seemed to have no more than the expected regulation scratches and dents about its person

    36. Marvelling at the tandem, two grease monkeys scurried about the business of repair while we lauded it with tea and lamachun they'd kindly bought for us unasked from the chai shop around the corner -we mused that by the time we had finished everything they pressed upon us, half their profit would have gone

    37. It was a long time ago but with a superhuman effort of memory, miraculously he managed to dig out of his brain the whereabouts of just that – a photographer only a few blocks away! We cursed having left the tandem behind as we pegged it faster than our legs believed they could go without the aid of pedals and gears

    38. Drawn by our dazzling entrance the obligatory gawping crowd had immediately formed around us, or to be more accurate, around the tandem

    39. Ooops! After helpfully imparting this news, trying to cadge a ride on the tandem and some fags, they left team Slightly-Nervous-and-Looking-over-Their-Shouders to creep on down the uncomfortably deserted road towards an ever visible, but infuriatingly still far-off, Erzurum

    40. Having reached this far without incident, in truth we could handle taking wheels for the last few kilometres to the border; the only challenge was how to transport the tandem

    41. “Perhaps, but I already created the character profile while in tandem with the

    42. With the Path Finder in the tandem position with the New Constitution, looking up not only revealed the stars passing by, broken down into their spectral patterns, but it offered a nice top view of the saucer section of the Constitution

    43. Constitution, in the tandem position,” Losira reported

    44. Technology in tandem with being able to remain lucid while dreaming

    45. holodecks that are connected in tandem

    46. By midday, the tandem had covered a large distance, and

    47. As though infatuation itself was enamored to feel the pulse of their love in tandem, it induced Raja Rao into reverie to review his feelings

    48. ‘The irony of it all is that, in spite of censure by the moralists, life tends to evolve in tandem with the ever changing human condition

    49. The elements attacking her, working in tandem with the eagle

    50. Research done in our tandem resulted in

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    Synonymes pour "tandem"

    bicycle-built-for-two tandem tandem bicycle in tandem