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    Utiliser "treasurer" dans une phrase

    treasurer exemples de phrases


    1. treasurer is sure) that the winemakers are understating

    2. The role of treasurer was decided based on the chairman's casting vote

    3. They had, at the same time, in the name of their treasurer, subscribed very artfully three hundred and fifteen thousand pounds into the stock of the new

    4. The lord treasurer received his rents

    5. At the end of every three months, they send this account to the treasurer, with the amount of the tax computed at the bottom of it

    6. Grayson Murphy was the treasurer for the League, Director of Goodyear, mining and rail companies, and on the boards of Bethlehem Steel and JP Morgan

    7. The only payment my father wanted from Ernest was that he agree to become a figure-head (so-called treasurer) on the triumvirate of the Board that ran his organisation, described as religious and charitable

    8. 15 So says the Lord God of hosts, Go, get you to this treasurer, even to Shebna, which is over the house, and say, 16 What have

    9. My best source was Luis de Santangel, the royal treasurer

    10. treasurer, and sent him with a commandment to bring him the foresaid money

    11. “Next, Dave Feldman, treasurer of Park Outdoor and Roy’s real estate holdings

    12. He and a group of supporters endowed the Durland Memorial Fund in honor of the former treasurer of Cornell University

    13. While he was treasurer, Cornell’s investment portfolio grew from $45

    14. Dave Feldman, who has been with Park companies for 15 years, will be treasurer of the new company and will also have an option to buy stock

    15. 11 Now when Cyrus King of the Persians had brought them out he delivered them to Mithridates his treasurer: 12 And by him they were delivered to Sanabassar the governor of Judea

    16. 49 Moreover he wrote for all the Jews that went out of his realm up into Jewry concerning their freedom that no officer no ruler no lieutenant nor treasurer should forcibly enter into their doors; 50 And that all the country which they hold should be free without tribute; and that the Edomites should give over the villages of the Jews which then they held: 51 Yes that there should be yearly given twenty talents to the building of the temple until the time that it were built; 52 And other ten talents yearly to maintain the burnt offerings on the altar every day as they had a commandment to offer seventeen: 53 And that all those who went from Babylon to build the city should have free liberty as well they as their posterity and all the priests that went away

    17. He said that if something were to take him out of the picture, the company has several good people available to take over, and in Mundell’s article, started by naming Wright Thomas, who my father said was: [N]ot only president, but also chief operating officer, treasurer, assistant secretary and director

    18. Members of the board at that time were my father and mother, the then treasurer of Park Broadcasting and ironically, Johnnie Babcock

    19. He became director of the Sales Executive Club of Greater New York in 1979, becoming its vice president in 1981, its secretary in 1982 and its treasurer from 1985 to 1987

    20. 7 Now when Apollonius came to the king and had showed him of the money of which he was told the king chose out Heliodorus his treasurer and sent him with a commandment to bring him the foresaid money

    21. get in touch with the church treasurer and see what we can do to

    22. She worked in the Treasurer's office, and the Treasurer was one of the officials who passed on his budget

    23. together, which was given to an appointed treasurer, at the end of each week and each one of

    24. assigned our treasurer and it was my lucky turn to get the money

    25. Bill, I would like to see you as the treasurer and a board member (or officer)

    26. Davis as the organization's Treasurer

    27. The Treasurer introduced a motion for the Secretary and Treasurer to open a bank account in an Azle, Texas bank for the Michael Toney Legal Defense Fund

    28. The Treasurer and Secretary agreed to meet May 11, 2001 in Azle, Texas to open the organization's bank account

    29. The officers of this Defense Board and its board are Chairman, President, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) Trustees

    30. The Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the Defense Fund

    31. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all funds received and disbursed by the Defense Fund

    32. The Treasurer is an authorized co-signer of checks disbursed by the Defense Fund and shall ensure that all checks disbursed by the Defense Fund shall bear the signatures of at least two (2) of the following authorized co-signers: President, Secretary, and Treasurer

    33. The Treasurer cited his reasons for the account's closure:

    34. Michael was the chairman, Denise Wallenhurst was the Secretary and I was the Treasurer

    35. Some of the (very few) letters I have been receiving are revealing that many of you, (including the contemporary President and the Treasurer of Association M'AIM) do not have a clear understanding of the precariousness and urgency of the current legal situation

    36. I am the Administrator and Treasurer of my church and I am always dealing with church members and staff that expect me to reimburse them without producing any receipts

    37. Keomah Genealogical Society with John and his wife Margaret, who was treasurer as

    38. “Be sure to put your title of treasurer,” he reminded her

    39. As soon as Jill, the treasurer, told me, I called a meeting

    40. I think we should start with a few words from Jill, the treasurer

    41. Jesus and Mary had hoped for the receipt of a considerable sum of money when the treasurer at Sepphoris had offered them a paltry amount

    42. It was as the position of Bursar, which translated meant Treasurer of college

    43. 1 After disposing of the fish catches of two weeks, Judas Iscariot, the one chosen to act as treasurer of the twelve, divided the apostolic funds into six equal portions, funds for the care of dependent families having been already provided

    44. Judas Iscariot was appointed treasurer

    45. He knew that trouble was brewing in the heart of Judas Iscariot even when none of the others suspected that anything was wrong with their treasurer; but he told none of them his fears

    46. 3 Andrew appointed Judas treasurer of the twelve, a position which he was eminently fitted to hold, and up to the time of the betrayal of his Master he discharged the responsibilities of his office honestly, faithfully, and most efficiently

    47. As far as they could see, Judas Iscariot was a matchless treasurer, a learned man, a loyal (though sometimes critical) apostle, and in every sense of the word a great success

    48. In the film “1492: Conquest of Paradise” by Ridley Scott, Christopher Columbus, old and defeated, encounters the Treasurer of Spain which blames him for being a dreamer, an idealist

    49. “Civilisation”, the Treasurer replies

    50. If Matadormus had parted with his wealth, it probably would have been put right back into his hands for administration as treasurer of the seventy

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    Synonymes pour "treasurer"

    financial officer treasurer