Utiliser "trade-off" dans une phrase
trade-off exemples de phrases
1. The connoisseurs insisted they could taste the difference in the meat so there was a steep price trade-off for genetically modified karga, but still left a huge advantage for the karga
2. "There are trade-offs in life, this design makes other trade-offs in the interest of speed
3. The chapter entitled, “Trade-Offs”, will help you with the external
4. These are all trade-offs you make for
5. He depicted the “trade-off” picture on the reverse side of Amanda’s demo, and he used Lomberg and Horner as sources of supportive material
6. edge that there are trade-offs — sometimes profound ones
7. grades were not really a good trade-off for her isolation
8. This allows the user to trade-off power and aC
9. normally encountered) what is needed is a balance, or trade-offs, so that protecting one's self and
10. trade-offs between your own interests and that of others – once identified, are these outcomes the
11. optimum doses – but then, that’s the nature of trade-offs
12. There are always winners and losers, and trade-offs
13. The only trade-off is
14. “This isn’t a convenient little trade-off," Brian said
15. This trade-off of more immediate
16. There are always trade-offs
17. He had made little progress and felt he may have lost a reliable source in an unbalanced trade-off
18. They sacrificed this loss of general awareness where any preying animal could sneak up on them more easily because the trade-off of being able to make and use tools enabled it to survive better in spite of this perceptual loss
19. Wealth and poverty are only relative trade-offs, relative imbalances
20. As a more humanized system of corruption: this trade-off is only supported because it makes the rich richer
21. But if everyone has different goals: they have to trade-off
22. As a novice golfer, you'll find a definite trade-off here
23. But there is a trade-off for speed
24. They are useful because they organize the data, but we are always dealing with a trade-off between effective summarization and loss of detail
25. Also, in any trading tool there is always a trade-off between being early with many false alerts and being late while waiting for confirmation
26. The second potential issue deals with managing winning trades; it is important to consider the trade-off between high probability of a smaller profit and the lesser probability of a large payout
27. This entry has the advantage of offering the confirmation of momentum with the trade-off that trade location will not be as good
28. Yes, there is motivation to have the stop as tight as reasonably possible (because the trade will then support a larger position size, not because it is a lower-risk trade), but there is an unavoidable trade-off between reward/risk ratio and probability
29. This trade-off between market order and limit order entry styles is an important issue to consider, and one that is sorely neglected in the trading literature
30. The trade-off was that they had to accept many small losses on entries that did not develop into good trends, but, for their system to work, they had to be involved at the start of every potential trend
31. From the outset, consider that there is an unavoidable trade-off between near and far stops
32. There is an unavoidable trade-off: taking partial profits will mean that you do not have your full size on for the trades that become big winners, so the trade-off is consistency at the expense of larger, but less frequent, wins
33. There is always a trade-off, and in this specific scenario, if the market does eventually break out of the top of the range, the trader will have on less than full size because she was selling some of the position at the top of the range
34. Marketable limit orders may well clear liquidity and result in slippage up to the limit price, but they avoid the possibility of a very large adverse fill with the trade-off that a marketable limit order may not be filled at all
35. The trade-off was to provide you with many examples of relevant patterns and trade decisions
36. There is a trade-off between trade location and confirmation here
37. The entry is probably best made on the close of one of those bars, but some traders will find success timing intrabar entries with a few potential trade-offs
38. There is an eternal trade-off between confirmation and trade location
39. Most traders find that it is a good trade-off to pay slightly higher commissions for better software and accounting—many of the lowest-cost brokers do not offer acceptable software interfaces, though this gap has closed in recent years
40. There is a trade-off between complexity and ease of use; it does no good to create an elaborate system that takes so much time to maintain that you do not do it on a regular basis
41. It might be an acceptable trade-off
42. My stomach told me it was a bad trade-off
43. There are trade-offs, and the approach has disadvantages, especially for OPMIs
44. Trade-offs are tricky in the value investing scheme of things
45. The most important things to realize about any financial system in any economy is that it is going to be replete with elements of inefficiency, misallocation of resources, frictions, and basic unfairness and that there will always be trade-offs
46. They see a trade-off between catalysts and low prices in OPMI markets
47. The trade-off between high P/E ratios and high ROEs on the one hand and reasonable prices relative to NAV on the other hand functions in such a way that an analyst wanting to focus on common stocks selling close to NAV will not be able to invest in common stocks when the issue is selling at a high P/E ratio based on current earnings and the company enjoys an above-average ROE
48. The same trade-off seems to exist under Revlon rules as exist under shark repellents from an OPMI point of view
49. The trade-off for those more attractive effective prices? We only collect 0
50. The trade-off is that our profits are capped at 2