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    trade route exemples de phrases

    trade route

    1. It turned out to be a very minor island, far from trade routes

    2. For centuries, we’d anchored the trade route between Anatolia and the Aegean

    3. “No, I still work the trade routes, but I’m a captain now

    4. Since Nazareth is on a trade route, many caravans come through our town

    5. Living in Nazareth on the Trade Route, Joseph and I both had a fair knowledge of a number of different languages

    6. History lesson: How many of us are aware that, had the Ottoman Turks not overrun that city, the last bastion of the Eastern Roman Empire, in 1453, thus cutting off overland trade routes to Cathay and other places east

    7. “So the Empire dominates and controls the trade routes

    8. important commercial city, located on the eastern trade route

    9. To get there, I had to turn off the main southern trade route and take a road that ran a little east of north through the eastern part of the Pansfalaya lands

    10. We were on another trade route that led more directly to the site of the Pelican Ordu rather than the trunk road which followed the Mongol River all the way to Murenbalikh, before turning south

    11. Plague wandered around with or without trade routes as their own experience should have taught them

    12. It took until well into summer to reach the prairie, and along the path, we finally encountered some yams, although they seemed almost random since they were on trade routes and I was going in a general direction

    13. Lord Tregannon must have a vast network of trade routes, and influence, in order to obtain such items

    14. Tera, standing on a small hill overlooking the plain where the trade routes converge literally at the door of Ur, shades his eyes from the glare of the sun

    15. Now that Ankharet has been destroyed the vampires may again partake of the trade routes in the highlands

    16. So Joseph traveled with his brothers along the trade routes with

    17. growing up on the trade routes of the Arab lands

    18. travel in the cities and among the trade routes, including many Roman

    19. Smith had secured the support of the Portuguese president, Antonio Salazar and Hendrik Verwoerd, the South African Prime Minister, for the continuity of Rhodesia’s trade routes through Mozambique and South Africa

    20. In the process, those missions helped establish a flourishing enterprise in trade over routes that collectively came to be called the Silk Road: the most famous trade route of all time

    21. In times of peace, when no crisis is in sight, those ships will continue to ply the space trade routes like they did before the war

    22. I tell him anything to do with trade routes, but he explains how treatises that promote planetary cooperation—not independence—are the most vital

    23. But trade routes don’t stretch that far

    24. The Buddhist shrine of Pagoda originates from the Indian Stupas then spread along the trade routes to China

    25. This road is not a trade route

    26. "Some," admitted the robot, "but that System is off the main trade routes and isn't of the highest priority

    27. Countries were merged on a regular basis, freeing up trade routes, reducing cumbersome duties and separate domestic and foreign trading policies, until there were only a few countries left in the world

    28. We needed a trade route to the north

    29. The colonists were constantly fighting with the native peoples, the trade routes were long and dangerous, and on top of all that the Russian Empire was in financial difficulties, all of which made it impossible for them to hold on to their distant colony

    30. The members of this Za dynasty claimed descendence from the tribe of Dan, and they kept up this lucrative caravan trade route of gold and salt long after Solomon was gone

    31. This dynasty stretched out for a very long time, until in 1050 AD the fifteenth king, Za Kusoy, converted to Islam, mostly based out of a need to ensure the security of the lucrative trade routes, as the lands north and south of the Sahara had come under Islamic control

    32. Now I don’t think the treasure is in modern day Mali, but what I’m hoping for is to find clues as to the actual trade route and possibly the destination points in Kush that will help me track down the flow of gold

    33. to the trade routes before he had a chance to catch up, his chances of

    34. they reach the trade routes

    35. he could, he would start making his way back toward the trade routes

    36. She had reached the trade route on her fourth day of solitary

    37. gested, “I suppose it has to do with trade routes

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