Utiliser "transpire" dans une phrase
transpire exemples de phrases
1. things will transpire on your behalf
2. Soon the plain was crowded to capacity; young and old making their way to watch with interest what was about to transpire
3. More to the events at hand: We just made a historic open contact with an Alliance station and were welcomed, did routine business and were wished 'happy trails' upon our departure! That is the promise of a new future for our people we have for so long wished and which the Matriarch has hoped would transpire in our time
4. It suddenly dawned on him what was about to transpire
5. Waiting is always a problem whenever something important is about to transpire, particularly whenever the
6. Once again, I was uncertain about what was going to transpire in a couple of hours
7. Ashon owed everything that was about to transpire to this man
8. that will transpire in the meantime
9. The Police advised him to go on home and get some sleep, saying that in most kidnapping cases, the perpetrators would contact the next-of-kin with the Ransom demands, so it was pointless him waiting around at the Police station – they would contact him should anything transpire
10. 2 In a general way, Jesus knew beforehand what was to transpire on the mountain, and he much desired that all his apostles might share this experience
11. So, why was I having these dreams? Did they transpire as a means of a mental connection (ESP) to another, like some twins are known to have? And just who in the hell was this other in my dreams? Was he really me, living a double or parallel life? So many questions to be answered
12. There is much that is not seen, there is much that is not observed, but these things transpire no matter if observed or unobserved
13. Soon, it became apparent what was to transpire
14. When did this transpire? If I'm honest,
15. Interestingly enough Mitchell, the majority of my patients have a significant event transpire, just prior to scheduling our first visitation
16. Phillip swallowed, "Because I was leery of what outcome could transpire, if he did do it
17. ?" Jose stood in the half moon's light, nervous of what might transpire
18. me when I allowed it to transpire
19. Truth was, of course, that I was the last boy in our grade to hit puberty so not only was I unfamiliar with the act but I was completely unclear as to why anyone would want to engage in it the first place and what would transpire after the requisite number of “blows” transpired
20. Regardless of how slow or fast events may transpire however, time shouldn’t be confused with whatever event is being measured
21. The Gadget Man started to feel sweat transpire on his chest
22. But as great and powerful as that bond is, a true best-friend relationship can actually go farther and deeper than what can transpire between some parents and their natural children
23. The woman moaned just as he grunted, and not wanting to hear or see what was about to transpire, Ailia stuffed her fingers in her ears and squeezed her eyes shut
24. These are the feelings (positive emotions) that must transpire from
25. transpire during the meeting, brought forth further evidence in his inability of simply
26. ” Adrian and I had made plans to meet for supper and Desiree’ smiled in anticipation of events that were to transpire later in the evening
27. Being aware of what is likely to transpire in one's
28. No fish, no pig, no shark, no lark, no animal of which is born of the regular or of Wraethworld can feed upon her in this very place, and shall they try, they shall be struck down, because they cannot transpire the iron and wood, the metal and electrical, the fist and the thorn
29. The judge slowly sank back into his chair again, all the while contemplating Olin and wondering what might transpire next
30. Shamir said, “That means that even if you died at the moment you commanded the detonation and something caused a delay, the explosion would still transpire later when you are dead
31. Verily the worse has yet to transpire
32. However, it would transpire later that nobody actually died within Medusa Bar
33. Anyone standing in the pizza shop knew that what was about to transpire couldn’t bode well for the Branton kids
34. Strather and I were frozen in place, watching this impossible resurrection transpire
35. Christ offers a solution to the problem of human imperfection, limitations and weaknesses that may transpire into interpersonal destructive transgressions
36. transpire and that the time of long-prophesied events is now
37. Instead, collectively, they form an important substantiation of the Writ’s “historical accuracy” and conclusively attest to the fact that the events they describe did, in fact, transpire
38. Samantha’s idol was obviously in some kind of trouble; had she been too? I would come home at night, have a drink with a neighbor, say nothing about the drama I was watching transpire
39. From time to time promising features would appear on the distant horizon – ravines, maybe mountains,maybe even cities – but as they approached the lines would soften and blur into anonymity and nothing would transpire
40. And if that should transpire, unwanted places like the desert might be the harsh mother of repopulation
41. So that, through their zeal for him, they had all conspired, so far as in them lay, to muffle up the knowledge of this thing from others; and hence it was, that not till a considerable interval had elapsed, did it transpire upon the Pequod's decks
1. It transpired that his mobile phone had decided [over night]
2. I recently rang the Hospital to arrange a meeting to clarify a number of points – arranging this transpired to be more difficult than I had ever 35
3. It transpired that during my week of foul, self-centred temper and depression, Menachem had been leaving notes
4. I have no way of knowing what transpired, but we were able to get through the night
5. Naria then turned her attention to Mistress Tara and congratulated her on the events that transpired before their arrival
