Utiliser "uproarious" dans une phrase
uproarious exemples de phrases
1. The spirit shanties, of course, did a roaring trade; but if drunkenness existed on all sides, it led only to scenes of uproarious joy; they were far too happy at being home again and all their troubles over, for any quarrelling amongst themselves
2. uproarious laugh, and said something to his interpreter
3. By this time the assembled pilgrims were electrified, and with uproarious shouting they moved toward the bazaars and began to overturn the tables of the money-changers
4. It was a mad, uproarious scandal, a pressure valve bursting
5. This time it was uproarious and a few of the jackalopes even went around in little circles where they stood, or slapped at the ground with a hind paw
6. The festivities were so loud that, at times, the uproarious music and crowd could be heard outside of the city walls
7. The room, which he remembered so orderly, so austere even, with its beautiful dark panelling and tiers upon tiers of books, was messed over with the remains of what appeared to be a particularly uproarious supper-party
8. He raised his head and the sight of his flushed face, his tear filled eyes and his laughing mouth elicited uproarious guffaws from the others
9. Punching with her fisted hands she managed to pound his stomach only to cause an uproarious maniacal laugh
10. He was sometimes uproarious and was reputed to be of great physical strength
11. Hott included, laughing amok, Julie could only feebly throw the spent gas bag at him; and Mac, finding a moment to stop his uproarious laughter, spontaneously and coolly muttered to Julie, “Jinga Lebonx baby, Jinga Lebonx
12. This question of having tea or cocoa for tea became a cause of much uproarious merriment on the part of the children, who asked each other repeatedly which they liked best, `tea tea?' or `cocoa tea?' They thought it so funny that they said it over and over again, screaming with laughter all the while, until Tommy got a piece of cake stuck in his throat and became nearly black in the face, and then Philpot had to turn him upside down and punch him in the back to save him from choking to death
13. I thought about what I had written and could not imagine what had propelled her uproarious state
14. After so much stillness the noise of the steamer seemed uproarious and distracting
15. With laughing reluctance they slid down the short incline, uproarious, while little Marion stood by, always wanting to see it all, to be last
16. She sat primly on a hencoop in the yard while the others played an uproarious game of tag; and then they all climbed to the top of the pig-house roof and cut their initials on the saddleboard