There had been a lock on the container that looked too expensive for it to be there
Especially at noon, when I was hungry and I wanted to go to a restaurant and eat something decent, Helen screamed that restaurants are too expensive, that we ought to eat nothing more than a souvlaki in hand, and that “certain people are like pigs, all they care about is food, food, food!”
It is with the produce of improved and cultivated land only that cattle can be fed in the stable; because, to collect the scanty and scattered produce of waste and unimproved lands, would require too much labour, and be too expensive
The English in those days had nothing wherewithal to purchase the pay and provisions of their armies in foreign countries, but either the rude produce of the soil, of which no considerable part could be spared from the home consumption, or a few manufactures of the coarsest kind, of which, as well as of the rude produce, the transportation was too expensive
Flights into orbit continue and we still service Mars colony and the Galilean mining operations, but now only probes ever go further, manned exploration or colonisation missions are deemed too expensive and a waste of resources
But this was simply too much, too soon, too expensive
The trader had shown him a small woven square that had been far too expensive for Zoran to even give any thought at all to, and this man was covered with it
Unless you have plenty of money good quality wine is far too expensive
I looked into subsidy publishing at some point but found it to be much too expensive for my level of resources
Manda thought it was all a bit too expensive and extravagant, this new Manhattan lifestyle Sierra had slipped into with so much gusto
too expensive - and there were no discounts
“It’s obviously too expensive
Too expensive for us, we were still discussing the details
We the people have allowed our federal government, through our elected representatives, to ‘get entriely too big / too invasive (at home and abroad) / and too expensive
The lesson we can learn from Europe is that energy produced from wind is too expensive, unreliable and should be left to private businesses
A restaurant that was way too expensive
Television would be too expensive
It was too expensive
“My wife thought it was too expensive so I bought it for myself and had it engraved: ‘To RHP from RHP, Christmas 1975
insurance for your mother's funeral because it was too expensive
that it was too expensive for its age, which we’d later learn was actually twelve, not seven
If it‘s too expensive I will understand completely
I don‘t need the Sunday issue, it‘s too expensive
Sending the patient to the USA was out of the question, as that would have been far too expensive
It was too expensive to get
There was demand all right, but not for too expensive and unwieldy local cars, and the mighty British automotive industry is history
It is the most efficient way to discourage replication, by making the process too expensive to set up
around here that could keep up with it and it’s not too expensive to repair if you
that large families are too expensive to be practically possible
If paid links aren’t too expensive, and for that you
She then thought of the idea of reconstructive surgery, which she later discarded on account that it was far too expensive
marketing strategy, as they think they’re too expensive and just for larger companies
True, he still rankled at the thought of putting a healthy pet to death because it‘s owner was moving and couldn‘t take the pet or because needed treatments or surgery seemed too expensive when in reality the provided services were anything but expensive given the state of the medical arts and what could be accomplished, but, oh well, if people couldn‘t perceive this on their own then he, now older and more practical than dedicated, wasn‘t going to do more arm twisting via the guilty conscience
"Government at all levels is too large, too expensive, woefully incapable, disdainful, meddlesome, and grievous
As expected, a building this small wouldn"t contain any elevators; too expensive to build, maintain and not enough tenants to make it worthwhile
not be available in the area, may be too expensive, low quality,
Medicine has become too expensive in much of the western
I told them if they had to have one of those things, they should put it in the church steeple and not spoil the look of the place, but no, they said it was too expensive to do that and everyone wanted their cell phones to work - dreadful things
The drilling site intrigued her though, from what she knew from her earlier mission in the African jungle, the project could not have been entirely speculative; the operation of drilling was far too expensive for that
they enter the room – “Will the client think my product is too expensive? Are they
For many users they were too expensive until later on in the decade, at which point advances in the IBM PC's open platform had caused the IBM PC compatibles to become comparably powerful at a lower cost than their competitors
In effect, the total cost of equity becomes too expensive - not
rises with risk, but if risk becomes too expensive, as it may during an interest rate hike,
Meat is actually too expensive for most people to buy
They looked at Christian companies but they were all too expensive
This course is too expensive
with some respect the reason which may be that something is unhealthy , fattening and not good for you, or maybe is too expensive
“There is a place, I know, not too expensive, Signor
capabilities being acquired were considered by the buyer to be too expensive
That real estate’s way too expensive for him
It was simply too expensive to land his great ship and take-off
However, since you claim it’s too expensive, I haven’t been allowed to call him in weeks
