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    Utiliser "unpack" dans une phrase

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    1. ‘What have you been up to?’ he asked as I unpack the food and set it out on the table

    2. Back in the house, I calmly unpack the shopping and put it all away, the blue box sitting on the table drawing my eyes as I put tins away in the cupboard and packets on the shelf where they belong

    3. From there we can better unpack what it is that took place at the cross that disarmed them

    4. ‘I suggest you go and unpack what you will need for the journey then come up on deck

    5. She disappears out of the room while I unpack my pad and look around the room

    6. “Sure,” she said, “But don’t remove the tags or unpack the boxes unless you’re sure it’s yours

    7. Betty Alpha started to unpack the girls tent whilst Mary unpacked the cauldron

    8. She told Joseph to unpack our animal and tie him so he would be out of the way

    9. Colling remembered that he had neglected to unpack his bags when he had told Sergeant Prinzman he would, and now that he was alone in the dispensary, he undertook to do so

    10. When they emerged from the train station itself, a blast of cold wind hit Colling, and he realized he would have to unpack his overcoat

    11. Vicky gave me a thorough tour of the penthouse after she helped me unpack my things

    12. After thanking them for their help, we left to unpack

    13. To understand migration more profoundly, it is necessary to unpack it from the

    14. The next chapter will particularly unpack

    15. I therefore also intend to unpack the issues of

    16. The investigation, here intends to unpack the reasons for the Gender inequality

    17. Where I'll unpack that scented store

    18. With a shake of her head she began to unpack the small suitcase she had packed after going back to the house across the street

    19. Embarrassed, she scrambled to unpack the money

    20. ‘Who will unpack your treasures?’ Peteru sounded genuinely interested

    21. His main interest is the weather forecast and as the talk on the television is about the latest credit problems he starts to unpack his huge rucksack

    22. “Don’t bother to unpack,” Faye Anne said as soon as she arrived in Rachel’s office

    23. Mark the side where the glass is - this will help you unpack easier later

    24. Amelia Earhart smiled to herself as she watched Elizabeth Windsor and Margaret MacDonald happily unpack their new acquisitions in the main bedroom of the suite allotted to the two British

    25. Of a common accord, Ken took the maid with him to help unpack and place their things while Ingrid left the house on foot with the cook to go buy some groceries at the nearest market

    26. Unpack the download into the tools folder you created in step 1

    27. ����������� Back in Gaoler�s House, the seven German young women took the time to unpack their duffel bags and to put away their things in their respective rooms before meeting again in the ground level hall of the building

    28. She had the inner door open and I could see her unpack, but only vaguely in the distance

    29. Once Tina was gone, Zara gave a few orders to her two female assistants, making them unpack her numerous bags and suspending or putting away their content in the walk-in closet and in the chest of drawers of her bedroom

    30. Stinky, but I still loved to help him unpack

    31. “Kitara, have the crew unpack one of the starburst weapons,” Garcia said

    32. Nancy used the time it took for a wooden bathtub to be brought in and filled with warm water to unpack and put her things away

    33. You need pack up all of your things, clean up your old house, transport everything you own to a different location, unpack it all, and figure out where to put it in your new house

    34. your knapsack and unpack a relevant piece of wisdom

    35. It was a packed weekend - and now I have to unpack one suitcase and immediately

    36. not bothered to unpack, bending his finger back

    37. wads of cash, which the men began to unpack and put in between the candles, in neat stacks of five

    38. couldn’t explain, she had helped Kent unpack the two displays and set

    39. Tony helped unpack one of the pallets and scrambled to stack the supplies

    40. I was just ready to unpack my things

    41. “Trust it to rain now, just when we have to unpack the cars!”

    42. Kiera started to unpack some of the things on Pepper

    43. The servants haven't descended upon the area yet to get the princess ready for bed and unpack her luggage and build up her fire, and without their buzzing presence the passage feels deserted and chilled

    44. Unpack your bags see what exactly is in there

    45. “I’ve been trying to help her unpack everything, but as you can see, it’s a lot of work

    46. I unpack my gun and we examine it; the sight still retains the figures I set at home

    47. We unpack all the camp equipment, including a Coleman stove, gas cylinders and lots of boxes of food

    48. I unpack again and go through everything, looking in all the pockets

    49. Stillwell and Mary ran over to the bundle and started to unpack it

    50. Uncle Dylan goes into the cabin and I unpack the van

    1. “After all,” she said to herself as she unpacked the boxes and made neat piles of the cards and the packets of paper leaves, “I always enjoyed art classes at school and it can’t be that hard to make a few hundred of them”

    2. “After all,” she said to herself as she unpacked the boxes and

    3. She was so glad she had already unpacked on the boat and didn’t have that pack on her any more

    4. Of course, there was furniture and boxes to be unpacked, but it didn't distract from the giant white columns, stretching some thirty feet to the ceiling

