Utiliser "venerated" dans une phrase
venerated exemples de phrases
1. She had the quiet beauty of Artemis who, according to my friend Homer, was venerated as Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals
2. only admired, but venerated in this town of Chretien de
3. ” They had stopped for a brief lunch and before they went back to the gardening, Belle walked her through the house and recited to her the stories of her own and George's ancestors, pointing out how they honored them and venerated their sagacity and far-sightedness
4. Where once I’d venerated the entire Pantheon,
5. Much respected and venerated by Lillian Hellman, who wrote „Scoundrel Time," never having had the perspicacity to recognize that she was in fact writing about herself
6. Hartle’s mother, a mythical figure to these people, was now venerated, and someone had somehow generated a bogus likeness of her, which was selling very well
7. He had been after all, as he said so himself, venerated as a God by the people he had raised as sons and daughters
8. The Tlatelolco main temple was also a twin shrine atop a tall pyramid, but they venerated Texcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli
9. My father always said that the way his people venerated God was by doing the best they could in whatever skill they had
10. children, was venerated for his ability to befriend interesting
11. The Black Stone is venerated by
12. before that most venerated robed one, with that huge corridor
13. congregation once again as the venerated bishop repeated his
14. adventures into those completely secret and most venerated of
15. via the help of the universally venerated cherub,
16. that the stars are right to set the venerated mood,
17. But, the counter argument is that, the Japanese gave no sign of capitulation after this fire raid; their rigid code of honour, as well as face saving, together with concern for the future of their emperor whom they venerated as a god prevented this
18. It doesn’t want to be venerated in any way and only wants to see Humanity, which it had been shepherding for millions of years, improve gradually and eventually abandon its wars, its intolerance and its hatreds, to live in peace
19. Consequently diligent conducts were being awarded a halo of a saint whilst our Mentor was venerated over aspects that were beyond us to understand
20. Francis thought about the Holy Spirit, the one expression of God who is venerated as being the Source of all wisdom and inspiration
21. He placed a very simple monstrance, a small crystal container holding the Eucharist or sacred bread, venerated as the Body and Blood of Christ, on the coffee table high altar
22. The Quran is not only venerated as the Holy Quran, but also handled reverentially in book form by every Musalman and his woman! The pictures of the Kabah adorn the walls of every Muslim home and business establishment! When it comes to Muhammad, it is hero-worshiping all the way, more fervent than any idol-worshipping ever
23. Tradition, this venerated, often questionable
24. Not surprisingly, the said opinion poll of ‘The India Today’ revealed the Muslim aversion for building the Ram Mandir at the disputed site; what is more, 21% of them, who are aware of the India history, consider Mahmud a hero, notwithstanding his vandalism at the venerated Hindu temples of that time
25. and venerated by the mass of ordinary Tibetans, was made to suffer
26. ghosts and spirits are venerated by men of ignorance
27. Statues of stone, portraying the most venerated of Heroes, were situated at the steps of large temples that overlooked the countryside
28. They venerated him and looked after him with love, affection and sympathy
29. Homer’s cosmological vision is not in line with the beliefs that were prevalent among the Greeks of his time, even though he uses the gods they venerated in his poem
30. This was true to the point that they had a high regard for the makers of magic and for those who specialized in it, and venerated them
31. It is infinitely humiliating, I do assure you, to be--shall we say venerated? For excellences one would like to possess but is most keenly aware one does not
32. Guess who the next wave is led by, Visola Ramaris? The Clan’s most venerated son… you may know him as the Destroyer of Kingdoms
33. But Christ is venerated by the multitudes of believers
34. They also venerated Mary Magdalene as the wife of Jesus
35. impressive natural piece of landscape which then became venerated as places for the
36. "'We announce,' he read, in the same tone with which he would have read a newspaper, 'that to-day, the 23d of February, will be executed Andrea Rondolo, guilty of murder on the person of the respected and venerated Don Cesare Torlini, canon of the church of St
37. The looks of most of the warriors were riveted on the earth; though a few of the younger and less gifted of the party suffered their wild and glaring eyeballs to roll in the direction of a white-headed savage, who sat between two of the most venerated chiefs of the tribe
38. So soon as the first hum of emotion and pleasure, which the sudden appearance of this venerated individual created, had a little subsided, the name of "Tamenund" was whispered from mouth to mouth
39. None but the most distinguished among the youthful warriors even presumed so far as to perform the latter ceremony, the great mass of the multitude deeming it a sufficient happiness to look upon a form so deeply venerated,
40. As this simple and yet terrible annunciation stole on the ears of the multitude, a stillness as deep and awful succeeded as if the venerated spirit they worshiped had uttered the words without the aid of human organs; and even the inanimate Uncas appeared a being of life, compared with the humbled and submissive throng by whom he was surrounded
41. When Herbert came, we went and had lunch at a celebrated house which I then quite venerated, but now believe to have been the most abject superstition in Europe, and where I could not help noticing, even then, that there was much more gravy on the tablecloths and knives and waiters' clothes, than in the steaks
42. There was a plaque a few inches wide made of ivory, delicately carved, showing the crucifixion of St Adolphus, at which the saint had asked God to grant good health and long life to all those who venerated his memory
43. Only Mattie based her decisions on what she could see for herself, rather than on some venerated authority
44. affection such as would be bestowed by an accomplished creature who venerated his high musings and momentous labors and would never interfere with them; who would create order in the home and accounts with still magic, yet keep her fingers ready to touch the lute and transform life into romance at any moment; who was instructed to the true womanly limit and not a hair's-breadth beyond—docile, therefore, and ready to carry out behests which came from that limit
45. I had come up through a system that venerated bootstrapping and a fierce refusal to fail
46. He who triumphs is venerated
47. Grantaire admired, loved, and venerated Enjolras
48. most imperious souvenirs, to all those solemn vows to himself, to the most sacred duty, to the most venerated text! Should he ignore his father's testament, or allow the perpetration of a crime! On the one hand, it seemed to him that he heard "his Ursule" supplicating for her father and on the other, the colonel commending Thenardier to his care
49. As for Toussaint, she venerated Jean Valjean, and thought everything he did right
50. What was that cess-pool which had venerated that innocence to such a point as not to leave upon it a single spot? What was this Jean Valjean educating Cosette? What was this figure of the shadows which had for its only object the preservation of the rising of a star from every shadow and from every cloud?