6. It transpired that The Telephone Man had stolen many, many
7. There is more Tam… Mya explained about her run-in with the hawk and what had transpired between them
8. She told him of all that had transpired since their last meeting
9. On top of that, the man hadn’t seemed surprised when it had transpired that the bird sanctuary was the place … did he know something? Well, maybe not know as such, suspect, maybe
10. As in the smoking car, everyone was trying to get some idea of what had transpired by gazing out the windows and questioning their neighbors
11. Wandering from shop to shop, they caught up on all that had transpired between their last correspondence and the present
12. “We cannot let humanity learn of what has transpired today
13. I proceeded to tell Sally the events that transpired early that night, of
14. "What transpired here, Stone Master?" she demanded, wasting no time on pleasantries
15. The first thing that they had done when they arrived back at the hamlet and greeted father O’Hara was to tell him what had transpired
16. Zarko sighed as he got up and started to pace the floor in front of her, relating to her what had transpired that morning
17. But now the time was ripe to inform Zarko about what had transpired in the meantime
18. After the Flood transpired, God says the following:
19. More to the point, it transpired one of her team had already extracted the data from Gerrid without her knowledge
20. It subsequently transpired that Prempeh's head slave had been placed in charge, and other slaves, freed from bondage in Kumassi, had flown there with the news of Prempeh's downfall
21. I wrote them a letter back telling them what had transpired between me and their salesman
22. We sat in the lounge and as I told them of what had transpired over the past eight hours they were horrified and stunned
23. We only have to see what transpired a couple of years later in Bophuthatswana to understand this harsh statement
24. I tried to explain as best I could to Egan what had just transpired and how much I wished he was with me to experience this moment
25. William was not aware of what transpired back at the house
26. Ron had filled him in with as much detail as it could concerning the game, the shellworld and what had transpired according to what it now knew
27. Ethan stood frozen in his chair, unable to fathom what exactly had transpired
28. what had transpired to Flower
29. of the events that had transpired to date
30. Following is the dialogue, which transpired between the Holy
31. This event transpired while i
32. After considering the events that had transpired, i realized
33. could have transpired had i not stopped
34. transpired in sequential order and timing there was no doubt that god
35. What happens when a citizen questions what actually transpired during 9/11 and the war invasions that followed? The elite government officials simply say it"s all just a
36. Chabi has been arrested by Toragana and his assistant wants to hear your version of what transpired between you
37. He took us to a room just off the entrance where we could wait with the door ajar so we could hear what transpired in the entrance hall
38. My mind drifted back to last night as my eyes burrowed in confusion at what had transpired between us when I had tried to sire him
39. It transpired that the old lady had cut off her son's financial support and the son, knowing the propensity of his father to use the shotgun threateningly, loaded the gun with the expectation that his father would shoot his mother
40. division had transpired, all was growing even beyond its
41. Actually the plan transpired during a
42. When lunchtime rolled around I was itching to talk to Tess, I was still in a daze over what transpired over the last twenty-four hours
43. I am still not clear on the dates of the incidents that transpired in 2010, when my
44. “I’m saying your wife hasn’t entirely honest about what transpired between the two of us
46. Nevertheless, when they had problems, no matter how insignificant, they got blown out of proportion in light of what had transpired
47. An especially fun night transpired at The Club on 55th and State Street
48. during interviews, all the way up to HR VP, what had transpired in ‘78
49. at the local Holiday Inn where all meetings with them transpired
50. It soon transpired that the Old Lights became
1. ‘That’s the odd thing about it – this Hansford guy isn’t black … but it transpires that his mother is
2. It transpires that she and Bunty had a massive row just before Bunty left Italy which caused some considerable cooling of the relationship between them
3. It transpires that Dave is also a member … something else we have in common
4. �Before the First Lady answers your questions, this meeting and what transpires at this time is not to be revealed to the press without my permission,� Sara McFadden stated to Steve and Linda sharply
5. god knows all that transpires, and He has more than enough grace
6. is being processed, everything that transpires is
7. for example if the person you love abandons you and it transpires that they were merely using you, then this would be perfect
8. Hardly does a day pass but something transpires to disclose that the Master knows what is going on away from his immediate presence
9. Contact us if anything transpires
10. “The nanobots transmit to larger nanobots in the gut, which are capable of transmitting further to a nearby location all the data that transpires within the dream state
11. Wat’s feelings are prescient, for it transpires Diane is seeing a carpenter from Dowlais who she’s met in work in Lewis Lewis’s
12. transpires and the Fed lowers rates
13. It transpires that she was arrested on 10 March 1976 at her workplace in the General
14. The former transpires, but the
15. It is best to avoid judgment or imagination before the change transpires
16. Nothing transpires, at least to her knowledge, though with each passing moment the air grows cold and the dappled, golden sunlight dilutes until it is nothing more than grey
17. tape-recorder and record everything that transpires,
