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    teamster exemples de phrases


    1. She found negotiating a contract with them, nearly as difficult as with teamsters

    2. For the Democrats, the NEA has emerged as one of the biggest givers-along with the trial lawyers and the Teamsters Union

    3. The Teamsters out of Buffalo were trying to unionize the Binghamton and Utica operations

    4. “The Teamsters are giving me a hard time

    5. power (look at how powerful the Teamsters Union is or the United Auto Workers)

    6. 1975) was a US labour leader, President of the Teamsters’ Union (transport workers) from 1957

    7. And the Teamsters…"

    8. The only reason the teamsters union managed to get a decent salary in this war; was because they controlled all the smuggling going on both before and after prohibition

    9. In the echo of teamsters' calls and the clinking chains, and the

    10. PATCO was the rare union, along with the Teamsters, that supported Reagan during the election, and he sympathizes with their pay request

    11. She paid off the teamsters and Hugh smiled for he was going to the reception

    12. She heard the sound of feet outside but paid little heed, thinking it was the teamsters going home

    13. Ethel had wanted to meet Marilyn ever since deciding a year earlier that the actress should play her in a screen version of Bobby’s book The Enemy Within, which was about his investigation into the illegal activities of Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamsters union

    14. If one is to believe all that has been published in the last few decades—and entire books have been published based on these supposed recordings—poor Marilyn was being bugged by everyone from the Teamsters, the FBI, the CIA, Howard Hughes, the Kennedys, and the Mafia to her own movie studio, 20th Century-Fox

    15. It was but little after noon when there came a great clatter into the simple farmyard that was wont to echo to no louder sounds than the lumbering progress of the teamsters and their wagon, or the patient steps of Pomona’s dairy cows

    16. Long caravans of goods, in mule or wagon trains, in the care of a few teamsters, have passed back and forth among these Indians, and most of the other tribes, transporting merchandise of all kinds during the last twenty years, unmolested by the Indians

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