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    Utiliser "turn out to be" dans une phrase

    turn out to be exemples de phrases

    turn out to be

    1. for the special date you are anticipating Feb 14th will turn out to be, this year!

    2. “Should we apprise them of a possible encounter, that is, if they turn out to be Scather ships?”

    3. It’s just too much of a coincidence that the name of someone Bunty knew years ago and kept in touch with by letter, should turn out to be the same name as the solicitor acting for the Foundation

    4. “That did turn out to be the case didn’t it

    5. However, sometimes his obedient nature could turn out to be most unhelpful, when not merely annoying

    6. could turn out to be a horrible, over-priced place that just

    7. He just hoped she wouldn’t one day turn out to be a frigid battleaxe when it came to intimacy

    8. However, in certain cases this may be just an illusion to help comfort the newly arrived being, as these souls could eventually turn out to be their spiritual guides or guardians

    9. This did not turn out to be the case

    10. We really enjoyed that meal even if it did turn out to be horse meat instead of proper steak I know that I had certainly eaten worse than this so it didn’t bother me and Bet didn’t seem concerned either

    11. She hoped that her mother’s advice would turn out to be right this time, even though she didn’t hold out much hope that it would

    12. They always have, even if, later on, they turn out to be great men

    13. “The craziest rumours turn out to be true, sometimes

    14. What appears to be good as viewed through the eyes of an individual may turn out to be seen as bad in the eyes of a mate, a family, or a community

    15. All this water would vanish into the sand in a day or two, but I needed to get across now, and avoid getting the engine swamped by plunging the truck into a ford that might turn out to be too deep

    16. She has lived like a prisoner ever since, but still managed to turn out to be a terrific kid

    17. But an even more predatory minority of four Justices was already building a new head of steam, and a powerful head it would turn out to be

    18. though, when fears are confronted, they usually turn out to be far less

    19. "I really don't know, Rose, but the course should turn out to be pretty interesting as the instructor seems to want to teach everything he knows about data processing

    20. "I know I can do the job even though there will be problems, but I will meet the obstacles, whatever they turn out to be

    21. It should turn out to be exciting, Monica, because of all the things going on with computers today

    22. Sadly, that didn't turn out to be a good plan

    23. Who’d have thought a group I joined online and agreed to meet in Birmingham would turn out to be a party of political activists? This wasn’t fair

    24. He involuntarily shuddered as the thought renewed his misgivings about what it might truly turn out to be

    25. The seal-mark will be a sign of some authority if they turn out to be soldiers

    26. “Always challenged before, this time, no one!” Again there had been rumors of sickness among their enemies, but these had proven false in the past and would probably turn out to be the same again

    27. This wasn’t how he’d wanted to encounter the Lammas Lord again, not in the early morning-cycle of a winter’s day in a burning field at the beginning of what might turn out to be another smaller war

    28. Whatever the old man had seen might turn out to be important

    29. sign of some authority if they turn out to be soldiers

    30. it would turn out to be?

    31. It would most probably turn out to be a dream like so many she had had previously

    32. The scent of the beech forest was wonderful and exactly fulfilled her expectations of how the English and Scottish forests and countryside would turn out to be; she loved every scent, sound and aspect of it

    33. Take heed that you are not deceived because many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and the time comes closer therefore do not go after them but when you shall hear of wars and commotions do not be terrified because these things must first come to pass; but the end is not so close by; Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom; and great earthquakes shall be in different places and famines and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from the sky; but before all these they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you delivering you up to the synagogues and into prisons being brought before kings and rulers for my name’s sake and it shall turn out to be a testimony for you therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand what you shall answer because I will give you the mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to use nor resist

    34. Eileen is afraid he will turn out to be some sort of salesman

    35. You might find things in your attic or basement that turn out to be worth much more than you thought

    36. This will change after July 16 and the year will turn out to be prosperous

    37. partners who would share in parenting, the men did not turn out to be male motbers,

    38. When the lad asked the Master how he could know that he would turn out to be a "mighty messenger of the kingdom," Jesus said:

    39. I think signing that contract will turn out to be a major moment in history for KP

    40. It remained to be seen how well trained these Swordsman Marines were and how effective a force they would turn out to be

    41. They settled in for what would turn out to be five hours of exams

    42. initially doesn’t interest you will turn out to be one of the

    43. “That didn’t turn out to be the case

    44. Never, in a million years, would I have believed he would turn out to be such a monster

    45. “Do you not think this could turn out to be a colossal mistake?” Wren asked

    46. Some things considered healthy by society will not always turn out to be so

    47. he did turn out to be this way in his dealings

    48. Later on, when Úrsula insisted that Remedios the Beauty go to mass with her face covered with a shawl, Amaranta thought that a mysterious recourse like that would turn out to be so provoking that soon a man would come who would be intrigued enough to search out patiently for the weak point of her heart

    49. It could actually turn out to be a fun job for me

    50. hand, it could turn out to be something that the user dreads

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