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    Utiliser "thankful" dans une phrase

    thankful exemples de phrases


    1. With every flick of his tongue, he tasted God's beautiful creation and was thankful for it

    2. " Surprisingly, the whole exchange has brought out a degree of exuberance from Apollo and I must admit, I'm thankful for that

    3. Most companies offer their followers at least some form of a reward; even if it is something small, it is a form of gratitude that you are thankful they are your customer and that they are following you on social media platforms

    4. Will I be thankful I guided you with a Mother’s

    5. “Well, at least we have to be thankful to them

    6. thankful that neither is a Hindu or a Sikh

    7. Once again she was thankful for Alan’s world and the practice that had given her

    8. He was thankful to receive food and

    9. “Smooth as glass,” Hasting said with relief, thankful that at least the product had some redeeming quality

    10. She greeted him, thankful that he was near

    11. Who’d informed her of how bad the weather was there, while thankful that Emma wasn't in it

    12. " She remarked taking the cup with a thankful expression

    13. Jack was most surprised to hear the voice of Sunil, but very thankful when around the corner came all his friends; Andrew, Monica, Julia and Matt

    14. Spelman was thankful for the offer and acquiesced to his daughter's whole-hearted support of the invitation

    15. This was probably the first time Heather was thankful for Gina’s disregard

    16. When this happened, if you would have felt like me, you can’t even imagine how bad I felt and be thankful you can’t imagine how I felt

    17. We are thankful for having another

    18. Cold, tired but thankful to be home again, they slipped into bed

    19. we should at least be thankful that we have shelter of a

    20. His only thought about the Alan case was that he was so thankful it brought them together and gave them the excuse for this encounter

    21. Emily was thankful for the elf's intervention, though she wished she had the power to stifle him herself

    22. Be thankful, Master Brice that I do control chopa

    23. Above all, he was especially thankful that the mage had ordered his imp to watch over Emily and the others

    24. Alec was thankful for the abrupt end to his words, but much less so when he saw the shadowed hand wrap around the man's neck

    25. Even so, she was thankful for the light she had

    26. He was thankful to find an empty room – less so, when he realized it was a dead end

    27. me arrive here, and I was thankful to them

    28. and be thankful with what you chosen to be

    29. He was immensely thankful and relieved for her good humor, DRAFT

    30. Unsure of how much time had passed since the incident, Penelope was thankful to be able to move her eyes and hands a bit more freely

    31. The clouds of dust and steam soon settled and though he glared at her and shook himself loose from her grasp, he was more than thankful for her fleetness of foot

    32. And she was thankful that Mercer appeared too consumed with his own musings to notice the tears biting and welling up in her eyes

    33. ” Helez’s aunt nodded absentmindedly, thankful for the reprieve

    34. But I most thankful to all my students and clents who have trusted my guidance

    35. Though the abruptness of his motion took the Breton by surprise momentarily, she was immensely thankful for the embrace

    36. “I’m just so thankful that you’re alright, Carius

    37. That is the most awesome experience of our lives!” The rest of the company on the bridge clapped loudly at her pronouncement; they were genuinely thankful to be part of the Huntress's crew

    38. They didn't have my size, and the one I grabbed hung on me like a sheet, but I was thankful I could get out of the rotten smelling shirt

    39. Just be thankful you’re in here and not out there,” said Lucy, “But you can look forward to being properly warm when we reach the rest of the ship

    40. Russell glanced in the rearview mirror, thankful that their rented SUV had tinted windows

    41. As I entered the gate, I saw Elizabeth press a coin into their hands, and was thankful for her thoughtfulness

    42. “I shall be thankful as long as I live

    43. I stuck the needle into the material, thankful for the moment she held me

    44. As we moved slowly toward Bethlehem, a few clouds floated across the expanse and I was thankful when the sun emerged, if only for a few moments

    45. We were thankful another storm was passed

    46. The light had faded and he was thankful for that, but still anybody looking in the right direction would be able to see him

    47. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened

    48. they were all thankful for the help

    49. There is not a time during which I am not prayerful and thankful for the ability to re-group after a down time

    50. Jessie Hawes was thankful for the three-week stopover in Honolulu with the hotels, restaurants,

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    Synonymes pour "thankful"

    grateful thankful indebted gladdened obliged appreciative