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    Utiliser "target at" dans une phrase

    target at exemples de phrases

    target at

    1. Ruby could hit a moving target at any range and her technique for reloading the arrow was highly proficient

    2. “Statistically speaking,” the Erudite boy next to me—his name is Will—says, grinning at me, “you should have hit the target at least once by now, even by accident

    3. He knew where he would hit his target at first glance, tracking the strike, seeing the bullet enter the flesh and destroy the being beneath

    4. “It’s possible, but we need a precise hit on this target at once,” General Dudley says in a firm voice while hitting the table with his hand

    5. However, by setting both the stop and the target at the same time and using a similar type of analysis, the trader can ensure that the potential gain in any tradable set-up is a sufficient multiple of the appropriate risk before entering the trade

    6. Nancy examined the target at which one of the female Afghan recruits had been shooting with her AK-47 assault rifle from a distance of fifty meters, then patted her shoulder in encouragement, speaking to her in Pashto

    7. She however could only illuminate one target at a time and would have to manually track her chosen target to keep her illumination radar on

    8. Newer, more advanced versions of HARM will remember where the hostile emitter is located; and strike the target even if the radar is subsequently switched off, as during a multiple target attack, where the enemy realizes he is under fire and shuts down his equipment in a futile effort to save it from destruction

    9. could hit a target at close range with a lot of stopping

    10. Selene loosened her grip on the arrow, knowing it would find its target at

    11. ‘We can’t have a pattern of venues and must present a moving target at all times’ Johan had explained in setting the venue

    12. The bottle was larger than the centre of his usual target at home

    13. Ariella had finally grasped the long bow and, although not anywhere near Jaron or Theia’s ability, she could hit the target at a decent range

    14. One of the guides, doing it just by eye, places the target at 300 ft exactly

    15. Man should not deviate from the target attribute to these problems

    16. The range was thirty-two hundred yards, almost two miles, and HMS Scepter’s hundred-and-sixty-foot length made a very small target at that distance

    17. It was a difficult target at the best of times—which the steadily rising waves and strangling clouds of blinding smoke definitely weren’t—but if enough of them fired at it long enough, someone was bound to get lucky

    18. I set my first target at one times my risk in almost all cases, the only exceptions being when that target would be beyond a very visible chart point

    19. The simplest way to profit from the wammie trade is to simply place a profit target at the nearest zone

    20. At 5, the market achieves the profit target at the next zone at 78

    21. This trade easily achieved the profit target at the very next zone, the 1

    22. This illustrates the point that sometimes it might be safer to set your volatility target at about “average,” and not wait for volatility to swing all the way to its previous extreme

    23. 6 percent of the X to A move, then the Crab kicks in with a target at 161

    24. If this positive RSI reversal plays out, it would target at least 127

    25. The daily chart also had a bullish Crab (blue, further left) complete and retrace to near the first reversal target at 1292

    26. The second target at 1362 is right in the same zone as the bearish Harmonics—quite a Harmonic confluence

    27. For a moderate-volume gap, I will split this order up, having half my target at 50 percent of the gap fill and leaving on the remaining half for a potential full gap fill

    28. 50, with my first target at 1391

    29. 50, with my first target at 1369

    30. I get filled, and I place a stop order at 10,124, with my first target at 10,157

    31. The market rolls over quickly, and my target at 10,335 is hit in 10 minutes for +20 points

    32. It eventually rolls over and hits my target at 43

    33. Since the width of the box is 16 pips, I place a sell limit order for my target at 1

    34. Prices consolidate near the lows for about five hours before breaking lower and hitting my target at 139

    35. ” The priest is the target at which the woman hurls her ugly shafts

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