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    tsar exemples de phrases


    1. To start a conversation with that Tsar

    2. "Look, history recorded that the Tsar, Nikolas the Second and his family -- the Romanovs -- were executed by the Bolsheviks at

    3. Nikolas II became Tsar of all the Russias in l894

    4. "Bluntly, Nikolas II was a reluctant Tsar, generally timid and not very brave

    5. "The Tsar

    6. The Professor explained that it was at Stavka that Tsar Nikolas came, first to observe the war and approve moves made by army strategists, and later to take over as Supreme Commander

    7. "The Tsar was worried

    8. " A massive picture of the Tsar in military khaki appeared

    9. The screen showed the Tsar standing proud and erect near some birch trees

    10. When the officer recovered, the Tsar rewarded his heroism and bravery by making him a permanent aide

    11. The Tsar commissioned Colonel Orlov to gather a company of the most trusted men he could muster -- officers, soldiers, Cossacks -- and collect a prepared list of the Royal Family's possessions

    12. "In summary, the plan was this: Colonel Orlov would transport the Romanov treasure by train to the Pacific port of Vladivostok, load it onto a commissioned or commandeered ship and sail for San Francisco where the valuable cargo would be placed in vaults at various banks to await the arrival of the Tsar and his family

    13. ” The chamberlain, the one with the scrambled egg, explained that the old dear was related to the former Tsar Nikolas II and Empress Alexandra of Russia

    14. "When the Bolsheviks ousted the Tsar, a man they detested, they had no idea they were paving the route for a Communist tsar named Joseph Stalin

    15. Ilya Orlov had been part of that incredibly rich lifestyle, but a special commission by Tsar Nikolas had sent the Imperial Guards Colonel and a band of trusted and brave soldiers with an enormous gold consignment of l05 tonnes on an arduous trek and voyage that had ended in disaster

    16. As the Tsar abdicated a Provisional Government assumed nominal control of the country

    17. Gaspar had over one-hundred tonnes of gold bullion in her hold, plus a lot of valuables belonging to Tsar Nikolas and the Empress Alexandra," he said

    18. "My grandfather was committed to twenty-five years military service with the Tsar

    19. Tsar Nikolas had first briefed the trusted Imperial Guards Officer, Colonel Ilya Orlov on the vital mission at a Polish railway junction called Baranovivchi

    20. It was the headquarters of the Tsar and the Imperial Russian Armies, and they called it -- Stavka!

    21. "Tsar Nikolas managed to live in extraordinary luxury with untold millions stacked away in his banks, but thousands of Russians died every year from starvation

    22. The walls were decorated with several ikons and at the far side of the chamber, above a large dais and several flags of Imperial Russia; were portraits of Tsar Nikolas and Empress Alexandra

    23. When he first scaled the great door, searched the caverns and found some of the personal treasures of the Tsar, he was sure the great Romanov gold was hidden in the great caves

    24. It is the property of His Imperial Majesty, the Tsar

    25. "Perhaps, when as a member of the Corps of Pages at Krasnoe Selo, I had the honour of serving the Tsar and the Imperial Family

    26. He spoke of riots, demonstrations, the shocking assassinations of close relatives and government ministers, but had adamantly refused to allow anyone to consider for one moment that he believed or suspected his future as tsar and ruler of all the Russias was in danger

    27. embroiled in a terrible civil war, the Tsar and his family had been arrested and imprisoned in Tobolsk in Siberia, and Bolshevik agents were everywhere

    28. "Our lives have been at stake for sixty years, we will continue our guardianship until His Majesty the Tsar arrives

    29. You don't know what to do with all that gold bullion, plus all those personal treasures of the Tsar

    30. "Therefore, we had no alternative but to wait here at Stavka for the Tsar or the Tsarevich

    31. It commenced over sixty years ago with the special commission assigned to me by Tsar Nikolas

    32. The one chance the survivors of Stavka had to preserve their lives, the remains of their village and maintain their dedication to His Imperial Majesty, the Tsar was gone

    33. "You must appreciate it is the property of the Tsar

    34. "The gold of Tsar Nikolas," Orlov said sadly

    35. "The coronation robe of Tsar Alexis," Orlov said automatically

    36. "They're only papers collected by the Tsar

    37. Is the State still concerned by what the Tsar might write? Is it that the great Bolsheviks still have sleepless nights

    38. This was the all-important Nikolas Consignment, the box of vital information, the source from which Tsar Nikolas had planned to write his memoirs, the story of an Imperial Empire toppled by revolutionaries whose very own loyalties were very much in question

    39. They suggested that if Germany assisted in the overthrow of the Tsar and affectively terminated the Romanov dynasty, the Bolsheviks in establishing the new government of the Russian Empire would grant military occupation rights to Germany, and furthermore, Kaiser Wilhelm would be granted the title: Emperor of all the Russias, Tsar of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Kazan and so on

    40. The Tsar said the papers were never to be let out of my sight

    41. restructuring caused living standards to fall well below those of pre-war levels under the Tsar

    42. The gigantic Tsar Bomba had the power of fifty million tons of TNT and shook the earth with a force measuring over 5 on the Richter scale used to determine the magnitude of earthquakes

    43. the tsar of Russia, was, to say the least, reprehensible, and then to

    44. The damage was done, and the tsar

    45. "You do not know the Tsar

    46. But it also means that the ungrateful Tsar won't get this shell for his collection and he can't complain about how it got destroyed

    47. If that asshole the Tsar had not declared war on Austria… Germany would never have been suckered into going to war by Franz Joseph begging for help against the threat of the huge Russian bear who had the largest army in the world at that time

    48. If the Russian Tsar Nicholas had survived that war: his fucking name would be plastered over every fucking history book as the emperor who was personally responsible for starting WW1

    49. So don’t feel sorry for that motherfucking Tsar Nicholas

    50. Nicholas the Tsar of Russia had started something the other more civilized Imperial trash could not stop

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    Synonymes pour "tsar"

    czar tsar tzar