18. They also seemed to have a certain say as to what transpires out here in the wilderness
19. “Something good always transpires out of something bad,” I told her
20. The definition of energy in terms of sub-atomic and atom-energy legitimately allows us to surmise the genuine possibility that the Energy needed to initiate the Big Bang is manifestly different from sub-atomic and atom-energy that make up the world, but is nevertheless a form of energy that atom-energy transpires and births
21. itself is continually updated by what transpires in space-time (explicate order)
22. that it occurs first within the seven dimensions that precede and define what transpires in space-time
23. to broader patterns that precede what expands into and transpires within space-time
24. what transpires within a computer’s environs, which are mostly perceived as the images on its
25. “I used to believe in coincidence, but not anymore, instead I think a lot of what transpires in life that is termed coincidence, is in fact the hand of God at work
26. The interview itself then transpires
27. From the reports of eyewitnesses it transpires that the seismic waves were accompanied by a violent atmospheric perturbation of cyclonic character
28. Whatever transpires in some small, remote province of the Empire, I hardly expect it will bring them out
1. What would become of that vision now that everything seemed to crumble like a wall of dried mud around her? She felt the child kick with vigor, blissfully unaware of what was transpiring in the world it would be born in soon
2. His guards were standing like unblinking statues at strict attention, as if they were oblivious to what was transpiring before their eyes, or simply did not care
3. The Prosops then was quick to answer, his voice somewhat distant, as it could not believe what was transpiring in its presence, a sense of loss and defeat mingled with utter fascination and disbelief:
4. ticular sequence that was transpiring
5. event that was transpiring, and i missed it
6. could not make sense of all that was transpiring
7. All of this was transpiring during a time of tremendous spiritual war-
8. tion of it and see what was actually transpiring
9. was completely unaware of what was transpiring around him,
10. 1 In all that is transpiring early this Friday morning before Pilate, only the enemies of Jesus are participating
11. While these events had been transpiring, the kingdoms of Shem had conquered their ancient master, Koth, and had been defeated in an attempted invasion of Stygia
12. “Boys!” Lezura shouted from as above, seeing the mess that was transpiring down on the vine
13. Events transpiring are out of our hands
14. Don’t bet too much money on that transpiring
15. " To Mitchell, he couldn't deny it, the thought somewhat intrigued him, all the while wondering what was transpiring back at the hotel? The small town's inhabitants then stole sideways glances that at first seemed threatening
16. In the passage of time that felt as a dream transpiring during
17. had transpired and what was transpiring around them
18. How would you describe yourself, and how do you address all of the different facets that have emerged that are attempting to describe what is transpiring around you and your message?”
19. Are you saying that you have not taken an active role in what is transpiring? Explain to us, if you will what exactly your message is for the people
20. All was transpiring in swells – no breaking waves
21. It might give him some insight on what was transpiring and who the other parties were that would soon be appearing
22. In watching his father’s reaction while all of this was transpiring, Paul could tell that everything his mother was saying was literally going inside one ear and right out the other
23. They should all be aware of what is transpiring within your usiness
24. This change is silently transpiring in our midst and is more important than any which the world has undergone since the downfall of Paganism
25. They didn’t pay much attention to his movements, rather, remained focused on what was transpiring out in the bar
26. Everyone’s eyes transfixed on this transpiring contest
27. He’d been uneasy about their wedding night, about what might be transpiring from within, having seen the swell of Nicolette’s belly
28. friend heard about these insidious people transpiring to condemn them, and warned of the
29. He imagined they were portals — worm holes he called them — to other dimensions of the space-time continuum and he was sending word to other star-troopers of important events transpiring here on planet earth
30. Instantly she felt that she was in error for thinking that what was transpiring around her was any fault of those shepherding her through the fires and the depravities of the enemy
31. visitation and intervention in the downfall of the Jewish authorities and in all the transpiring events
32. But their ultimate goal, once we are out of the way, is to claim these ships for themselves and to live out the desires of the past, which could prove disastrous for our world as we do not know what is transpiring beyond our world and are perhaps better off for that
33. visitation and intervention in the downfal of the Jewish authorities and in al the transpiring events
34. There was no telling what had been transpiring on the mainland since our absence from it
35. and intervention in the downfall of the Jewish authorities and in all the transpiring events
36. The sign of the Son of man in the heaven was a signal, the evidence of divine visitation and intervention in the downfall of the Jewish authorities and in all the transpiring events
37. Or, come to think of it, maybe prudishness would serve to put the brakes on whatever was transpiring here
38. ’Twould be consider’d arrogant, e’en a bit mad, to presume that the Events transpiring in one’s own Heart were fit Matter for a Book
39. The short sellers saw events transpiring such as counterparties refusing to trade with Lehman, which increased their conviction that Lehman could fail