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    Utiliser "turn back" dans une phrase

    turn back exemples de phrases

    turn back

    1. The mind wants to reject it and turn back time, believe in anything else except the reality it has been presented with

    2. Reluctantly, no longer able to avoid the issue, my thoughts turn back to the events of the evening … it had been kind of Stephen to offer me accommodation like that … why, oh, why did I have to lose my temper? I shouldn’t have bitten his head off like that

    3. They would have to turn back this Afternoonday, they didn't have enough water to go farther

    4. "We can take a little Noonsleep, then we have to turn back," doostEr told him

    5. He did not turn back

    6. The majority of overweight people suffer from chronic constipation, so one of your very first tasks is to turn back to chapter five, re-read all I have written, and vow to make an immediate onslaught on your sluggish bowels, as this complaint is very fattening as well as uncomfortable

    7. I turn back to my notes, trying to formulate what’s going on

    8. 19After this, he will turn back toward the fortresses of his own country but

    9. Then he will turn back and

    10. Too many things have been put in place to turn back now

    11. would have to return back to New

    12. was too late to turn back

    13. “They said that there’s been no evidence of a crash but apparently the radar saw the missing airplane turn back before vanishing!”

    14. ‘We’d better turn back,’ said Jacques as he sawed

    15. almost tempted to turn back themselves

    16. Panic set in, but I knew it was too late to turn back

    17. but then, I'm on my knees with just a few baubles left, I glance sideways to see how Jista's wrapping things up and when I turn back,” Reia pointed to Mim

    18. But now Torbin felt it was simply too late to turn back

    19. There was nothing to turn back for; even if he was going to die on this mission (for that’s what it had become) he would die for a noble cause, perhaps as their astronomer Zorandi Entola had done

    20. “Does this mean that I can return back to my unit?” He replied

    21. We collected our ration from the supply point without any incidents and now we were ready to return back to our lines and I for one would be glad of it

    22. “Turn back to me love for pity sake don’t you think I know what a mans body is like even naked don’t forget I’m a nurse and have seen more than my fair share

    23. He looked at the cat with regret and shame, wishing he could turn back time and treat it with more respect

    24. It's too late to turn back now

    25. captain in the fleet, Imbrahim ventured that she’d have used this as an excuse to turn back and limp

    26. Another mile and she would turn back

    27. I will not turn back on that vow now simply because it has become difficult

    28. And turn back from this wicked way you have chosen

    29. Blinking back the tears, she watched the aircraft turn back, just a couple of metres off the sea now, twisting sideways so the pilot could see them

    30. How had I slept through all this? I was about ready to turn back to my room and phone the Mounties when I heard a loud, “Hey Joey!”

    31. He was desperate to turn back, but his companions wouldn’t allow it

    32. The plan was to have Bert in the lead plane to navigate, and my two planes would turn back at the point of commitment—not a good idea to call it, ‘the point of no return

    33. Small wonder he refused to turn back

    34. Since you refuse to turn back, we have to bury him at sea

    35. She'd been turned and found it increasingly difficult to turn back, to abandon her chosen path

    36. The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart

    37. The black knight turned to pursue her but had to turn back to face Thomas that charged in with

    38. walked to the front of the train, and did not return back to speak with Junya

    39. spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent; neither will I turn back from it

    40. 9 So says the Lord of hosts, they shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine: turn back your hand as a grape

    41. them, So shall you say to Zedekiah: 4 So says the Lord God of Israel; see, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands,

    42. Two seconds after we made a left turn back onto the street where Nazaroff was parked, the blue Mustang shot out of its parking space like a drag racer at the Bonneville Salt Flats

    43. God, God, God, please if you are so omnicient, why not grant my wish, turn back time, give me back the life I was suppose to have

    44. He was the only titan who could turn back from stone all by himself

    45. No one suggested that they turn back

    46. They could not pick up any heavy object being in that state, as a shadow is something immaterial, but they could turn back into their titan selves and attack

    47. However, they would only be able to turn back to their shadow form with Vyry’s help

    48. So, my best bet is that these shadows shall have to turn back to their form at some point

    49. The Ancient have told me all I can do, but they have also warned me that tapping too much inside of it, I can turn back into that monster and there is no way of knowing if I would come back this time

    50. I assured him he was right, and if it wasn’t too late, he should turn back

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