That’s too expensive,” she said, before turning to speak directly to her youngest
‘Too expensive for me’ replied Jacques ‘once smoked some dagga but I’m not really a fanatic
He died at the age of sixty-one because the System calculated he was too expensive to keep alive
but it proved too expensive
At the time of the industrial revolution, the mayor had decided it would be too expensive to
GovCorp finally closed the Post Office when they deemed letters were a national threat and it would be too expensive to scan and read all of them
By purchasing surrounding parcels, Monsanto would buy the farmer's farm after it became too expensive for the farmer to run it anymore
infrastructure improvement, what ethic are they being driven by? If they are only against war because it is too expensive, then truly money is their god which is served before life and death
I could smash a window, but the cost to replace it and the mess to clean up was too expensive in both time and money
"Why is the hospital bill becoming too expensive for you to pay?" She replied sarcastically
Me i'm clean , well shaved , my clothes aren't too cheap or too expensive
doesn’t like buying olive oil because it’s too expensive, but since I do the shopping with him I always smuggle it into the trolley
Quarries do not use fire to a large extent because it is too expensive to pay laborers on a twenty-four hour a day basis to keep the fires fed
Most Muscovites used public transportation, as it was too expensive to own a car
drink of it before because it is too expensive, but this, this is an occasion that deserves a whole bottle of brandy
Here, the clubs are too expensive
It is a furnished flat, by the way, and far too expensive but it was available and I did not waste time
Its too expensive
We might remember, thus forgo the far too expensive luxury of condemnation and blame, that those individuals who perpetrate these distortions of life live inside the dominator model
00 was too expensive
She didn't fill up, you see, it was too expensive
‘It’s too expensive,’ Ananya’s mother said
signals that were too expensive
have shut out potential buys that seem too expensive
In addition, such healthy produce is often too expensive for many people
Parchment, the thin leather on which monks copied out the books of the Bible, was much too expensive to be used for drawings
They explained that it just meant that I’d have better than twenty-twenty vision but it was too expensive and honestly I prefer things a little soft and fuzzy around the edges
You look nice” written on the side and I thought that was very clever and would put everyone at ease while they were grieving me, and so I told Victor that he could buy me that one, or if it was too expensive he could just buy me a cheap casket and stencil that shit on the side himself, but then Victor got all yelly about my talking about funerals again, probably because he’s bad at arts and crafts
The way that experts calculated this theoretical 1 percent increase was open to massive interpretation, used by those groups that could most afford lobbyists to argue that ending discrimination against diseases of the brain was too expensive
His screw-galleys were too effective, too expensive, and too damned hard to replace for him to take avoidable losses
The aim was always to drive the Hillman Minx as far south as possible on the first day, in the belief that accommodations closer to Paris were too expensive
She would remove those silk stockings that so beguiled him, complaining that they were too expensive to be ruined in the rashness of the act
As long as your hair was long, but not too long, and your collar was wide, but not too wide, and your slacks were neither too expensive nor too cheap, and you watched the requisite eight hours of prime time a week and kept up with the adventures of Captain America and Iron Man and didn’t bring in anything too weird for lunch, you were pretty much okay
If young Plymdale will take our house and most of our furniture, we shall be able to pay that debt, and some others too, and we shall be quit of a place too expensive for us
They are liquid, volatile, and not too expensive
This relationship makes sense because you’re not going to pay for a good that you don’t need if it becomes too expensive
It might be too expensive or not worth the effort, but don’t ever tell me there is something we cannot do as a firm
Anyway, it turned out that even the smaller houses were too expensive
Capsules were too expensive, the darride too scarce, to risk
As the cost of oil and other fossil fuels fall, will solar energy become too expensive an an alternative? Possibly, but that should continue to decrease each year as the technology improves and it becomes less expensive to produce the PV cells
Straddles and strangles are certainly possible strategies when all options are too cheap or too expensive
06 percent because at this volatility the March option is fairly priced, but the February option is too expensive
The June calls are too expensive with respect to skew, but the March calls are too expensive with respect to implied volatility
If the trader believes that June implied volatility is high compared with March, now he will choose to sell call calendar spreads because the June calls are too expensive with respect to both implied volatility and skew
The bargain hunter will panic and sell stock he deems too expensive at either the first sign of weakness or when it has just begun its run
Usually the good stuff is too expensive
They did this identical thing with the penny when copper became too expensive in the early eighties
I don't have that number, but if it costs 20 or 30 percent per year to protect stock, it's too expensive because there is little chance of earning a profit by holding the stock