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    Utiliser "uniformed" dans une phrase

    uniformed exemples de phrases


    1. In no time at all, the entire street seemed to be filled with cars and uniformed officers, and an ambulance whisked the young man away to Accident and Emergency before Miss Jones had time to find out his name

    2. Tiffany looked over her shoulder and, to her horror, she saw two uniformed policemen rocking backwards and forwards on the heels of their big black boots

    3. the van screeched to a halt by the memorial, that seven uniformed

    4. and uniformed officers, and an ambulance whisked the young man

    5. An ambulance is parked outside the club's main entrance with its rear doors open and a uniformed police officer stands guard while the paramedics deal with the incident

    6. Uniformed police officers are drinking stale coffee from a vending machine as they too watch the latest episode of real life casualty unfold

    7. As he sips from the steaming mug he spots one of his uniformed officers enter the room and walk up to the counter, order a bacon roll and a mug of the brown stuff

    8. As the woman handed the credit card to the uniformed man without comment, he felt panic surge through him

    9. Concentrating on not dropping the tray he was holding, the uniformed policeman kicked the door gently with one foot while he balanced on the other and manipulated the tray through the doorway, protruding tongue demonstrating precisely how much effort it was taking him

    10. They all got into the police car: Mrs Brown in the back with Andy; a second uniformed policeman in the driving seat beside the Sergeant

    11. Andy looked down at his hands resting on the table in the interview room painfully aware of the whirring coming from the recording machine sitting on the table which was taping every word said in the little room, and the laboured breathing of the uniformed constable who sat motionless on a chair by the door just staring into space

    12. South along the back of the far barn, walking slowly, looking into angles of shadow and watching for sudden shifts in light, one of the uniformed constables makes his way toward the field at the bottom of the farm complex

    13. A uniformed doorman sat behind the counter, directing girls in transparent flowing robes who hurried by with trays of steaming food

    14. The surgeon quickly passed it to one of the two uniformed officers who wiped the object clean

    15. The uniformed men moved so rapidly they looked as though they were running

    16. A shoulder holster would have been more practical, but they were against regulations for uniformed personal

    17. As explained before it does not matter practically who pulls the trigger but it feels somehow better if the terrorist is killed by the uniformed members of the Armed Forces

    18. It gives the 110 uniformed officers on the force a ten percent hike over the term of the contract

    19. If first impressions count for anything, Club Hollywood was just the sort of place Beth would recommend to any visitor wanting to experience San José nightlife: brand new shiny-bright glitz with hundreds of lights, glass, chrome and uniformed doormen, just as she envisioned Las Vegas to be, and completely contrary to her expectations

    20. The chauffeur, a uniformed Port Authority police officer, was beside the airplane when the door opened, offering a steadying hand as she descended the shaky, flip-down staircase

    21. There, before her, were two uniformed men and a woman

    22. The others around the table were: the man in a shiny ill-fitting suit, asking the questions and three uniformed officers, one of whom she recognized

    23. I think I was still crying when the first uniformed cop came through the door

    24. Finally, a young uniformed officer arrived with an older detective

    25. The young uniformed cop nodded and left just after I mentioned working at the condo and my visit to the Clearwater Beach IHOP

    26. The uniformed cop returned and gave a quick head nod to Cooper

    27. If the reaction of the uniformed sheriff"s guy was any indication, this new cop with Cooper was a heavy weight in the chain of command

    28. When I made my way through jungle and over rocks to the crash site where the embassy worker died, I initially thought one of the uniformed officers had touched the body, because this blood-crusted book was in the inside breast pocket of his sport jacket, where he had not shed a drop of his own

    29. The front gate, complete with a small guardhouse, manned by two smartly uniformed guards, brought to Beth’s mind the Federal Reserve Bank

    30. Eventually, they assumed their respective seats, Gordon upon his throne (which he would dearly miss) and Manuel in the lower chair, from where he reported that Michael Henderson, with two uniformed officers as his escort, waited in the outer office

    31. A uniformed customs officer directed him

    32. Beth could see through the windows as Hector entered, approached a uniformed official and spoke for a moment, undoubtedly slipping some of her money to his palm, because he abruptly smiled, accepted her ID, studied its face, then flipped to the back where there was nothing but an organ donor sticker: that, he studied with equal intensity

    33. Returned to the lobby, the uniformed man spoke briefly with Hector, who turned and began to weave his way through the crowd

    34. She turned and looked directly into the face of a uniformed man

    35. Two uniformed men climbed out of the car and stamped up the building’s steps and disappeared inside

    36. They were gathering their things when a battered truck occupied by four uniformed Polish policemen pulled up outside

    37. Another half an hour passed before she heard the uniformed men whispering they didn’t think it was possible to commit murder and have all traces removed in such a short time period

    38. The uniformed crew betrayed that it was a naval rather than merchant ship, but I could see no cannon

    39. I arrived at 9:50 AM and found two police vehicles with four uniformed officers guarding the gated entrance

    40. Verse 2 has led to a lot of debate, much of this being from uniformed

    41. didn’t seem to come into it once she took in the uniformed

    42. uniformed teeth and dripping saliva were but a few inches from his face

    43. that you uniformed officers actually do then?”

    44. To the rear of the building, one could see for miles around and marvel at the tall uniformed lines of poplar trees that stood to attention sweeping all the way to the lake at the bottom

    45. He slowly worked his mop towards the far end of the ward where a girl lay almost motionless and noticed a couple of uniformed officers engaged in conversation with the ward sister around her

    46. Police cars screeched to a halt, spewing uniformed officers into the square

    47. During the night, Roger observed a uniformed policeman circling their car two or three times

    48. Their uniformed guide then

    49. “Get her!” one of the uniformed men says

    50. The former got out and went to work for Brown & Root in Boston; whereas, the latter—who was the only uniformed Navy person at my farewell party—made a long career with the Navy

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