    5. While he was looking at the view she unpacked the small bag and got out the cheeseapples and bottle they had brought

    6. confirming that the dwelling was empty, he unpacked his

    7. We unpacked the car, settled ourselves in, and made the

    8. Betty Alpha started to unpack the girls tent whilst Mary unpacked the cauldron

    9. They unpacked the components of the makeshift tent and set about erecting it

    10. I unpacked the bowl I had wanted to purchase for mother

    11. After we ate, we unpacked the donkeys and camels, then drifted toward our pallets

    12. Joseph laid Jesus down on it, then covered Him with a robe which I unpacked

    13. She sighed as she looked at all the unpacked boxes

    14. We got out and unpacked, entering the house and

    15. "Here's your tea, John," she said cheerfully, as she unpacked the

    16. While I unpacked my few belongings I visualised Spencer’s head connecting with the coffee cup

    17. We unpacked our bags slowly, having a laugh over everything we inspected

    18. To check all those millions of tons of cargo sufficiently well to find it, the Customs Service would have to multiply its force by a thousand, and even so, there would be such a backlog as each container was unpacked and checked into its far reaches, machinery opened and internal voids inspected, liquid and grain cargos filtered, that commerce in Southern Texas would grind to a virtual halt

    19. Once they were unpacked, Kato looked at LP, saying "Here comes Brownie

    20. He partially unpacked, hanging his suits and jackets in the armoire, but leaving everything else in his suitcase and the canvas bag

    21. Thomas unpacked his bet cloths and was soon looking

    22. They were jutted out of the embers with sticks and under loud amusement unpacked by fast, careful fingers

    23. The big Yurt had been unpacked and the guys were busy

    24. It was almost dawn by the time they’d unpacked the

    25. Slowly she unpacked and put her clothes away, then made the bed and undressed, first closing the curtains from force of habit,

    26. She helped him to spread it below the lemon tree and unpacked the basket

    27. conductor; then went to his stool, unpacked his guitar and moved to the microphone

    28. It was somewhat messy but not overly so, though his bed wasn't even made and he still had a couple of boxes he hadn't unpacked

    29. unpacked and assembled, one half of our house was unrecognizable and ready for business

    30. nightstand where he had placed them when he unpacked, quickly entered me, and got

    31. “Let’s get this car unpacked and then we can grab the backpacks and head out,”

    32. He switched on and unpacked

    33. He unpacked his clothes and put them in the small wardrobe, realizing that he would have to make a couple of trips to bring his possessions from Windsor

    34. This one had boxes in it but nothing was arranged or unpacked

    35. Sam unpacked the suitcase and hung a couple of items in the wardrobe

    36. While she was eating the tuna, she unpacked the rest of the charity food bag

    37. I took my stuff up stairs to the flat and unpacked setting up a mattress on the floor with my 34cm telly

    38. She enthusiastically unpacked the electronics included in this shipment

    39. caught the medicine bottle she had unpacked and placed

    40. I unpacked the rest of my luggage and looked around for

    41. “Come on”, I heard her speak again and I saw she had unpacked

    42. Many of the aircraft were destroyed before they could be unpacked from their shipping containers

    43. Upstairs, in her room, Ava unpacked her bags and stood in front of her wardrobe to pick out something nice to wear

    44. I unpacked and then headed out for something to eat

    45. Most satisfied, Nancy quickly unpacked her things and suspended her clothes, while Farah did the same with her single suitcase

    46. Holkey unpacked his surface-transporter

    47. Ingrid smiled at seeing the obvious happiness of Miriam of Magdala, fresh back from a shopping trip downtown, as the Galilean woman unpacked her new wardrobe

    48. I checked in, took a long hot shower, unpacked, shaved – I hadn’t that morning – and took the

    49. Max and Carla were soon ready to leave, they had not unpacked since they boarded, so they just added what was left

    50. The guests are invited to assemble in the main lounge once they have unpacked their things

    1. We leave his bag where it is, unpacking can wait until the morning

    2. Billy Whitlow and his daughter are in the kitchen unpacking the shopping

    3. But her roommates do show up, and there is more unpacking and more snooping around

    4. As soon as we were all done with the unpacking, we made our way to the conference room

    5. They went about unpacking one of the goats

    6. I set about unpacking my few pathetic belongings

    7. busy unpacking the bus

    8. Sunday I completed unpacking including setting up beds in both BRs

    9. opened the door to the cabin while the other began unpacking the car with fluid,

    10. started unpacking the bag when I got home and saw there was a big

    11. His room was cluttered with boxes, the same ones he'd delayed unpacking back on Praxis

    12. But while his procrastination had paid off there, he had no reason to delay unpacking them now

    13. Edgar flapped around in ever decreasing circles making tea, packing and unpacking, twittering about shopping, supplies, possible adverse reactions to an all-male troupe, forward booking confirmations, mail, and a thousand other things that would have floated over his sensible head a week before

    14. ” He set about the chore unpacking the meal that the old woman had sent with them while Corwin and Cathorian made camp

    15. After they had finished unpacking, they headed back to the galley

    16. Unpacking the presents later that evening when the two children had been put to bed, Robert pulled Annie into his arms and as ever he kissed her tenderly

