Utiliser "unavailable" dans une phrase
unavailable exemples de phrases
1. It was the drive status screen, all entries were marked unavailable
2. The girls and ladies who he really liked were invariably unwilling or unavailable to him for long
3. When Lord Boras made a small inquiry of her father, he was told that she was unavailable for she was in the service of the Queen
4. For once, the data was both unavailable and unobtainable
5. “Yes, her cousin was in town and they decided to visit, so she was unavailable last
6. After tearing a new asshole in the constable, Gonzalez had tried contacting Sir Craig Holland but had been told by his snotty PA that he was unavailable at present, and no, he didn’t know when he would be
7. True enough, the obelisk had saved them from dehydration and death, and even though food was still unavailable, and their progress seemed to be slower, water was more important
8. The fire was burning well now, but he was constantly throwing more sticks on it, as thicker wood seemed unavailable
9. These offered a special knowledge to its adherents, which was said to be unavailable outside of the cult intelligentsia
10. In your dad’s case, if I’m correct, his parents, the grandparents that you have never met, both came from old royalty: very strict in their discipline, boringly safe in their choices, and emotionally unavailable
11. There is a book that was written regarding this information, but unfortunately it is unavailable and out of print
12. Harry Michalacek was unavailable for comment, but one of the officers at the scene indicated than an arrest is imminent
13. on a router is down, that means the router is unavailable as a whole
14. unavailable and she should wait and try her call again later
15. He took his beating placidly, then resumed his routine, leaving behind word that he was out of the office on collection calls and hence unavailable
16. Clinics have access to information that is unavailable to UCLA, Mass
17. weary man pricking his finger with a black dirk such as was unavailable in the outskirts of the city, and
18. Mass and leave my second victim unavailable
19. Rory decided to take this happening as a warning, so he informed the MD that he would be unavailable to the “Inner Circle” for some indefinite period – the MD was not happy, but agreed nevertheless as Rory would continue his normal, day-to-day Accountancy and Investigative duties, for the Company
20. He was strikingly handsome and totally unavailable
21. She had a very respectable savings account that had grown from years and years of living with an oblivious and unavailable husband
22. She took out her mobile phone and dialled the Incident Room number only to be told by the Duty Officer that Detective Superintendent Demery was unavailable
23. When asked if he would like to assist, he stated that he was unavailable, citing Protocol 01-25
24. still unheard of and therefore, unavailable
25. I’ll spend a bit more time later on a record being busy and unavailable for update
26. Our means of getting the record for update should help to virtually eliminate the possibility of busy records and if other programs did the same thing unavailable records should be very rare
27. He’s unavailable, at the moment
28. I got the message, “The person you are trying to reach is unavailable,” and that was the end of the call
29. on the spot and sentenced to hang, along with my unavailable co-
30. He has several members of his congregation who are willing to pay handsomely for quality goods that are unavailable to them by other means
31. consider the (unavailable in this century) technological approach using band-gap crystals
32. Don't fret; you are just as pretty as any of those three, but you are now unavailable
33. When the Marines requested artillery fire support at a crucial moment, the army artillery unit assigned in direct support of the marines was unavailable because they were relocating to new positions
34. Does the lawyer have adequate office staff who can respond to you if the lawyer is temporarily unavailable?
35. Anti-freeze was unavailable
36. She was confused and needed help and with Jazz unavailable she was at a loss to know what to do
37. “Glenys Hastings of ‘Discriminate Representatives’ has been unavailable for comment
38. All the main players, the entire star billing, were unavailable to comply
39. How many times had she phoned yesterday? She had said she needed to talk and now she was unavailable
40. If the camp is in use (or a herd is not far off) it is unavailable to the public
41. Trolos wanted to speak with you, but I explained you were still in a war game exercise and were unavailable
42. previously been unavailable to them
43. There were times when it was necessary to be unavailable and he hadn’t thought Fielding essential to the investigation
44. All of it was unavailable to regular subjects of the Masses since the information was irrelevant to being a good worker for the OWG
45. (Safe right? I will talk more about that in part 3 when I explore being emotionally unavailable)
46. If you cling into the past you become unavailable to the present
47. All of ones available were powered by electricity, a resource currently unavailable
48. On several occasions when I visited him on Fridays, I always found him unavailable, and on many instances, I did confront him concerning his where about, he merely gave flimsy excuses, brushing the topic aside as if it is of no relevance
49. But I was unavailable to any of them
50. He can with propriety have only two--prayer and his wife; and in this case the wife was unavailable because of her sofa