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    Utiliser "unobtrusively" dans une phrase

    unobtrusively exemples de phrases


    1. She let the antique 2175 handset record the names and faces as unobtrusively as possible

    2. The mess crew were unobtrusively clearing up bottles, emptying ash trays, and when they could squeeze in amongst the officers, taking a swipe at the table with wet rags

    3. ” The kid was studying Brendan unobtrusively out of the corner of an eye

    4. His initial adrenaline rush had quickly subsided, and his thoughts and actions were concentrated on the urgency of burying the bodies, breaking camp, loading the wagon and resuming their journey as unobtrusively and quickly as possible

    5. So William muttered away for a couple of minutes, while I checked my watch as unobtrusively as possible, wishing I were somewhere else

    6. amusement that Laura unobtrusively pulled her skirt over her knees, and closed his eyes as a signal to her that he wasn’t consciously peeking, and that she had nothing to fear

    7. He quietly closed the van door wiping any areas that he had touched with his handkerchief as he went and moved silently back into the limousine departing the area unobtrusively

    8. The contact policeman could sit waiting near the window and slip out unobtrusively to conduct his business

    9. unobtrusively everywhere, though often the recipient of the blessing and the

    10. Everything was not entirely lost however – when he had bent down to pick up his “skeleton” key lying in the foot-well of the desk, he had unobtrusively stuck a self-powered, voice-activated transmitter-mike under the footrest-bar!

    11. No one cast him more than a casual glance as he mounted the long steps, unobtrusively avoiding the torches that flared at intervals above the lapping black water

    12. Captain Curra noticed the deployment and unobtrusively rested his hand on the holster he kept in the small of his back

    13. I wondered what had become of her, if she might be living her life somewhere surrounded by books with a radio playing unobtrusively in the background

    14. In the following verse, Krishn also unobtrusively compares

    15. There were a few pastoral paintings placed unobtrusively around the room, again mostly in shades of brown with a hint of light green in the leaves and grass

    16. As he continued to unobtrusively study her, Joel speculated on what could be causing such extreme fear

    17. Un-fooled by her apparent interest in the view outside her window, Joel idly massaged the area just above her bandaged ankle, (which was propped up on his lap), and continued to watch her unobtrusively for a little while

    18. He’d never seen him react this way before, and they’d been best friends since grade school! Trying to fathom what it was about the young lady which had captured Joel’s interest so intensely, considering his friend’s tastes usually ran towards tall, curvaceous blondes, Keith carefully and unobtrusively studied Kathy

    19. In this regard, technologies that fit seamlessly and unobtrusively with the workflow of knowledge workers and managers hold the greatest potential for enabling the business of Knowledge Management

    20. The quiet doppelganger was leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes at her sister’s temper and unobtrusively observing the conversation

    21. Unobtrusively he walked into the Gun Bar some twenty paces away, next to the step up entrance, and selected a table in the corner

    22. Andy was at the coat check, and Theo was in the living room, unobtrusively watching from a corner

    23. He finished his cigar and walked over to the Avis returns box where he deposited the key, then slowly and unobtrusively he walked across the bridge to the other side of the motorway to pick up the silver grey Jaguar that awaited him

    24. This time, he walked away through the desks and was able to lift a couple of the forms unobtrusively as he passed

    25. Twenty minutes after arriving, his resignation unobtrusively planted under a couple of papers in Fred's in-tray, he headed for the car park

    26. Which, um, er… just so happens to be slyly and unobtrusively interconnected on every level and imaginable way to all of the oppressors, and enslavers and employers and multi-national corporations in the World… Which the investors themselves purportedly hate… but grudgingly tolerate: as long as their investment in their corporations makes a nice profit

    27. He was barely aware of Llewellyn as he followed him in and sat unobtrusively at his own desk

    28. His hand slipped to his left side pocket unobtrusively to rest on two canisters squeezed into his belt there

    29. and follow her attention to a medium sized painting that hung unobtrusively from a walled

    30. It was essentially just that; quietly, unobtrusively, with a regard for the independence of the men who sought its shelter ashore, and with no ulterior aims behind that effective friendliness

    31. When the drinks were served, Philpot, instead of paying for them, winked significantly at the landlord, who nodded silently and unobtrusively made an entry in an account book that was lying on one of the shelves

    32. To cut a long story short Bloom, grasping the situation, was the first to rise from his seat so as not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being as good as his word that he would foot the bill for the occasion, taken the wise precaution to unobtrusively motion to mine host as a parting shot a scarcely perceptible sign when the others were not looking to the effect that the amount due was forthcoming, making a grand total of fourpence (the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally the last of the Mohicans), he having previously spotted on the printed pricelist for all who ran to read opposite him in unmistakable figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, and honestly well worth twice the money once in a way, as Wetherup used to remark

    33. The deacon’s hand in a plush cuff accepted a three-rouble note unobtrusively, and the deacon said he would

    34. unobtrusively into the pink-and-yellow-draped booth that was to have been the McLure

    35. So he stayed and, gradually, unobtrusively, a large part of the burden of Tara shifted It was September and time to pick the cotton

    36. Only then will our order have the power unobtrusively to bind the hands of the protectors of disorder and to control them without their being aware of it

    37. Those who went away, taking what they could and abandoning their houses and half their belongings, did so from the latent patriotism which expresses itself not by phrases or by giving one’s children to save the fatherland and similar unnatural exploits, but unobtrusively, simply, organically, and therefore in the way that always produces the most powerful results

    38. Unobtrusively, that is

    39. – Glance over your shoulder frequently but unobtrusively – you don’t want to attract attention – and use reflections in shop windows to see if you are being followed

    40. Missy was, as usual, very distinguee, and well, unobtrusively well, dressed

    41. Nekhludoff had come here in order to distract his thoughts, for he used to like being in this house, both because its refined luxury had a pleasant effect on him and because of the atmosphere of tender flattery that unobtrusively surrounded him

    42. The flock choked; this was from the Goat, who had unobtrusively consumed most of the plate of toast at noon while the Lambs were discussing the visit of the Cousin and the Aunt

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