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    Utiliser "ups and downs" dans une phrase

    ups and downs exemples de phrases

    ups and downs

    1. The markets have seen lots of ups and downs, but history shows that over time the value of a well-diversified portfolio will increase

    2. Over a long period of a few years some share show a consistent growth, some show ups and downs around a mean value, some show a persistent fall in value and quite a few just vanish out of market or are quoted at a value which is not worth the cost of paper on which the share certificate is printed

    3. Be Aware of Processing Ups and Downs

    4. emotional ups and downs from processing the release

    5. is released, but noticeable ups and downs occur about

    6. May Create Emotional Ups and Downs, 217

    7. all the ups and downs inherent in life

    8. In general, the up and down action of the elevator represents the ups and downs of your life

    9. Alternatively, the tides symbolize your emotional ups and downs

    10. Prior to our incarnation, we have all ‘signed up’ for the ups and downs that will feature in our present Earthly life

    11. following 190 years, the Hawes family, like most families in the early days of America, had been through many ups and downs,

    12. A complicated sequence of lefts, rights and even ups and downs that I had attempted

    13. The Ups and Downs of Golf Tournaments

    14. Was love always such a roller coaster of emotions? Sure, she and Josh had their share of ups and downs, but never like this

    15. She and Mike appeared to have their ups and downs, but apparently had built a tentative friendship as well as an enormous demand for bar supplies

    16. I have been fortunate to be born into a proper, old and wealthy family, but despite this, the first part of my life has been full of ups and downs and defined by countless struggles and a continued urge to fully understand the mind

    17. Clearly, there had been ups and downs in our relationship with Mexico over the last one hundred and sixty years

    18. accumulate experience and experience, this kind of person with a positive optimistic over the ups and downs in life, on their appearance simply don't see the storm clouds bring their appearance

    19. Q: Ups and downs in sadhana are inevitable

    20. You made it through all the ups and downs of pregnancy, the painful contractions and childbirth

    21. Business is cyclical with its ups and downs

    22. Wrestlers have unpredictable ups and downs and a champ today can be pinned on his back looking up at the lights tomorrow

    23. That was romantic; everyone says that a couple should always have its ups and downs sides and that a couple shout together stay together

    24. Every journey has its ups and downs

    25. The ups and downs and

    26. “There have been many emotional ups and downs, surprises and disappointments

    27. “Yes, but we have had so many ups and downs

    28. When all was settled between them, Nuke said, “Boy, I’m glad that’s over! What a relief! I was having a hard time following her through all those ups and downs, but I think she’s doing the right thing

    29. Even with the hormonal ups and downs of regular periods eliminated,

    30. Even with the hormonal ups and downs of regular periods eliminated, they

    31. As Jan would say to me over the years, despite our ups and downs, Aruba had been

    32. I don't know, I guess because there have been ups and downs in the past

    33. During lots of ups and downs I made friends with a tremendously talented writer, Steve Bowkett, who happened to make note that his publishers, Hendersons, were looking for writers to work on a teen horror line

    34. Think about how supportive it would feel to have someone willing to chat about your ups and downs and how you can improve from week to week

    35. Has its ups and downs

    36. “We all have a different fate, with our ups and downs

    37. Throughout the day there will be ups and downs, highs and lows

    38. I made it across the Rocky Mountains, although the climb up to the Divide was difficult and full of limitations and restrictions; I made it through the great North American Desert, where I had to get rid of a lot of baggage I had collected along the way if I was going to survive; and I made it past the Sierra Nevada, the last of the ups and downs before reaching the ocean

    39. Sure, life has its ups and downs, but you’re

    40. We had our ups and downs, but the ups were incredibly high

    41. These ups and downs remind me of my days as a

    42. “It has its ups and downs

    43. its ups and downs, mainly because you are sharing their private home

    44. The ups and downs were insane,

    45. lenging childhood, with its many ups and downs, but who hadn’t ? My

    46. unique take on the ups and downs and ins and outs of relationships

    47. It has its ups and downs, true

    48. “We’ve had our ups and downs, but I can’t put an end to

    49. Their working relationship had had its ups and downs

    50. I've had my ups and downs, especially since Mom passed on, but I'm really not crazy

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