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    Utiliser "travel guide" dans une phrase

    travel guide exemples de phrases

    travel guide

    1. I was reading in a travel guide that Athens is

    2. " That‘s what the common travel guides say

    3. Which is in no way intended as a negative comment about travel guides, they can be extremely useful and inspiring during a trip

    4. armed with my Fodor’s travel guide and a map – my mom rarely goes to the grocery story

    5. Simon spent 6 years living in Nagoya which he enjoyed very much despite the fact the place that rarely rates more than a page or two in even the thickest travel guides

    6. ” At our next meeting he came with several travel guides to India

    7. In the days when travel guides bothered to mention the island, they called the Ailats “erratic and possibly schizophrenic

    8. The first resource you will need is an established and well-recognized travel guide that is completely up-to-date

    9. Many times within these travel guides a hand-drawn map is provided by the writer, showing the general pattern of foot travel from one location to the next

    10. The standard travel guide can offer places to stop for a bite to eat in-between visits from one sight to the next

    11. It is suggested prior to your trip you purchase a popular travel guide and study it reviewing attractions, the hours and days of operation of the sights, where located, and accordingly put together a travel itinerary

    12. By scanning the prominent travel guides at the local library and the best booksellers you may be able to accomplish it

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