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    Utiliser "thrashing" dans une phrase

    thrashing exemples de phrases


    1. He stops thrashing about, his eyes focus on Clarisse

    2. When Tig and the alien twisted around again, the blade of magnetically focused plasma had sliced a Squidy into a pair of thrashing hose and ribbon tangles that shot a mix of snowy atmo and alien blood out mortal wounds

    3. Then horrible thrashing erupted in some nearby water, and a scream that turned Alan's hair white and made his nuts crawl up inside his belly

    4. Yiannis was merciless, grunting and thrashing and shouting at his opponent, but no sooner had he hammered home his death blow than he leaped aboard his chariot and licked his lips, 'OK, my friend, so you want to go to Stephanos main town, yes?'

    5. She was thrashing about and he feared that she would injure herself

    6. Her father went berserk when he was informed that Tiffany was helping the police with their enquiries and was quite ready to give her a good thrashing and to call her all sorts of nasty names

    7. enquiries and was quite ready to give her a good thrashing and to

    8. I could see that you were trying, but your subconscious was thrashing around like a caged bull

    9. thrashing and snapping at the men surrounding her, when she

    10. The thrashing she had received when her mother found out about her uncle’s activities had been the last – she had left home as soon as possible after that

    11. the bed was still thrashing

    12. A moment later the thrashing stopped

    13. Rollinthor thrashing in his hands, Drua'd trudged past the line of wolf helmed soldiers, the light of a thousand colors flashing on his face while the pair of Rock Dwarves walking beside him moved in darkness, obscured by the shadow of the Keeper's guard

    14. They must have run to the window when they heard her thrashing thru the water

    15. In the distance, the figure shifted, his robe thrashing about as he was ignited in blue flames

    16. expected a thrashing and had closed my eyes in anticipation when

    17. They both couldn’t help but marvel at the sight: the glittering basins, the thrashing, spraying mist of the falls and, at the far side of the chamber, another great figure

    18. Sounds of thrashing through the underbrush caused her to take a deep breath and begin her song

    19. She thought about sucking the thing, but he was thrashing about so wildly now that she gave up on this idea, immediately

    20. I was wading in waist high water and had just put my foot down when I went head first down into the water I had found a large hole in the seabed and had fell I thought I was going to drown as I struggled with my kits weight thrashing and wallowing under the surface

    21. “What’s she on about a shit like Tommy Smith for has something happened?” I told him about the other night when I punched him just to throw Bert off the scent he then patted me on the back saying no one deserved a thrashing more

    22. “This is Silver Snake,” she said as she stopped to swing the blade upwards sliding it around through the air like a live serpent thrashing

    23. Alex and Abigail were reciting the Talmud off by heart in between bonking furiously, loud thrashing bands covering up the noise of their loud thrashing, thus passed the week

    24. And I laughed out loud trying to count how many times that we actually made it all the way through the night without running back to the house because we heard some terrible monster thrashing through the woods

    25. The compulsion to breathe was so overpowering now that he began thrashing about in desperation, heart hammering as he rolled onto his back and began scrabbling at the roof in a desperate search for air

    26. Darkburst was thrashing about in a water-filled tunnel, fighting for his life!

    27. He was thrashing about in deep clinging mud, his mouth open so that he had little choice but to swallow the cold, clammy liquid

    28. The Motion Picture industry has enjoyed a long running fetish with strong, physically intimidating women routinely beating up on or otherwise skillfully out-maneuvering the obnoxious designs of pretentious, self-centered males filled with a heightened sense of their (own) self-importance; convenient foils portrayed as anachronistic, insensitive, chauvinistic types deserving an occasional thrashing every so often from women scorned or in response to inopportune or unsolicited (sexual) banterings or harmless wisecracks intended to make a definitive statement about strong women coming of age

    29. Sunlight slanted down through the trees, and he could hear the tops of them thrashing around

    30. Watching open-mouthed, Nibbles saw blood everywhere, sprayed all over by the thing’s deadly thrashing

    31. Bathed in sweat, the covers showed that I must have been thrashing around a lot

    32. Thrashing amid a thousand thorns, he screamed, “OW!

    33. She locked eyes for a moment with the tall man then, in synchronized motion, they turned to look aft into the foam of the wake at the figure thrashing there, then forward again, still in unison, to see Truman emerge from the door of the wheelhouse

    34. Brian clearly recalled that Mike had been in Club Hollywood – thrashing a girl in one of his back rooms – the night of Dearling’s murder, but he wasn’t about to mention that to anyone

    35. The howling and thrashing down below finally subsided

    36. The only sounds reaching them were the intermittent thrashing sounds of rock flung against the walls, mingled with the tumultuous and disarrayed yells of the men defending the city and the bristling fires that had engulfed it once more, for what seemed to be the last time

    37. What was that? he wondered, even as he heard the more familiar sound of water thrashing and crashing through the trees, a sound that had been in the background of their flight

    38. Muddy fur, suddenly slid off with the continued thrashing of legs

    39. The book started thrashing about under its wrappings

    40. Wes began to captivate the crowd with a monster guitar thrashing while the look on Uncles face told me that he was giving it everything he had – his guitar solo was very “Eddie Van Halen-esque

    41. Finally Orphenn’s eyes opened, and the thrashing quieted, but the sobbing and

    42. out a hysterical howl and began thrashing uncontrollably in the bed

    43. head, but he howled again, arms and legs thrashing like a trapped animal

    44. Manda had thought she was dead for certain, when she had teetered momentarily on the edge of the cliff, her arms thrashing in the air

    45. Erica resisted, kicking and thrashing around on the floor

    46. “Look who it is!” she screamed over the heavy thrashing of a Metallica song

    47. "Oh god!" I couldn’t help it; I blew, thrashing about like I was some monster

    48. ” He grins, clearing his throat and thrashing the strings louder

    49. Ogres weighed as much as an average unicorn and came equipped with skin that was tougher than gargoyle hide, and they were capable of fighting with almost undiminished capacity after sustaining wounds that would reduce most warriors to thrashing and screaming

    50. above the surface, with his arms thrashing the air, his head

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    Synonymes pour "thrashing"

    beating drubbing lacing licking thrashing trouncing whacking debacle slaughter walloping whipping