Utiliser "trollop" dans une phrase
trollop exemples de phrases
1. What truly bothers him is the idea of his old trollop getting it
2. He had it coming, trying to mix it with the big boys; and as for Frances! That two-bit trollop had lived about thirty years too long already
3. ‘Good, when you introduced her to me I thought she was a common little trollop
4. He could not see the little trollop tortured and slain by black men
5. Back in the box he found works by Dickens and Trollop, by Hemming-
6. At that moment, as he turned around, he saw a trollop, a Jewish woman, who was participating in their debauched gathering by singing and playing on the lute
7. was a snotty-nosed medical student, and he fancied this trollop as
8. Now the whole world will know exactly what sort of little trollop your daughter was
9. “The trollop won't be staying for dinner then?”
10. “No, Mrs Houston, I fear I have offended the trollop
11. Mrs Houston announced her arrival with, “The trollop has returned
12. A plague on you, I say, and I would not help you in your aspirations to be a trollop even if you sat on my knee
13. You could specialise as either a strumpet or a trollop and I would venture so far as to say that you would easily pass the examinations to become an utter harlot
14. For answer Mr Mulligan, in a gale of laughter at his smalls, smote himself bravely below the diaphragm, exclaiming with an admirable droll mimic of Mother Grogan (the most excellent creature of her sex though 'tis pity she's a trollop): There's a belly that never bore a bastard
15. To dress as a Boy gave one Privileges no Woman could e’er possess: first, the Privilege of being left in Peace (except by Robbers, who prey’d almost equally upon both Sexes); second, the very substantial Privilege of Dining where’er one wisht without being presum’d a Trollop; third, the Privilege of moving freely thro’ the World, without the Restraints of Stays, Petticoats, Hoops, and the like
16. Certainly, I had heard Tales of some of these old Women being hang’d or burnt or committed to Bridewell, upon the Evidence of some Half-Wit Child that he was made to vomit Pins, or the Evidence of some slatternly Dairymaid that the old Woman’s Look had curdl’d Milk, or the Evidence of some Town Trollop with Clap that the old Woman’s Touch had caus’d her to abort a Babe she doubtless wisht dead in any case—but nothing of the sort had happen’d in our Parish, so I tended to hear such Stories with a Divided Mind
17. “I’m sure I’m no Trollop, Sir
18. There, I saw the Use to which he had put all his Sketches of me! E’en the Name of his Trollop (which many assum’d was inspir’d by Francis Hackabout, the notorious hang’d Highwayman, or Katherine Hackabout, his hapless whoring Sister), was, in fact, inspir’d by my Tales to him (whilst posing in the nude) of my Travels with the Merry Men and Lancelot’s naming me in accordance with my Fortunes!
19. For, oft’ ’twas a Swain’s Desire to enjoy his Trollop in some curious Disguise which conjur’d voluptuous Fancies in his Brain
20. But maskt, I could be all Things to him; all Women: French Courtesan or Turkish Harem Slave, Venetian Lady or Provençal Peasant, Spanish Nun or English Trollop