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    Utiliser "tundra" dans une phrase

    tundra exemples de phrases


    1. Why was she so wrapped up in it now? Why was this plain as bleak as the tundra beyond Trastrab in her eyes?

    2. The Tundra bites, swarming with flies

    3. Before long the tundra has enveloped Manchester, and the polar bears move in and turn it into a winter resort

    4. Eventually crossing the tundra ahead she reached the raised ground that marked the cart-track that she had been seeking and slumped down on the side of the track catching her breath

    5. The tundra where we set up our tent was just absolutely covered with low bush blueberries

    6. ” In the early morning (like 4 am) Anne called me out of the tent as she had spotted a huge bull moose standing on a rise in the tundra several hundred yards or more from our tent

    7. A partial solution had already been discovered years before when oil was found beneath the tundra of the North Slope of Alaska in early 1968

    8. On that continent, millions of buffalos freely roam the plains, while herds of hundreds of thousands of caribous and deer roam the forests and the sub-arctic tundra

    9. What happened then was never told to anyone in Midgard, except for the Tundra people or, as you call them, the Samis

    10. Nothing but a tundra of snow, ice, and dirt

    11. Strewn all over the tundra were pieces of metal and plastic

    12. The tundra is hundreds of feet thick

    13. After rummaging around for another half hour, they found a clue, several metal parts similar to the ones on the tundra

    14. The subjects who were on the tundra outside of Snow City and in the tech facility were just tech subjects

    15. The sites, the cash, the thing on the tundra, combined with a few lies, seems to be working

    16. Even on the tundra up there outside Snow City

    17. Today, ice is melting, tundra is thawing, deserts are expanding we have had vast forested areas which are in decline often because of felling

    18. Following his chariot was a mass of beasts, exotic wildlife and performers the likes of which the Empire had never seen: hippopotamuses and ostriches from Southern Noba, trained monkeys and bears with strange black and white markings from the Land of the Golden Men and giant, horned ox-like beasts from the furthest reaches of the Hairy Men's tundra

    19. The tundra stretched for miles and he could not see the end of the rainforest

    20. Seeing as the tundra was much too dangerous to traverse, Darek

    21. Memories haunted Veronique so much that it was all she could do to not collapse and let her body tumble down the tundra to the valley below

    22. ” Her name was a flashflood of frozen tundra and I speculated on how long I could keep up this numbing charade

    23. Without further warning an ice shelf broke off loudly at that company’s fore when the tundra below was rocked by multiple impacts coinciding with coruscations

    24. It is a little oasis in the middle of the vast Alaskan tundra

    25. Unlike the taiga, the tundra is almost completely barren

    26. A magnificent caribou stag is lying on the cold lichen of the tundra, the wind blowing through its antlers

    27. The greater part of the NWT is the constantly frozen permafrost, which is mainly tundra, though in recent years the tree-line has moved 6 mi

    28. The wind is blowing again, but this is normal for the tundra; it's never still here, unless you're inside a well-insulated tent

    29. They have disappeared into the vastness of the tundra, But we are still going after them; I don't need to ask why, as I now know that at some point soon, they will stop

    30. I've been in the mountains, on the tundra and on the prairie, but never once in a forest

    31. on the Siberian Tundra with its stomach still full of

    32. Tundra having failed to stop her, she reached it just after noon

    33. Are you freezing your butt off in the Midwest winters, or battling the heat of the summer in Atlanta, wondering year after year why you don’t hoof it to a better climate? As a native son of Southern California, I’m always amazed by people who spend their lives freezing to death in the Arctic tundra of Minneapolis or Chicago

    34. "Yeah, you really tore up the tundra

    35. Trench-foot can develop when the feet are immersed in water for long periods, as in the boggy tundra during the summer months (see Cold climate hazards in Health)

    36. 5 Ferns occur in moist places in summer in far northern woods and by the tundra

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