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    Utiliser "tumble down" dans une phrase

    tumble down exemples de phrases

    tumble down

    1. at matelot faces as they tumble down

    2. They tumble down the steps toward the beach

    3. I leaped at the chance to join you—and then to have matters tumble down when our friend and his pirates attacked was simply too much for my optimism to overcome

    4. He walked up the hill, breathing heavily as he reached the top where he admired the view and watched Charlie stumble down the hill towards the creek

    5. It was enough to let me stand, stumble down to the underground lake and slide in

    6. reached the pyramid’s top, he would tumble down the other side and have to climb back up again

    7. Memories haunted Veronique so much that it was all she could do to not collapse and let her body tumble down the tundra to the valley below

    8. And when you've had the tumble down again and you're scrunched all to pieces and are just a miserable heap of blood and brokenness, where's your grit that you should complain? Haven't you seen wonders up there past all telling, and had supreme joys? It's because you were up in heaven that your fall is so tremendous and hurts so

    9. I know you think it was my idea to suppress your memories of Adrian and me, but the truth is we had gone to the orphanage to retrieve your belongings, and you had a tumble down the back stairs; when you came to, your whole personality had changed into that of your mother’s innocence

    10. She gathered the last bit of strength left in her abused and battered body, pushed her foot down, the car gathering speed, trees rushing past and before Chase realized what she was doing and tried to grab the wheel out of her hands the Jeep was airborne, shooting far out over the gorge before starting to tumble down, down, down

    11. "For me?" gasped Beth, holding onto Jo and feeling as if she should tumble down, it was such an overwhelming thing altogether

    12. The evergreen arch wouldn't stay firm after she got it up, but wiggled and threatened to tumble down on her head when the hanging baskets were filled

    13. At last, when he understood that Fiver and solely to find him and save his life, he forced himself to his feet and began to Blackberry had risked a second journey to the farm, in the broadest of daylight, stumble down the slope to the road

    14. Leaving her weapon behind, she started to stumble down the path that would carry her to the car where Bok was waiting

    15. Her countenance, a natural carnation slightly embrowned by the season, had deepened its tinge with the beating of the rain-drops; and her hair, which the pressure of the cows' flanks had, as usual, caused to tumble down from its fastenings and stray beyond the curtain of her calico bonnet, was made clammy by the moisture till it hardly was better than seaweed

    16. When an uptrend hits resistance, it acts like a man who hits his head on a branch while climbing a tree—he stops and may even tumble down

    17. He shoved Conklin hard again and watched him tumble down the rest of the stairs

    18. But here is the crazy thing: during John’s tumble down the mountain, the market averaged over 8% annual growth

    19. Then all is said, the tempest is loosed, stones rain down, a fusillade breaks forth, many precipitate themselves to the bottom of the bank, and pass the small arm of the Seine, now filled in, the timber-yards of the Isle Louviers, that vast citadel ready to hand, bristle with combatants, stakes are torn up, pistol-shots fired, a barricade begun, the young men who are thrust back pass the Austerlitz bridge with the hearse at a run, and the municipal guard, the carabineers rush up, the dragoons ply their swords, the crowd disperses in all directions, a rumor of war flies to all four quarters of Paris, men shout: "To arms!" they run, tumble down, flee, resist

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