    17. Unpacking the car with all the gifts which they had bought, they then set to in finishing the preparations for the evening meal together

    18. Colleen was dusting shelves and Jamie was in the back unpacking a few items that had arrived when a soldier walked in the entry

    19. Unloading and unpacking: This is when your clear instructions could save tons of valuable time

    20. In short, do your homework right during packing and you will get an A+ grade during unpacking

    21. # Accessorial (Additional) Services: Extra tasks the moving companies are required to carry out including packing, unpacking or any additional stopovers

    22. # Packing Service: Packing and unpacking services which moving companies provide

    23. This is a service provided by a full service mover where an entire packing and unpacking activity is handled efficiently by the moving company itself

    24. Her last souvenir had been of being in her hotel room, unpacking her things, when a hissing noise had attracted her to the entrance door

    25. I didn’t because there was enough unpacking and setting up of the home that needed to be done

    26. It might sound complicated but programmers can perform packing as well as unpacking very simply

    27. Ken then continued unpacking

    28. Once the unpacking was done and everything was in its proper place, Ken moved the larger picture of Nancy and that of Ingrid with her adoptive parents to the lounge, hanging them on one of the walls

    29. After unpacking her suitcases and undressing, Nancy stepped into the bathroom of her hotel room and took a quick shower, then went to bed for some much needed sleep

    30. “Right, now that we are all settled again, here’s how we do it, the financier lives on Bribie Island, on the day in question we load the truck with Mr Jay’s equipment which he will take across the causeway to a car park near the house of the financier, Mr Crow and I will have hired a fishing boat for a few days fishing I drop Mr Crow at the boat which will be waiting at the Beachmere wharf, Mr Crow takes the boat across Deception Bay, a matter of ten kilometres or so, he ties it up at the Bongaree boat ramp, after dropping Mr Crow I then drive across the causeway in the panel van and pick him up at the boat ramp, we drive to the truck then proceed to the house, Mr Jay our resident locksmith opens the door, you and I, Mr Crow, with our dart guns will then render the guards unconscious, at this time Mr Crow your only concern will be the guards you will not leave them, not even for a minute, understood, if you need a pee you do it there you must not take your eyes off them guards for a minute, putting two more darts in the guns you will stand over the guards and if they seem to be stirring you dart them again, Mr Jay and I will bring up the vehicles and start unpacking, I will then guard the front of the house, when Mr Jay has disabled the Wilson we will load it into the panel van and then load Mr Jay’s equipment back into the truck, Mr Crow and I then drive the panel van to the fishing boat and load the Wilson aboard, we then cross the bay with the money, while we are doing this Mr Jay is driving across the causeway and around to Beachmere to pick us up, we then come back here to open the box and share the money and then we live happily ever after

    31. The excited children, along with Nancy, quickly found out that other children were already in some of the cabins, unpacking their suitcases in their twin double-bunk cabins assigned to them

    32. Consulting a list attached to a clipboard, the steward stopped in front of a cabin where a young girl was unpacking her things and turned around to face his followers

    33. Unpacking quickly her two bags and putting their content in either one of the lockers or in the drawers under her bed, she then took out her two handguns, a compact GLOCK 26 9mm pistol and a FN FIVE-SEVEN 5

    34. Unpacking their bags took only a few minutes, following which the two of them decided to return to the main lodge building to have supper

    35. years, and it was when he was unpacking boxes after

    36. Unpacking and organizing her things took her less than half an hour, the result of a military life spent in majority in theatres of war or on rotation to frontline bases around Korea

    37. Unpacking as well the rest of her things and putting her now empty suitcases and kit bag under one of the beds, Ingrid finally left her room, locking it and making sure that her car was also secure, with its convertible top deployed and side windows up, before walking across the courtyard to go to the small restaurant that was attached to the motel

    38. We are still unpacking and putting away things from our recent move

    39. chops and a contented Coxswain who fussed about unpacking and storing the

    40. After they are done unpacking they both sit on their beds and watch TV

    41. Morinda, tired from unpacking her things in the new apartment

    42. I took a brief break in the middle of unpacking and noticed a book on the side of the dresser

    43. Why not?” They hadn’t even finished unpacking

    44. His unpacking had been done with orderliness itself

    45. Five minutes, ten minutes passed and Lizzie, feverishly unpacking Lucy's clothes in the bedroom below, and trying to find a complete set of them, and not knowing what belonged to which, didn't come back

    46. I put the pizzas in and finished unpacking my food

    47. After the unpacking was finished Nicole opened both of the windows, reveling in the

    48. “We’re still unpacking,” she said, coming up behind me

    49. The temperature is rising rapidly, and the more sporting among us are even considering unpacking their shorts

    50. I was never in one place long enough to make it worth unpacking

    1. One of them unpacks an antiquated Coleman cooking-stove, fills it with kerosene, and takes it into the tent

    2. She does not say a word about the incident as she unpacks a few boxes

    3. Nikíta (unpacks spirits, rusks, and salt herrings)

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    Synonymes pour "unpack"

    take out unpack empty disburden issue relieve unburden unload