Utiliser "travelling circus" dans une phrase
travelling circus exemples de phrases
travelling circus
1. - travelling circuses continues to flaunt their ―collections‖ of tortured lions, tigers, crocodiles, elephants and hippos; the ―conclusions‖ of sanitary veterinary directions is
2. The men in the stable below, occupying positions of great peril, were, of course, connected with the travelling circus
3. We clambered down the ladder and out into the street just in time to see the great doors open and a procession emerge that was worth all the travelling circuses in the world put together to see
4. Next day the morning papers did not publish a solitary line about the great event; but in the advertising columns of every newspaper appeared the prospectus of the travelling circus just come to town, and in particularly bold type the public were told to be sure and see Yellow Hair, the savage man-eating lion, that had escaped the day before and killed a valuable horse in a private stable where it had been chased by the terrified keepers; and, in the paragraph below, the details followed of the wonderful strong man, Samson, who had caught and caged the lion single-handed, armed only with a crowbar