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    Utiliser "tartan" dans une phrase

    tartan exemples de phrases


    1. "Right", said the soldier, "fill this tartan shopping trolley with fifty-pound notes

    2. was standing back out in the open air with a tartan shopping trolley

    3. "Right", said the soldier, "fill this tartan shopping trolley with

    4. Her tentative knock brought the sound of footsteps and the door opened to reveal a late-middle-aged man, balding, thick glasses and tartan sweater

    5. 1 In the year that Tartan came to Ashdod, when Sargon the King of Assyria sent him, and fought against Ashdod, and took it; 2 At the

    6. The girl’s dress was black with a tartan skirt of red, white, and black—she came from the Northern Highlands

    7. After a thorough search of the buildings he was disappointed, but not surprised, to find nothing much of value, but he was delighted to find a red tartan blanket that he could wear in traditional Maasai fashion

    8. hated anything even vaguely English but had chosen the only English tartan in

    9. Samantha got up, dusted the dirt off her green and blue tartan

    10. tartan dress and stood smiling at the man

    11. She was dressed in a blue and green tartan dress, and looked to be a few

    12. providing tartan baseball caps decorated with haggis feathers, or putting items such as Texas

    13. The tartan pants look pretty cool

    14. The tartan pants looks great with the red jumper

    15. "Are you having a clear out, my dear?" she asked as she swung her tartan shopping trolley around the bin liners

    16. A moth-eaten tartan blanket obscured their presence, but they weren’t well hidden

    17. discovered the secret behind tartan or plaid, as it is known in the U

    18. tartan was banned by the English in 1746, they were trying to extinguish



    21. As Dantes (his eyes turned in the direction of the Chateau d'If) uttered this prayer, he saw off the farther point of the Island of Pomegue a small vessel with lateen sail skimming the sea like a gull in search of prey; and with his sailor's eye he knew it to be a Genoese tartan

    22. However, the vessel and the swimmer insensibly neared one another, and in one of its tacks the tartan bore down within a quarter of a mile of him

    23. This time he was both seen and heard, and the tartan instantly steered towards him

    24. When he opened his eyes Dantes found himself on the deck of the tartan

    25. He renewed against Danglars, oath was no longer a vain menace; for the fastest sailer in the Mediterranean would have been unable to overtake the little tartan, that with every stitch of canvas set was flying before the wind to Leghorn

    26. Without having been in the school of the Abbe Faria, the worthy master of The Young Amelia (the name of the Genoese tartan) knew a smattering of all the tongues spoken on the shores of that large lake called the Mediterranean, from the Arabic to the Provencal, and this, while it spared him interpreters, persons always troublesome and frequently indiscreet, gave him great facilities of communication, either with the vessels he met at sea, with the small boats sailing along the coast, or with the people without name, country, or occupation, who are always seen on the quays of seaports, and who live by hidden and mysterious means which we must suppose to be a direct gift of providence, as they have no visible means of support

    27. "Why, on board the tartan," replied the sailor

    28. We will try and carry him on board the tartan

    29. " Then he dragged himself cautiously to the top of a rock, from which he had a full view of the sea, and thence he saw the tartan complete her preparations for sailing, weigh anchor, and, balancing herself as gracefully as a water-fowl ere it takes to the wing, set sail

    30. It was at the brigantine that had left in the morning, and the tartan that had just set sail, that Edmond fixed his eyes

    31. In addition to the round table there was an old rocking chair and two worn, sagging sofas which nonetheless managed to look inviting thanks to a pair of red tartan rugs

    32. , an immense tartan shawl over her knitted petticoat, and the man's shoes which her daughter had scorned in the morning

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    Synonymes pour "tartan"

    plaid tartan