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    Utiliser "tortoise" dans une phrase

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    1. waters, who would not dream of lazing here awhile? Local wildlife includes hermit crabs, mangrove cuckoos, red-footed tortoise and tiny orange butterflies

    2. The tortoise behind me seems to be accustomed

    3. Perched on the tip of his nose was a pair of tortoise shell glasses with dark blue lenses

    4. just outside of Las Vegas that have been placed off limits in order to protect the desert tortoise

    5. I got in the shower, took a long shower, got out and toweled off, combed my hair with a tortoise shell comb there, kept the towel wrapped around me, and went back to the

    6. There are 400,000 acres just outside of Las Vegas that have been placed off limits in order to protect the desert tortoise

    7. 29 These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after his kind,

    8. the tortoise after his kind,

    9. Because of their acceptance of gradualism, they chose the tortoise as their symbol

    10. Remember the tortoise who won the hare? If you constantly put effort without quitting, surely you will win

    11. The ceiling was a masterpiece to put the rest of the artwork in the castle to shame: fashioned from jewels, diamonds, and bits of smooth glass was an expansive, inverted model of the open sea, replete with cruising fins and schools of fish, tropical islands and archipelagos, a tortoise with a scale forest on its back, and a replica of Coral Wing itself carved out of a sparkling prism, so faithfully rendered that Jai wondered whether there was an even tinier version of the fortress inside the first model

    12. The first of His incarnations was as the fish, Matsya, in water, then the amphibious tortoise, Koorma, followed by the pig, Varaaha, on the land

    13. The attendant was asleep, his chin tucked into his neck like a tortoise

    14. as is; potato and tortoise types

    15. and took a tortoise shell brush off the dresser and handed it to

    16. A Leader! What an idea! “Yes,” said the tortoise, “An idea of

    17. out,” said the tortoise

    18. “Can’t wait to try it out,” said the tortoise

    19. Oh, Hồ Gươm Lake, with its Ancient Tortoise,

    20. the Tortoise Tower that has been there forever

    21. mystic dance around the Tortoise Temple,

    22. For several months he was seen wandering about with a toolbox that the gypsies must have left behind in José Arcadio Buendía’s days, and no one knew whether because of the involuntary exercise, the winter tedium or the imposed abstinence, but his belly was deflating little by little like a wineskin and his face of a beatific tortoise was becoming less bloodshot and his double chin less prominent until he became less pachydermic all over and was able to tie his own shoes again

    23. The two hundred forty pounds that he had attained during the days when he had been challenged by The Elephant had been reduced to one hundred fifty-six; the glowing and bloated tortoise face had turned into that of an iguana, and he was always on the verge of boredom and fatigue

    24. gradually because of Mr Marriott's tortoise pace - to the

    25. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare… slow and steady win the race!

    26. We call this feature the "Gas Pedal", and it is depicted by a tortoise and a

    27. The "Gas Pedal", is depicted by a tortoise and a hare, much like the old

    28. Confessions of a tortoise believer of necessary preservative free

    29. remained as a memorable kind of paradox regarding spaced timings is attributed to Zeno of Elea 450 BC, who had composed that famous tale about a race between Achilles and the Tortoise

    30. This fable is about a race between a fleeting Achilles and a slow moving Tortoise that could never be won by Achilles since the little advantage that was initially given out towards the Tortoise could never be written off

    31. An old example had been made in the form of a story that has remained as a memorable kind of paradox regarding spaced timings is attributed to Zeno of Elea 450 BC, who had composed that famous tale about a race between Achilles and the Tortoise

    32. HARE AND THE TORTOISE, slow and steady is what wins the race, right?

    33. happen to you! Why are you like a tortoise that refused to say anything?

    34. In the US, the model of equal opportunity is the race between the tortoise and the hare

    35. He who can withdraw his senses from attraction of their objects, as the tortoise draws his limbs within his shell - take it that such an one has attained Perfection

    36. Therese carefully took her tortoise into her hands and placed her against her chest

    37. ” She stroked the shell and then put the tortoise back on its log in the tank with the hot lamp shining

    38. After leaving Therese safely at her door, Than went to her room and, in invisible mode, conversed with the hamster and the tortoise

    39. Than turned to the tortoise, which now said, “She’s loving and tender

    40. Than softly thanked the animals, and listened as the tortoise said a bit more

    41. “Good morning, sunshine,” she said in a friendly voice to her tortoise, who hadn’t yet opened her eyes

    42. shield rigidly in the tortoise formation

    43. The tortoise formation would have to be broken here

    44. Our consciousness has to protect itself from the external assaults in the same way as a tortoise does

    45. When the hounds find a creeping tortoise they try to make it their hunt

    46. But tortoise withdraws its vulnerable limbs inside its armor

    47. Southampton Row, however, is chiefly remarkable nowadays for the fact that you will always find a man there trying to sell a tortoise to a tailor

    48. In one place I saw a tortoise which was

    49. Are You The Tortoise Or The Hare?

    50. ing six months into their search that the tortoise had a suspiciously

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