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    Utiliser "thrall" dans une phrase

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    1. The endless cars stopped as the red light held them in its thrall and, in company with two women chatting about their husbands, one with a dog on a lead, a teenage boy listening to music on headphones and two casually dressed men, she crossed to the other side

    2. This vengeful, this fascinating series of events held them in total thrall

    3. That fear he knew should exist was now just an observation of some base human response, like he was in the thrall of a potent barbiturate drug

    4. He could have attacked me with all the finesse of a bull in season, and under his thrall, the pain would have been turned to pleasure

    5. Some emotion had to be a counterweight to his thrall over me

    6. “So they’re all in your thrall, then? Normally, I mean?”

    7. These benefits are directly related to the closeness of working with us and the frequency of the renewal of the thrall

    8. “This establishes a new thrall, replacing any that already exists

    9. “Once she was subverted, she was in thrall to the agnate and could not refuse his orders, even when he wasn’t present

    10. And she might be a human, but she was in his thrall

    11. That meant that every one of the staff members who had not been in Dorian’s thrall now was

    12. He looked back past Ninsan to view the vastness of the domain now under the thrall of the Lord of the Flood

    13. And then they came under the thrall of a new and more terrible kind of overseer, called the law

    14. Whereas the Gathandrian in thrall to greed for power only has slaves or those he bends to his will by force or temptation

    15. We know that Zarkog holds your daughters in thrall by means of a specialized Compulsion spell

    16. “I’m sorry he remains under the mind-executioner’s thrall

    17. Patients are not under a spell or in the thrall of

    18. country would be in thrall to vampires and their ilk

    19. “Come closer,” I whispered and they walked quietly forward, that particular glaze in their eyes that told me they were under my thrall

    20. I bid you to destroy the binds holding you in thrall

    21. I also worried about the many of innocent citizens, the billons of people, who were under Julius’s thrall

    22. Loka a young Toltec Indian destined to be High Chief of the Toltec Nation is sent on his manhood trials during which he finds a shipwrecked European, the Toltec tribe are being bled to death by the city state they are in thrall to, Loka and his white friend unite his people and challenge the mighty city state

    23. forecasts, only in the thrall of the weather itself were we sure what was

    24. still in its thrall, why would we still be hearing politicians blather at us about abortion, about gay rights, and about abstinence as federal birth

    25. however, requires that we challenge not only the ideas in whose thrall

    26. pushed away when we are in the thrall of our mad flight

    27. minority of folks who wish to keep the common people in their thrall as

    28. Besides, they revelled in the fact that their respective armies were so much under their thrall that not one soldier dared to protest when their generals started dry-humping each other on the battle-ground before their very eyes

    29. Usually their thrall was up by now, busy cleaning

    30. Although Sigrid was their thrall, they treated her more like a family member, allowing her to sleep inside the longhouse, eat at their table, and even speak at will

    31. Beside them, sat a thrall

    32. Lucia wrestled with the force which held her captive, trying to run away, but bound like a thrall to her master, she could not move at all

    33. So, both companies in thrall of the other because of the power they perceived was being wielded

    34. “Be sold as a thrall to whoever would buy you

    35. With no questions asked that is and naturally, that would afford man a sway in his home with the wife or wives in thrall, which is bound to pep up the ego sag of the economically poor Musalman

    36. to hold us in thrall,

    37. The green and gold of greedy humanity’s all-powerful power source—money—is what already holds us in thrall

    38. Daniel from his imagined thrall

    39. thrall the kid had put him into

    40. By the look on his face, she could tell he was in her thrall

    41. "You're stealing a thrall?" he asked

    42. This abstract declaration somehow made their Monarch these Europeans were in thrall to, the personal owner of an entire unknown unexplored land

    43. Her body was in thrall to his, to his masculinity, her movements inviting his love, inviting their union the penetration of body and soul

    44. The football match kept it in thrall throughout that night and the traffic at three was almost impenetrable

    45. It kept us going this mediocre red, kept us on edge, kept us in need, kept us in love and in thrall to our passion

    46. The natives had begun to dance and shuffle around the flickering fires, worshipfully chanting as they did so, to their latest superstitious thrall of the moment

    47. The more he strove against this unhallowed passion the more his senses yielded to its thrall, and at length, weary of a struggle that taxed his very soul, he gave way and sank back breathless and exhausted beneath the kisses of these marble goddesses, and the enchantment of his marvellous dream

    48. What would make Dani feel invincible in the presence of Fae royalty? Not at all worried that they might control her with their sexual thrall, a thing they once did; the only time I ever saw Dani cry

    49. Beneficent Disseminator of blessings to all Thy creatures, how great and universal must be that sweetest of Thy tyrannies which can hold in thrall the free and the bond, the simple swain and the polished coxcomb, the lover in the heyday of reckless passion and the husband of maturer years

    50. She started to learn everything about hacking and programming, and I imagine that it was the same as when other child prodigies discover their niche – she was in thrall

    1. thralled, as her mother doctored cuts and sprains, and

    1. “Bobby, I’m not sure why you haven’t noticed, but I can hear those snarls and moans, and I can see these people have turned into evil zombie thralls

    2. What was going on in the background, behind the approaching throng of Memphis zombie demon thralls, as far as I could tell, was pure mayhem

    3. Thralls were allowed to attend church service with them? Next sat a mother and father with four children

    4. Rumor has it that they were all transported to Trollsoe, immediately to be sold as thralls

    5. That's what thralls do

    6. Our father; we are thralls of thine, devoted

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    Synonymes pour "thrall"

    thrall bondage slavery thraldom thralldom